University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Athropology

Volume 8 / Issue 2

Issue Cover

On the cover: Bronze coin with portrait of the emperor Domitian.

Following Captain Cook Around Europe

Photo of objects

By: Ernest S. Dodge

In the summer of 1957 I had the pleasure of visiting the anchorages of Captain James Cook in the Society Islands. With me I carried a copy of the new Hakluyt Society edition of his first voyage. It was a fascinating experience to read the great explorer’s descriptions at the very places where he wrote […]

Break-Through on The “Lienzo De Filadelfia”

By: Ross Parmenter

Research problems, in a way, are like log jams. For a long time they seem to present an unbudgeable wall. But let the water get through one little are by dislodging a few logs, and it is only a matter of time before the whole edifice gives way. Mixtec lienzos are a case in point. […]

Ephraim Avigdor Speiser

By: Samuel Noah Kramer

On June 15, 1965, Ephraim Avigdor Speiser, creative scholar, inspiring teacher, gifted writer, died in his Elkins Park home in Philadelphia. For over forty years he was connected in one way or another with the University of Pennsylvania, and for close to twenty years he was chairman of its Department of Oriental Studies. His scholarly contributions are […]

The Tale of Pupily-Eyeballs-Thing

A Truk Ghost Story

By: Boutau K. Efot

Translator’s note: In 1964-65 I spent ten months with my wife and two sons on leave from the University of Pennsylvania doing ethnographic research in Truk, an island group in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The story of Pupily-Eyeballs-Thing (Nifewunmeseccawerccawer) was told me there by Boutau K. Efot of Romònum’s Island.  About 47 years […]


The Lost Divinity

By: Kenneth D. Matthews, Jr.

Titus Flavius Domitianus–a handsome man, graceful of carriage, rather tall in stature, quick witted and intelligent though not well educated in the liberal arts, somewhat flushed in complexion and certainly over-sexed; this was Domitian the son of an astute, cheerful, country gentleman and the grandson of a most respectable provincial government tax-collector and banker. By chance and […]

Current University Museum Research – Winter 1966

ANDEAN STUDIES – Alfred Kidder is compiling the publication of his excavation at Chiripa in highland Bolivia. APPLIED SCIENCE CENTER FOR ARCHAEOLOGY (ASCA) – Continuing development of underground exploration instruments and dating methods and compilation of technical information. Froelich Rainey in charge. Instrument surveys with the new Varian Associates cesium magnetometer at Sybaris, Metaponto, and […]