Boggs Twp. man homeless after fire destroys residence

A firefighter hoses down a house on the 600-block of Laurel Run Road in Boggs Towhship Monday afternoon after an overheated furnace caused a fire there. The home and its contents were destroyed.

WEST DECATUR — A man and his dog are homeless and his house destroyed after an overheated furnace cause a fire that ripped through the one-story structure on Monday.

Firefighters from Philipsburg Vol. Fire Dept. were dispatched at 1:21 p.m. to the 600-block of Laurel Run Road in Boggs Township. The structure was fully engulfed when firefighters were on scene, and the roof was beginning to collapse.

About 40 firefighters from 11 fire companies were on scene about three hours. There were no injuries.

The structure and contents were a total loss, and were not insured. The Red Cross is assisting the owner, identified as Howard Smith.

Assisting Philipsburg Vol. Fire Dept. on scene were emergency responders from Hyde Vol. Fire Co., Rescue Hose & Ladder of Curwensville, Chester Hill Hose Co., Wallaceton Vol. Fire Co., BJW Vol. Fire Co., Morris Township Vol. Fire Co., Winburne Vol. Fire Co., Grassflat Vol. Fire Co., Columbia Fire Co. of Osceola Mills and Houtzdale Vol. Fire. Co.

Firefighters from Bellefonte Vol. Fire Co. were on standby at Reliance Fire Co. in Philipsburg, and Alpha Fire Co. of State College was on standby at Morris Township.

Moshannon Valley EMS was also on scene.