Marketing technology solutions

Build top-notch technology to solve marketing challenges.

Solve marketing challenges with integrated technology

Create powerful, integrated marketing tools and solutions and spend less time on maintenance and management. We provide an open, secure, and flexible platform to support any marketing workload or challenge.

Develop features and products faster

As the industry changes, you need to quickly iterate and respond. Only Google Cloud gives you a flexible framework to build what you need at a pace that matches the industry. Time spent managing operations is time not spent developing features. Products like Google Kubernetes Engine and Airflow can help you to reduce the amount of time it takes to innovate and launch products faster. NoOps products like BigQuery and Cloud Pub/Sub make it easier to get directly to the analysis without worrying about the management.

Google Cloud Platform helps us stay ahead of the competition. Our online conversions improved by up to 2x, which increased the efficiency of our investments. Once again our sales strategy is supported by our technology, in a win-win balance, which ultimately benefits our clients.

Claudia Collu, Chief Commercial Officer, MainAd

Scale with a global network

As you grow, you need to be able to quickly scale to meet demand. Google Cloud is built from the bottom up to help you do just that — efficiently and securely. Our global network makes it easy to spin up and manage servers in any region.

Our engineers are 10 times more productive than they were before, and our costs are 10 times less than they would have been because GCP handles our infrastructure so we don't have to. That frees us to provide better services for our marketing customers, which is ultimately what will guarantee our success.

Mickey Hsieh, Vice President of Engineering, Data and Applications, Viant

Get more for less

With Google Cloud, the cost of your infrastructure doesn't have to grow at the same pace of your business. Our customer-friendly pricing means you only pay for what you use with no lock-in, providing better overall value.

Choosing Google Cloud Platform has reduced our infrastructure costs by 90 percent and some of our processes have become ten times faster. Ten times faster and ten times cheaper, so one hundred times better for us!

Erkan Ceran, Head of Software Development, SEM

Use cases

AdTech workloads

Advertising technology contains a broad set of workloads. Learn how to use Google Cloud technology to set up and architect your platform.

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Application hosting

Build a scalable, globally available multi-tiered application or host a specific part of an existing application with GCP services and infrastructure.

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Real-time bidding

Build your entire bidder from scratch on Google Cloud, or build the features you need like analytics pipelines, cookie matching services, or bid optimizers.

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Manage and analyze ad tech data

Set up and manage high volume data pipelines. Use machine learning for decisoning and other tasks performed by ad servers and bidders.

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Serverless pixel tracking

Set up pixel tracking servers without the complexity of having to deal with costs, latency, scaling, and high availability.

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Ad serving

Serve the right ad to the right user at the right moment by building your own flexible adserver with Google Cloud.

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Our customers


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Google Cloud

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