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U.S. Congressman LOUIE GOHMERT: Proudly Serving the First District of Texas


Service Academy Nominations

Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Service Academies that represent the military’s most outstanding opportunities.

The Nomination Process

Candidates interested in applying to the military academies are required by law to have a nomination to attend a particular academy (except the U.S. Coast Guard Academy). Authorized officials to nominate candidates are your Member in the House of Representatives, your two U.S. Senators, and the Vice-President of the United States. I may nominate applicants who are legally domiciled within the boundaries of the 1st District of Texas.

Who Is Eligible?
An applicant for a nomination must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1st of the year of admission to a service academy. The candidates must:

  • Be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday

  • Be a United States citizen

  • Be unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents

  • Be a man/woman of good moral character who is trustworthy, emotionally stable, and motivated

Applying To My Office For A Nomination
Students interested in a nomination should contact my Tyler District Office in the early spring of their junior year in high school or fill out my online form. The deadline to send in a nomination packets is 1st of November. Please note that it is extremely important that the student begins the application process with the service academies themselves.

Service Academies
There are five Service Academies: 

*Nominations are required for all but the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, to which appointments are made on the basis of an annual nationwide competition. 

Since nominations and appointments to the service academies are very competitive, candidates can increase their chances by applying through all nomination authorities and all service academies that they may have a real interest. Candidates may be nominated by more than one nominating authority and/or to more than one Academy.

For additional information, please call my toll-free number (866) 535-6302.