Google Cloud certification

Google Cloud certifications validate your expertise and show your ability to transform businesses with Google Cloud technology.

Why get Google Cloud certified

87% of Google Cloud certified users feel more confident in cloud skills.1

Professional Cloud Architect is the highest-paying certification of 2019.2

30% of Google Cloud certified users took on more responsibility or leadership roles at work.1

  1. Percentages indicate those who strongly or somewhat agree with the statement. Findings from a survey conducted with Google Cloud certified individuals in May 2019 by an independent third-party research organization.
  2. Based on survey responses from the Global Knowledge 2019 IT Skills and Salary Report.

Which Google Cloud certification is right for you?

Associate certification

The associate level certification is focused on the fundamental skills of deploying, monitoring, and maintaining projects on Google Cloud.

This certification is a good starting point for those new to cloud and can be used as a path to professional level certifications.

Professional certification

Professional certifications span key technical job functions and assess advanced skills in design, implementation, and management.

These certifications are recommended for individuals with industry experience and familiarity with Google Cloud products and solutions.

User certification

The user certification is intended for individuals with experience using Google Workspace and determines an individual's ability to use core collaboration tools.

Cloud EngineerAssociateRecommended experience: 6+ months building on Google Cloud.Google WorkspaceUser certificationRecommended experience: Completion of Applied Digital Skillstraining course and Google Workspace Essentialsquest, and 1+ months on Google Workspace.ProfessionalRecommended experience: 3+ years industry experience, including 1+ years on Google Cloud.Cloud ArchitectCloud DeveloperBETAData EngineerCloud Security EngineerCloud Network EngineerCloud DevOps EngineerMachine Learning EngineerCollaboration Engineer

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Google Cloud Certified Fellow program

The Google Cloud Certified Fellow program identifies technical leaders who are experts in designing hybrid and multi-cloud enterprise solutions.

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