Apigee open banking APIx

Simplify and accelerate secure delivery of open banking compliant APIs.

Open banking APIx
Accelerate open banking and PSD2 compliance

Accelerate open banking compliance

Use preconfigured API proxies to authenticate and secure financial communications.

Grow an ecosystem of partners and customers

Grow an ecosystem of partners and customers

Quickly and securely share data with the Apigee open banking APIx developer portal.

Promote internal and external innovation

Promote internal and external innovation

Leverage the pre-integrated OAuth security framework to enable different access models for internal apps or third-party providers.

Want to learn more about Apigee open banking APIx?

See the open bank portal with the open banking APIx and find out how banks can quickly and securely share data and go beyond compliance to grow an ecosystem of partners and customers.


From Open Banking in the UK, to PSD2 (Payment Services Directive) in Europe, to CDR (Consumer Data Right) in Australia, regulators around the globe are mandating financial institutions open programmatic access to financial data and payments capabilities. These regulatory specifications have stringent requirements for strong authentication and secure communications that financial institutions must comply with.

The Apigee open banking APIx solutions simplify and accelerate secure delivery of open banking compliant APIs. It will help accelerate regulated entities towards offering compliant APIs, so that they can quickly move beyond compliance and pursue the wider opportunities in the API Economy.

API Accelerator for Open Banking (UK) / PSD2 (EU) compliance:

  • Preconfigured proxies for banking APIs according to CMA’s open banking specification
  • OpenID Connect FAPI support
  • PISP- and AISP-specific workflows and API product monetization
  • An integrated OAuth security framework to support various access models
  • Support for the access-to-account rule via end-user authentication with OpenID Connect
  • A banking-specific developer portal with API docs, tools, and an API sandbox with test cases

API Accelerator for Australia / CDR compliance:

  • Open Data Sandbox (Mock data)
  • Reusable logic that can be used for implementing CDS compliant APIs
  • Authentication and authorization, including consent, with a mock OIDC Provider

PSD2 was a trigger in the financial industry, but we looked at the opportunities beyond PSD2 compliance and we found that we could actually improve the customer experience and gain new business models because of open APIs.

Koen Adolfs, API Banking Product Owner, ABN AMRO
Google Cloud

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