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Today in Canadian History

Politician and businessman Peter Mitchell, a Father of Confederation, died in Montr\u00e9al. As Canada\u2019s first minister of fisheries, Mitchell caused an international incident when he authorized Canadian ships to seize American vessels in Canadian waters. His later years were marred by scandal and a personal campaign to bring down Sir John A. Macdonald.<\/span>\r\n<\/p>","locale":"en"},{"id":"0759df37-c22a-4239-a6f2-23536e27fa6c","timeline_event_id":"8451","title":"Mort de Peter Mitchell ","body":"

\r\n\tLe politicien et homme d\u2019affaires Peter Mitchell, un des P\u00e8res de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration, est mort \u00e0 Montr\u00e9al. Premier ministre des P\u00eaches du Canada, Peter Mitchell est \u00e0 l\u2019origine d\u2019un incident international lorsqu\u2019il autorise des navires canadiens \u00e0 saisir des b\u00e2timents am\u00e9ricains pr\u00e9sents dans les eaux territoriales canadiennes. Ses derni\u00e8res ann\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 ternies par des scandales et une campagne personnelle visant \u00e0 d\u00e9loger sir John A. Macdonald.<\/span>\r\n<\/p>","locale":"fr"}],"articles":[],"media":[],"title":"Death of Peter Mitchell","body":"

\r\n\t Politician and businessman Peter Mitchell, a Father of Confederation, died in Montr\u00e9al. As Canada\u2019s first minister of fisheries, Mitchell caused an international incident when he authorized Canadian ships to seize American vessels in Canadian waters. His later years were marred by scandal and a personal campaign to bring down Sir John A. Macdonald.<\/span>\r\n<\/p>"},{"id":"8929","adbc":"ad","status":"published","published_by_id":"3649","date":"1805-10-21 00:00:00","published_at":"2016-04-06 12:24:19","schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2016-02-15 13:56:04","updated_at":"2016-04-06 12:24:19","articles":[{"id":"88674","author_text":"Wes Turner","revisor":null,"major_update":null,"views":0,"shares":0,"type":"article","itunes_songs":null,"indigo":null,"itunes_title_en":null,"itunes_title_fr":null,"indigo_title_en":null,"indigo_title_fr":null,"status":"published","schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2010-12-13 19:00:00","updated_at":"2015-03-04 19:03:29","deleted_at":null,"link":"https:\/\/www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca\/en\/article\/napoleonic-wars","pivot":{"timeline_event_id":"8929","article_id":"88674"},"translations":[{"id":"12e326cf-d151-4e69-97f8-5bff23cfc720","article_id":"88674","title":"Napoleonic Wars","summary":"\n\tThe Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815) were a series of wars between France and shifting alliances between other European powers.","slug":"napoleonic-wars","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"en"},{"id":"8e124227-c75b-4a13-ab71-8c4329773cbf","article_id":"88674","title":"Guerres napol\u00e9oniennes","summary":"Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte est n\u00e9 en Corse en 1769 et a suivi en France des \u00e9tudes dans le but de devenir ing\u00e9nieur et artilleur.","slug":"guerres-napoleoniennes","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"fr"}],"title":"Napoleonic Wars","slug":"napoleonic-wars","alt_slug":null,"summary":"\n\tThe Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815) were a series of wars between France and shifting alliances between other European powers.","body":null,"twitter_summary":null}],"translations":[{"id":"613de7e6-18f6-4ed8-908b-a2c0998a2f17","timeline_event_id":"8929","title":"Battle of Trafalgar","body":"

\r\n\t The Royal Navy defeated the combined Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, thwarting Napoleon\u2019s invasion of Great Britain.\r\n<\/p>","locale":"en"},{"id":"9efeb49d-d69b-4f3a-9a87-a0e027e10b10","timeline_event_id":"8929","title":"Bataille de Trafalgar ","body":"

\r\n\tLa Marine royale l\u2019emporte sur les flottes combin\u00e9es des Fran\u00e7ais et des Espagnols lors de la bataille de Trafalgar, contrecarrant ainsi les plans d\u2019invasion de la Grande-Bretagne de Napol\u00e9on.\r\n<\/p>","locale":"fr"}],"media":[],"title":"Battle of Trafalgar","body":"

\r\n\t The Royal Navy defeated the combined Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, thwarting Napoleon\u2019s invasion of Great Britain.\r\n<\/p>"},{"id":"a49efa9e-f9ff-4e8a-a771-6e3fad06353d","adbc":"ad","status":"published","published_by_id":null,"date":"2019-10-21 16:38:28","published_at":null,"schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2020-01-03 16:39:41","updated_at":"2020-01-03 16:39:41","translations":[{"id":"ed734ff9-909d-4042-8bef-38f1d341fb32","timeline_event_id":"a49efa9e-f9ff-4e8a-a771-6e3fad06353d","title":"Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party Win Minority Government","body":"Justin Trudeau<\/a> and the Liberal Party<\/a> won re-election with a minority government<\/a>, despite losing 20 seats for a total of 157. They also secured the lowest ever share of the popular vote (33 per cent) by a victorious party in a federal election<\/a>. Andrew Scheer<\/a> and the Conservatives<\/a> received 34 per cent of the popular vote and increased their seat count from 95 to 121. The Bloc Qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois<\/a> regained official party status with 32 seats, while the NDP<\/a> fell from 39 seats to 24 and the Green Party<\/a> increased their seat total from two to three. Jody Wilson-Raybould<\/a> was the lone independent. The Liberal victory also breathed new life into the Western separatist movement, as the Conservatives\u2019 loss left many in Alberta<\/a> and Saskatchewan<\/a> feeling disgruntled and alienated.","locale":"en"},{"id":"fa05c593-d1ec-43e8-be1b-645e2a8598ae","timeline_event_id":"a49efa9e-f9ff-4e8a-a771-6e3fad06353d","title":"Victoire de Justin Trudeau et du Parti lib\u00e9ral aux \u00e9lections pour former un gouvernement minoritaire","body":"Justin Trudeau<\/a> et le Parti lib\u00e9ral<\/a> ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9\u00e9lus, obtenant, avec 157 si\u00e8ges, soit une perte de 20 si\u00e8ges par rapport \u00e0 la l\u00e9gislature pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente, le droit de former un gouvernement minoritaire<\/a>. Lors de ces \u00e9lections<\/a> f\u00e9d\u00e9rales, le Parti lib\u00e9ral a \u00e9galement attir\u00e9, avec 33 %, le plus faible pourcentage du vote populaire jamais obtenu par un parti victorieux. Andrew Scheer<\/a> et les conservateurs<\/a> ont, quant \u00e0 eux, rassembl\u00e9 34 % des suffrages exprim\u00e9s et accru le nombre de leurs d\u00e9put\u00e9s, passant de 95 si\u00e8ges \u00e0 121 si\u00e8ges. Avec 32 si\u00e8ges, le Bloc Qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois<\/a> a retrouv\u00e9 son statut de parti officiel, tandis que le NPD<\/a> voyait le nombre de ses \u00e9lus diminuer de 39 \u00e0 24, le Parti vert<\/a> r\u00e9ussissant, quant \u00e0 lui, \u00e0 faire \u00e9lire 3 d\u00e9put\u00e9s, alors qu\u2019il n\u2019en avait que 2 \u00e0 la chambre pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente. Jody Wilson\u2011Raybould<\/a> a \u00e9t\u00e9 la seule d\u00e9put\u00e9e ind\u00e9pendante \u00e9lue. Dans la foul\u00e9e de la victoire des lib\u00e9raux, le mouvement s\u00e9paratiste de l\u2019Ouest a connu un regain de vigueur, la d\u00e9faite des conservateurs ayant laiss\u00e9 de nombreuses \u00e9lectrices et de nombreux \u00e9lecteurs de l\u2019Alberta<\/a> et de la Saskatchewan<\/a> en proie \u00e0 un fort sentiment de m\u00e9contentement et d\u2019exclusion.","locale":"fr"}],"articles":[],"media":[{"id":"7959","disk":"s3","directory":"media\/media","filename":"5df52fa3-73b2-41b8-bee2-e20d15ed0875","extension":"jpg","mime_type":"image\/jpeg","aggregate_type":"image","size":100000,"created_at":"2013-10-07 19:15:11","updated_at":"2013-10-21 09:25:06","pivot":{"mediable_id":"a49efa9e-f9ff-4e8a-a771-6e3fad06353d","media_id":"7959","tag":"feature","order":1},"title":"Justin Trudeau","alt":"Justin Trudeau","caption":"","creator":null,"source":null}],"title":"Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party Win Minority Government","body":"Justin Trudeau<\/a> and the Liberal Party<\/a> won re-election with a minority government<\/a>, despite losing 20 seats for a total of 157. They also secured the lowest ever share of the popular vote (33 per cent) by a victorious party in a federal election<\/a>. Andrew Scheer<\/a> and the Conservatives<\/a> received 34 per cent of the popular vote and increased their seat count from 95 to 121. The Bloc Qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois<\/a> regained official party status with 32 seats, while the NDP<\/a> fell from 39 seats to 24 and the Green Party<\/a> increased their seat total from two to three. Jody Wilson-Raybould<\/a> was the lone independent. The Liberal victory also breathed new life into the Western separatist movement, as the Conservatives\u2019 loss left many in Alberta<\/a> and Saskatchewan<\/a> feeling disgruntled and alienated."}]">

"Votes for Women” pennant

Women's Suffrage

Women in Canada obtained the right to vote in a sporadic fashion. Federal authorities granted them the franchise in 1918, more than two years after the women of Manitoba became the first to vote at the provincial level.

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