Video AI

Enable powerful content discovery and engaging video experiences.

Video AI image

See how a small team at CBS Interactive is serving 38 media brands with content discovery and recommendation solutions.

Fully featured video AI products

Two ways to make your media more discoverable and valuable

AutoML Video Intelligence

AutoML Video Intelligence has a graphical interface that makes it easy to train your own custom models to classify and track objects within videos, even if you have minimal machine learning experience. It’s ideal for projects that require custom labels that aren’t covered by the pre-trained Video Intelligence API.

Video Intelligence API

Video Intelligence API has pre-trained machine learning models that automatically recognize a vast number of objects, places, and actions in stored and streaming video. Offering exceptional quality out of the box, it’s highly efficient for common use cases and improves over time as new concepts are introduced.


Create custom entity labels to categorize content

Precise video analysis

Video Intelligence API automatically recognizes more than 20,000 objects, places, and actions in stored and streaming video. It also distinguishes scene changes and extracts rich metadata at the video, shot, or frame level. Use in combination with AutoML Video Intelligence to create your own custom entity labels to categorize content.

Make media easily searchable and discoverable

Simplify media management

Find value in vast archives by making media easily searchable and discoverable. Easily search your video catalog the same way you search text documents. Extract metadata that can be used to index, organize, and search your video content, as well as control and filter content for what’s most relevant.

Creating intelligent video apps

Easily create intelligent video apps

Gain insights from video in near real time using the streaming video annotation service and trigger events based on objects detected. Build engaging customer experiences with highlight reels, recommendations, interactive videos, and more.

Automate expensive workflows

Automate expensive workflows

Reduce time and costs associated with transcribing videos and generating closed captions, as well as flagging and filtering inappropriate content.

Integrate services with Google Cloud Storage

Process and store on Google Cloud

Seamlessly integrate with Cloud Storage to easily store and upload videos to your model. Select the region where processing will take place and choose from any region where Google Cloud is available. Benefit from a consistent API, low-latency, and speed across multiple storage classes.

Which video product is right for you?

You can work with either one or reap the benefits of both products by using Video Intelligence API to quickly categorize content using thousands of predefined labels and using AutoML Video Intelligence to create additional custom labels to suit your specific needs.

AutoML Video Intelligence Video Intelligence API
User interface
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Use a graphical UI
Predefined or custom labeling
Annotate video using predefined labels
Pre-trained models leverage vast libraries of predefined labels.
Annotate video using custom labels
Train models to classify video with custom labels of your choice.
Additional features
Stored video analysis
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Google Video Intelligence allows CBS Interactive to plug into our existing video encoding framework to generate video metadata. It provides us with options to use as is or to enhance other models. The performance and reliability allows us to enhance the video experience for our customers and improve content awareness and personalization.

Adam Leary, VP, Data Science Services, CBS Interactive

Use cases

Identify inappropriate content

Content moderation

Identify when inappropriate content is being shown in a given video. You can instantly conduct content moderation across petabytes of data and more quickly and efficiently filter your content or user-generated content.

Build a content recommendation engine

Build a content recommendation engine with labels generated by Video Intelligence API and a user’s viewing history and preferences. This will simplify content discovery for your users and guide them to the most relevant content that they want.

Creating indexed archive of entire video library

Media archives

Create an indexed archive of your entire video library by using the metadata from Video Intelligence API. Ideal for mass media companies, Video Intelligence API can automatically analyze content and make the results immediately accessible via the API.

Inserting contextually relevant ads

Contextual advertisements

You can identify appropriate locations in videos to insert ads that are contextually relevant to the video content. This can be done by matching the timeframe-specific labels of your video content with the content of your advertisements.


Video Intelligence products Pricing guide
Video Intelligence API Get 1,000 free minutes of stored video plus 1,000 free minutes of streamed video each month.


AutoML Video Intelligence Documentation


Google Cloud

Get started

AutoML Video Intelligence

Create high-quality custom machine learning models for video analysis with minimal effort.

Video Intelligence API

Easily integrate video analysis into your apps and systems with powerful pre-trained models.

Products or features listed on this page are in beta. For more information on our product launch stages, see here.

Cloud AI products comply with the SLA policies listed here. They may offer different latency or availability guarantees from other Google Cloud services.