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Science & Health

News and updates from the health and science team. Topics include genetics, infectious disease, psychology, and more.

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Study: 40 percent are likely to attend a gathering of more than 10 this holiday season

As Covid-19 infections surge, experts are concerned the holidays could make things worse.

The Earth itself could provide carbon-free heat for buildings

The world needs clean heat, and geothermal energy has it.

The disturbing surge in Covid-19 hospitalizations, in one chart

How risky is air travel in the pandemic? Here’s what the science says.

How bad is your state’s Covid-19 outbreak?

How to have a safer — but not safe — pandemic Thanksgiving

America’s war on drugs has failed. Oregon is showing a way out.

Why the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine is a cause for optimism — and skepticism

Why North and South Dakota are suffering the worst Covid-19 epidemics in the US

It’s official: 2020 is the busiest Atlantic Hurricane Season on record

50 million world Covid-19 cases: The biggest outbreaks, explained

Why every state should adopt a mask mandate, in 4 charts

Pfizer claims its Covid-19 vaccine is 90 percent effective so far. Here’s what we actually know.

America’s third Covid-19 surge, explained

Trump abandoned the WHO. Biden will rejoin the agency on day one in office.

The Biden transition team announced 13 coronavirus advisers

What Biden could still do to fight Covid-19 if there’s a Republican Senate

Joe Biden will be president, but there will be no Green New Deal

The US Covid-19 epidemic hit a deadly new milestone, and help isn’t on the way

Exit polls suggest significant polarization about the pandemic and its economic fallout

Oregon just voted to decriminalize all drugs

Trump’s closing message on Covid-19: My only mistake was mishandling public relations

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A second Trump term would mean severe and irreversible changes in the climate

Death toll from 7.0-magnitude earthquake near Greece and Turkey rises to over 80

Daylight saving time ends Sunday: 8 things to know about “falling back”

98,000 new Covid-19 cases. And the worst may be yet to come.

Trump’s “Sharpiegate” grudge may have cost NOAA’s acting chief scientist his job 

We have to accelerate clean energy innovation to curb the climate crisis. Here’s how.

Why many Americans refuse to participate in contact tracing

Europe’s second wave of Covid-19 doesn’t excuse Trump’s failures

Polls show Trump is losing ground where the coronavirus is surging

Big Oil’s hopes are pinned on plastics. It won’t end well.

Why the record low Arctic sea ice this October is so alarming

States need billions to prepare for Covid-19 vaccines. The federal government isn’t helping.

The absurd controversy over Joe Biden’s “transition away from the oil industry”

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Trump’s pullback of pollution controls is even more hazardous than you think

US hospitals are preparing for the worst-case scenario as Covid-19 surges again

European countries with spiraling Covid-19 outbreaks are shutting back down

What it’s like to be enrolled in a Covid-19 vaccine trial with your entire family

How racism amplifies Covid-19 risk for everyone

Colorado is fighting its largest wildfire in history. Other massive blazes are close behind.

The US broke its record for the highest number of new coronavirus cases in a day