
It's American Archives Month, so all week we're highlighting items in our collection. We don't just help save places- we save paper too! The archives and document collections of Preservation Virginia are an extraordinary record of our historic sites as well as the evolution of the institution over the last 131 years.
First up is a letter from Chief Justice John Marshall to his grandson James Keith Marshall, dated March 11, 1835, and written while Chief Justice Marshall was Washington D.C. This sweet note includes a particularly poignant closing line: "Nothing is more precious than time especially to the young and yet nothing slips from us less regarded and valued." Less than four months after he penned this letter, Justice Marshall passed away.

The full letter reads:

Washington, March 11, 1835
My dear Grandson,

I have received your letter of the 15th of Feb. and am not a little gratified at the account you give of your schooling in class. It does you great honor as a student to remain so long at the head of it. Cicero was an elegant scholar and the greatest orator of his day. Besides his orations he has written several essays which have attracted much admiration. I am very glad to hear of your progress in arithmetic, and to see that you have improved your hand writing. Boys are too apt to neglect their writing. It (is) a fault which I am glad to believe you will not commit.

You have had a very severe wint(er which) is not unfavorable to study. If you have be(en) unable to go to school th(is da)y I am sure has not been wasted. Nothing) is more precious than time especially to (the young) and yet nothing slips from us less regard(ed and va)ued.

I am my dear Grandson

Your affectionate
J. Marshall

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We were honored for Pastor Michelle Thomas to participate in last week's webinar about preserving African American cemeteries. A recording of the program will be posted to our website this week. Read more about Pastor Michelle's story here:…/a-pastor-rescues-a-cemetery-for-ensla…

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