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What to watch: Top picks FAQ

Where can I find my personalized recommendations?

IMDb makes personalized recommendations to help you discover movies and TV shows that you will love.

Recommended titles will show under "Top picks" in the What to watch section on the IMDb homepage.

How does IMDb choose the titles in the Top picks feature?

We take all of the movies and TV shows that you have either rated or added to your Watchlist and then compare your data to ratings made by other IMDb users. We can then find movies and TV shows that people with similar tastes to you like. For each recommendation, you can see a list of the movies or TV shows upon which the recommendation was based. You have either rated these titles highly, or added them to your Watchlist.

How does IMDb know what I showed interest in?

When you give a movie a positive rating or add a movie to your Watchlist, we track that as a movie that you are interested in.

How can I improve my personalized recommendations?

To improve your personalized recommendations, find and rate more of the titles that you love and add more of the titles you're interested in to your Watchlist. Additionally, you can remove recommendations by selecting the info () icon, then selecting the "Not Interested" option.

I've just rated a whole bunch of titles. How long will it take for those ratings to impact my recommendations?

New ratings will have an immediate impact on your recommendations. After rating and adding titles to your Watchlist, reload the page to see updated recommendations.

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