AutoML Tablesbeta

Automatically build and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models on structured data.

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Machine learning on structured data at speed and scale

AutoML Tables enables your entire team of data scientists, analysts, and developers to automatically build and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models on structured data at massively increased speed and scale. Transform your business by leveraging your enterprise data to tackle mission-critical tasks like supply chain management, fraud detection, lead conversion optimization, and increasing customer lifetime value.

Increase model quality

Increases model quality

Produce state-of-the art models (see features for more details) with one click. We automatically search through Google’s model zoo for structured data to find the best model for your needs, ranging from linear/logistic regression models for simpler datasets to advanced deep, ensemble, and architecture-search methods for larger, more complex ones.

Handles data as found in the wild

Handles data as found in the wild

AutoML Tables automates feature engineering on a wide range of tabular data primitives — such as numbers, classes, strings, timestamps, and lists — and also helps you detect and take care of missing values, outliers, and other common data issues.

Easy to build models

Easy-to-build models

Our codeless interface guides users through the full end-to-end machine learning lifecycle, making it easy for anyone on your team to build models and reliably incorporate them into broader applications. We provide extensive input data and model behavior explainability features, along with guardrails to prevent common mistakes. AutoML Tables is also available in API and notebook environments.

Easy to deploy

Easy-to-deploy and scale models

AutoML Tables uses Google’s low-latency serving infrastructure, which makes deploying machine learning models extremely easy, regardless of production workload volume and global reach.

Saves time

Saves time

AutoML Tables reduces the time it takes to go from raw data to top-quality, production-ready machine learning models from months to just a few days.

Saves money

Saves money

AutoML Tables doesn’t require a large annual licensing fee. It’s priced based on compute and memory usage, so you’ll only get charged for what you actually use.

See how you can use AutoML Tables to turn your structured data into predictive insights

How AutoML Tables works

Automl table

AutoML Tables and your business

Leverage your enterprise data to address a whole host of mission-critical challenges.



Maximize your revenue

Better predict customer demand so you can preemptively fill gaps in your portfolio and maximize your revenue by optimizing product distribution, promotions, and pricing.



Optimize your portfolio

Foresee and optimize your policyholder portfolio’s risk and return by zeroing in on the potential for large claims and likelihood of fraud.



Understand your customer

What’s your average customer’s lifetime value? Make the most of your marketing spend by using AutoML Tables to estimate predicted purchasing value, volume, frequency, lead conversion probability, and churn likelihood.



Maintain your equipment

Proactively anticipate asset, device, and equipment breakdowns to ensure your fleet operates at optimal performance with minimal costs.


Compute and memory usage
Training 6 hours of free one-time use (per billing account)* + $19.32 per hour
(92 n1-standard-4 equivalent machines used in parallel)
Batch prediction 6 hours of free one-time use (per billing account)* + $1.16 per hour
(5.5 n1-standard-4 equivalent machines used in parallel)
Online prediction $0.21 per hour
(1 n1-standard-4 equivalent machine)
Deployment $0.005 per GiB-hour x 9 machines
(model replicated to 9 machines for low latency serving purposes)

* Valid for 1 year from the time of the first training. Credits (training/predictions) will be added as the first training is triggered.

For more detailed information, please view the pricing guide.


Google Cloud

Get started

Ready to try AutoML Tables?

Automatically build and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models on structured data.

This product is in beta. For more information on our product launch stages, see here.

Cloud AI products comply with the SLA policies listed here. They may offer different latency or availability guarantees from other Google Cloud services.