University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Athropology

Volume 14 / Issue 2

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A Greek Metalworking Quarter

Eighth Century Excavations on Ischia

By: Jeffrey Klein

Ancient notices of the Greek colony of Pithekoussai, the present island of Ischia in the Bay of Naples, are surprisingly scanty and often contradictory. Its early history seems to have been as obscure to ancient writers as it was to modern scholars before systematic archaeological explo­ration began there in recent years. Even the significance of […]

Cruise of the United States Frigate Potomac

By: Karen Goodrich-Hedrick and John D. Hedrick

Sir Mortimer Wheeler’s dictum, “Dead archaeology is the driest dust that blows” is too often realized in ethnological specimens relegated to “storage” in large museums. Sterile and life­less, artifacts lie in neatly arranged rows or hopelessly jumbled piles collecting the dust of time. That these objects were once part of dynamic, living societies—collected by living […]

The Buried Past of Dehli

By: B.K. Thapar

According to popular belief there have been eight imperial cities of Delhi of which New Delhi, or Raisina as it is called by the less sophisticated, is the most recent. New Delhi, planned in the twenties of the present century by Edwin Lutyens, is the last in this series of eight cities. Qila Rai Pithora […]

Excavations in the Swamps of Sumer

By: Vaughn E. Crawford

My first visit to Al-Hiba was in November, 1953, when 1 was a member of an archaeological survey led by Thorkild Jacobsen of the Oriental Institute. At that time we spent a few hours examining this huge tell where we are presently working. Since neither W. K. Loftus who visited and made soundings at many […]

New Treasures From Nigeria

By: Ekpo O. Eyo

Recent excavations in western Nigeria conducted by the Department of Antiquities of the Government of Nigeria indicate that the town of Owo—situated between Ife and Benin—may provide long-sought clues to the puzzling inter­relationships which link those two famous art centers. Though our analysis is not yet complete, the quality and quantity of the finds must […]