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ID Activity Title Status Creator Assigned To Type Msgs
40956 3/4 hours ago Use Argument Clinic in sqlite3 has PR open erlendaasland   enhancement 5
41972 1 3/4 hours ago bytes.find consistently hangs in a particular scenario has patch has PR open Zeturic   behavior 22
38250 4 hours ago enum.Flag should be more set-like has PR open John Belmonte ethan.furman enhancement 11
42025 4 hours ago zoneinfo: wrong time difference across transition when tzinfo is equal open d.grellscheid     4
42004 6 hours ago Allow uploading files with SimpleHTTPRequestHandler open lufte   enhancement 4
37903 7 hours ago IDLE Shell sidebar. has patch has PR open terry.reedy terry.reedy behavior 28
41995 8 hours ago five possible Null Pointer Dereference bugs. has PR open brightest3379   behavior 3
42024 10 hours ago Exception ignored in: <function WeakValueDictionary.__init__.<locals>.remove at 0x7f6a325f2ea0> open jayesh007   compile error 1
42023 yesterday Argparse: Add a "display" arg open ThatXliner   enhancement 1
41822 yesterday Document the meaning of values for sys.float_info.rounds open rhettinger docs@python   1
37461 yesterday email.parser.Parser hang has patch has PR open Guido   security 18
42010 yesterday Generic types accept indexing/subscripting, causing confusion has PR open kj   behavior 4
40422 yesterday Light refactor: create a common _Py_closerange API has PR open kevans91 gregory.p.smith enhancement 7
41756 yesterday Do not always use exceptions to return result from coroutine has PR open v2m   performance 45
42013 yesterday venv on Windows with symlinks is broken if invoked with -I open gaborjbernat     12
28002 yesterday ast.unparse can't roundtrip some f-strings has PR open eric.smith eric.smith behavior 9
42022 yesterday Allow ensurepip to work without bundled wheels open FFY00   enhancement 1
34976 yesterday IDLE: Replace the search dialog with a search bar has PR open taleinat terry.reedy enhancement 8
42021 yesterday Fix possible ref. leaks in _sqlite3 module initialisation has PR open erlendaasland   behavior 1
42019 yesterday Override MagicMock special methods open Indy   behavior 1
42018 yesterday winreg SetValue(Ex) should mention integer as an acceptable value has PR open kwojniak_box docs@python enhancement 1
41561 yesterday test_ssl fails in Ubuntu 20.04: test_min_max_version_mismatch has patch has PR open bugsrep christian.heimes compile error 38
42016 yesterday Add ksh to venv examples open fibonacci docs@python enhancement 1
42011 yesterday Documentation for logging.Filter.filter reports the wrong return type open Riccardo Coccioli docs@python behavior 2
41282 yesterday Deprecate and remove distutils open jaraco     17
41977 yesterday ctypes array inside structure requires explicit garbage collection open maxim.pichler   behavior 1
42014 yesterday shutil.rmtree calls onerror with different function than failed has PR open nijel   behavior 1
41990 yesterday venv module clashes with pip --user ... improve coordination. open bernd.wechner   behavior 1
39679 yesterday functools: singledispatchmethod doesn't work with classmethod open Viktor Roytman   behavior 7
38912 yesterday test_asyncio altered the execution environment has PR open pablogsal     12
42008 yesterday Internal Random class calling seed() with incorrect argument has PR open rhettinger   behavior 2
42012 yesterday typing support in wsgiref open srittau   enhancement 1
18233 yesterday SSLSocket.getpeercertchain() has patch has PR open christian.heimes christian.heimes enhancement 31
39342 yesterday Expose X509_V_FLAG_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS in ssl has PR open chrisburr christian.heimes enhancement 1
41989 yesterday htmlparser unclosed script tag causes data loss has patch has PR open waylan ezio.melotti behavior 1
41988 yesterday No hyphen in broken up word in documentation open cryvate docs@python   3
42009 yesterday Unable to compile with message compiler due to source order open chrisburr     1
25567 yesterday shlex.quote doesn't work on bytestrings has patch has PR open Jonas Thiem   enhancement 7
40213 yesterday contextlib.aclosing() has PR open John Belmonte   enhancement 8
42006 yesterday Stop using PyDict_GetItem, PyDict_GetItemString and _PyDict_GetItemId has PR open serhiy.storchaka     4
39101 yesterday IsolatedAsyncioTestCase freezes when exception is raised has PR open fornellas   crash 1
6721 yesterday Locks in the standard library should be sanitized on fork has patch has PR open gregory.p.smith   enhancement 133
40423 yesterday Optimization: use close_range(2) if available has patch has PR open kevans91 gregory.p.smith enhancement 5
34067 2 days ago Problem with contextlib.nullcontext has PR open serhiy.storchaka   resource usage 8
41845 2 days ago Promote PyObject_GenericGetDict to the stable API has PR open alex     5
42005 2 days ago profile/cProfile CLI should catch BrokenPipeError has PR open zmwangx   behavior 2
42001 2 days ago Deprecate `typing.io` Wrapper Namespace open rohitkg98   behavior 2
41999 3 days ago imaplib Time2Internaldate crashing with time.struct_time supplied from datetime.timetuple() open sajicek   behavior 1
41980 3 days ago Argparse documentation is slightly misleading open ygingras     4
40064 3 days ago py38: document xml.etree.cElementTree will be removed in 3.9 has PR open fdrake docs@python   2
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