Create a Group

Do you run a secular or skeptic group of your own?

Are you interested in starting a Center for Inquiry chapter in your area?

You’ve come to the right place!

Center for Inquiry is proud to reopen opportunities for new groups to become a part of our family.

Why Us?

“The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.” 

That’s our mission. If yours is similar, you may be a good fit to join our growing community! 

Not only will your group be a part of an ever-expanding collective of skeptics, humanists, atheists and freethinkers of all types, but you will also be able to amplify your work in the network of our international organization. 

We now offer three unique levels of affiliation designed for different types and sizes of groups. You can join us as an Affiliate, Partner, or Branch.

As a member group, you will have access to exclusive content that will help your group be successful. Perks include, but aren’t limited to: 

  • Training
  • Downloadable guides and forms
  • Branding assets
  • Networking with other groups
  • Speakers
  • Brochures and other tabling supplies 
  • Social media promotion
  • Calendar of events 
  • Regular updates 

Organizations joining at the partner or branch level are able to obtain all of the above PLUS 

  • Eligibility for the Freethought in Action grant, a microgrant program designed to help our locations better meet their goals and serve their community
  • Exposure through our Freethought in Action publication and Focus on Freethought social media accounts. 

The levels in brief

Affiliate is the loosest affiliation level available and the easiest to set up – a matter of a simple form. Affiliate groups receive support through access to networking opportunities, receipt of our in-house publications and discussion guides and inclusion in our searchable location map for international exposure. Partners enjoy the most flexible of chapter arrangements. In addition to the assistance available to Affiliates, groups participating at this level are able to use selected CFI branding materials, submit their activities for publication in our print member newsletter Freethought In Action, participate in monthly networking calls with other locations. Branches are the only level that become a full fledged CFI location. In addition to the support and resources extended to the Affiliate and Partner levels, Branches will have their own CFI hosted websites, affiliated social media accounts, and in every practical way become a part of the CFI organization.

If you’re interested in learning about the available levels in greater detail, including how to get started, click here to check out our Quick Start Guide.

Existing chapters can find resources here.