Analyze APIs

Monitor and manage APIs to measure success.

Use insights to drive results

Gain end-to-end visibility across API programs with operational, developer engagement, and business metrics. Get real-time information about the entire digital ecosystem, including apps, consumption, API performance and usage metrics like traffic trends and spikes, latency, response times, and other custom criteria.

Improve The Developer Experience

Improve the developer experience

Build better relationships with your developers and drive decisions based on valuable insights. Track API programs’ top developers and apps, and measure developer engagement. And with developer engagement and traffic composition dashboards, you can identify active developers, traffic, transactions, and errors generated within a given time period.

Proactive Risk Management

Proactive risk management

Maintain peak performance and availability with instant visibility into the health and performance of your APIs. Monitor and report on API traffic, errors, latencies, response times, and throughput. Use real-time operational metrics to drive proactive decision-making and protect your API program from malicious bots or threats.

Informed Business Decisions

Informed business decisions

Track and measure adoption and usage of published APIs across products, developers, apps, channels, and locations. Make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to customer and market changes. Determine the APIs that are performing well or poorly and which developers are delivering the highest value traffic. Plus, get visibility into revenue impact where APIs are monetized.

Generate Custom Reports

Generate custom reports

Act deliberately and respond faster to changes that impact business goals. Custom reports provide insight into your API program that help drive business, improve operations, and troubleshoot issues. Detailed drill downs inform clear communication based on the data that matters to users.


Apigee dashboard

Get a quick, comprehensive look at your API program. See overall traffic, watch how developers engage with your APIs, and see which apps receive the most traffic. Use the data to get a detailed view of the driving forces behind your APIs.

Anomaly investigation

Identify spikes or dips in API traffic and gain insight into what is happening around the time of the anomaly. See API proxy traffic patterns and processing times. Visualize how much traffic APIs generate and how long it takes for API calls to be processed.

Custom reports

The custom report dashboard displays the results of your data collection over a specific time range. Build custom reports according to organization, environment, time range, and filtered data.

Business transactions dashboard

Monitor and visually compare traffic for specific API patterns across multiple API proxies. Understand changes in API traffic relative to business, marketing, or partner events. And measure the impact of API programs in real time.

            API Monitoring and Analytics Ebook
Google Cloud

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