Barb Flagel


Warrior autism mom, Cubs fan, tree hugger, gardener, rescue mom, who tries to see the humor in things.

Menyertai Januari 2017


Anda telah menyekat @BarbFlagel

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  1. 12 jam lalu
    Buat asal
  2. 19 jam lalu
    Buat asal
  3. 26 Jun

    It's totally under control!!!!! Nothing to see here!!!!

    Buat asal
  4. 25 Jun
    Buat asal
  5. 25 Jun

    Have these officers been fired yet? No? I hope they got this man medical attention and I hope he wins one hell of a lawsuit against these officers and the department.

    Buat asal
  6. 24 Jun

    Someone has to know this vile human.

    Buat asal
  7. Mengetweet Semula
    24 Jun
    Buat asal
  8. 24 Jun

    They shut the doors on them. is complicit in voter suppression. The doors are NOW OPEN.

    Buat asal
  9. 22 Jun
    Buat asal
  10. 22 Jun
    Buat asal
  11. 21 Jun
    Buat asal
  12. 20 Jun
    Buat asal
  13. 20 Jun
    Buat asal
  14. 19 Jun
    Buat asal
  15. 19 Jun

    There are no secrets on Twitter. You have been found out, Jeffers.

    Buat asal
  16. 18 Jun
    Buat asal
  17. 18 Jun

    Harassing and threatening these girls is NOT acceptable. I'm guessing we will learn your name soon.

    Buat asal
  18. 17 Jun

    Well done, . We need people to call the Dark Lord to accountability and say it for what it is.

    Buat asal
  19. 17 Jun
    Buat asal
  20. 15 Jun
    Buat asal

Pemuatan nampaknya mengambil sedikit masa.

Twitter mungkin melebihi kapasiti atau mengalami gangguan seketika. Cuba sekali lagi atau lawati Status Twitter untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.

    Anda juga mungkin menyukai
