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2018 SHOT Annual Report – Individual Chapters

Each chapter in the 2018 SHOT Annual Report is available below as a separate pdf file:

1. Foreword
2. Participation in United Kingdom (UK) Haemovigilance
3. Headline Data – Deaths Major Morbidity and ABO-Incompatible Transfusions
4. Key Messages and Recommendations
5. Donor Haemovigilance

ERROR REPORTS – Human Factors

6. Human Factors in SHOT Error Incidents
7. Adverse Events Related to Anti-D Immunoglobulin (Ig)
8. Incorrect Blood Component Transfused (IBCT)
9. Handling and Storage Errors (HSE)
10. Avoidable, Delayed or Under-Overtransfusion and Incidents Related to Prothombin Complex Concentrates (PCC)

10a. Delayed Transfusions
10b. Avoidable Transfusions
10c. Under or Overtransfusion
10d. Incidents Related to Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC)

11. Immune Anti-D in Pregnancy
12. Near Miss Reporting (NM)

12a. Near Miss – Wrong Blood in Tube (WBIT)

13. Right Blood Right Patient (RBRP)
14. Laboratory Errors
15. Errors Related to Information Technology (IT)


16. Febrile, Allergic and Hypotensive Reactions (FAHR)
17. Pulmonary Complications of Transfusion – Full Chapter

17a. Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
17b. Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO)
17c. Transfusion-Associated Dyspnoea (TAD)

18. Haemolytic Transfusion Reactions (HTR)
19. New or Unclassifiable Complications of Transfusion (UCT)
20. Transfusion-Transmitted Infections (TTI)
21. Post-Transfusion Purpura (PTP)


22. Cell Salvage (CS)
23. Paediatric Cases
24. Haemoglobin Disorders – Update

25. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Report