Unidentified quotations from Dr Johnson’s Dictionary

The editors of the Oxford English Dictionary‘s First Edition illustrated many words and meanings with quotations taken from Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language (1755 and later editions).

These were accepted on Johnson’s authority, but we are now checking the quotations in their original sources. The following list contains the quotations which have not yet been found and checked in their original form. They are listed in order of the surnames of the cited authors.

Quotations that have been located by readers are printed in faint type, like this, followed by the name of the reader who located the quotation. Quotations that haven’t yet been identified are indented and have a red line alongside them, and are currently being researched by a former Chief Editor.

Example of an unidentified quotation.

Of the original 708 quotations, 3 remain to be found.

The quotations

a1633 Abp. Abbot, The force of it is obstupefactive, and no other. (John Considine)

?a1633 Abp. Abbot, Obscurity is brought over them..by their pedantical elucidators. (John Considine)

1716 J. Addison, Here the loud Arno’s boist’rous clamours cease. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, Imprison’d fires, in the close dungeons pent, Roar to get loose, and struggle for a vent.. Till with a mighty burst whole mountains fall.(Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, Reading was bad for his eyes. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, An author compares a ragged coin to a tattered colours. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, He clears but two hundred thousand crowns a year. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, He lived but a few miles distant from her father’s house. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, In the carrying of our main point. (Matthew Davis)

a1719 J. Addison, Not only an expedition, but the remission of a duty or tax, were transmitted to posterity after this manner. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, Take off all their models in wood. (Matthew Davis)

a1719 J. Addison, There is but one gate for strangers to enter at, that it may be known what numbers of them are in the town. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison, Vast pillars of stone, cased over with a composition, that looks the most like marble of any thing one can imagine. (Fred Nicholls)

a1719 J. Addison, We are a considerable body, who, upon a proper occasion, would not fail to declare ourselves. (Mike Pearce)

a1719 J. Addison, While lull’d by sound, and undisturb’d by wit, Calm and serene you indolently sit. (Roland Hall)

a1719 J. Addison Spectator, We should single every criminal out of the herd, and hunt him down. (Roland Hall)

1667 R. Allestree Decay Chr. Piety, It no longer seeks the shelter of night and darkness, but appears in the broadest light. (Chris Little)

1667 R. Allestree Decay Chr. Piety, They will barter away their time. (Chris Little)

1667 R. Allestree Decay Chr. Piety, Where there is no visible truth wherein to centre. (Chris Little)

1667 R. Allestree Decay Chr. Piety, The disseminators of novel doctrines. (Chris Little)

1667 R. Allestree Decay Chr. Piety, The licentiousness of inferiours, and the remissness of superiours, the one violates and the other connives. (Chris Little)

1667 R. Allestree Decay Chr. Piety, This will commute our tasks, exchange these pleasant and gainful ones..for those uneasy and fruitless ones. (Chris Little)

1674 R. Allestree Govt. Tongue, By the mediation of some organ equally commensurate to soul and body. (Ronald A. Green)

1674 R. Allestree Govt. Tongue, Since we have considered the malignity of this sin..it is but a natural corollary, that we enforce our vigilance against it.(Ronald A. Green)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, Concerning the circumnavigation of Africa. (Roland Hall)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, I considered that by the classing and methodizing such passages, I might instruct the reader. (Roland Hall)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, In a work of this nature it is impossible to avoid puerilities, it having that in common with dictionaries, and books of antiquities. (Roland Hall)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, One, in a complaint of his bowels, was let blood ’till he..was perfectly cured. (Roland Hall)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, Pliny put a round number near the truth, rather than a fraction. (Roland Hall)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, The antients coasted only in their navigation, seldom taking the open sea. (Matthew Davis)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, The weight of the denarius, or the seventh of a Roman ounce, comes out sixty-two grains and four sevenths. (Roland Hall)

1705 J. Arbuthnot Table Grecian, Roman, & Jewish Measures, This talent of gold, though not equinumerant, nor yet equiponderant, as to any other; yet was equivalent to some correspondent talent in brass. (Roland Hall)

1727 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, He charg’d himself with all the sea risk of such vessels. (Chris Little)

1727 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, The neglect of a few centesimals in the side of the cube. (Roland Hall)

1727 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, The Romans had the art of gilding..but some sort of their inauration, or gilding, must have been much dearer than ours.

1727 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, The use of money..is that of saving the commutation of more bulky commodities. (Roland Hall)

1727 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, To establish the duodecuple proportion. (Roland Hall)

c1730 J. Arbuthnot, Redness and inflammation; all the effects of a soft press or verberation. (Mattthew Davis)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of AlimentsSal volatile oleosum..on account of the alcohol or rectified spirit which it contains. (Jane Sellman)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, As to the admittance of the weighty elastic parts of the air into the blood. (Jane Sellman)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, Salt taken in great quantities will reduce an animal body to the great extremity of aridity. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, A system of such canals, which all communicate with one another. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, Acids mixed with them precipitate a tophaceous chalky matter, but not a cheesy substance. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, Drinking excessively during the time of chylefaction, stops perspiration. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, For dividing of flesh, sharp-pointed or dog-teeth. (Jane Sellman)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, Spirit of vinegar, concentrated and reduced to its greatest strength, will coagulate the serum. (Jane Sellman)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, The conversion of the aliment into fat, is not properly nutrition. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, The juices of an animal body are as it were cohobated, being excreted and admitted again into the blood with the fresh aliment. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, The quality of intirely constipating or shutting up the capillary vessels. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, The union or conglutination of parts separated by a wound. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, This oil..makes it saponaceous and cleansing, by which quality it often helps digestion. (Mike Thurlow)

1731 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, To be boiled down..to a sapid fat. (Mike Thurlow)

1732 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, Oils are anti-acids, so far as they blunt acrimony. (Mike Thurlow)

1732 J. Arbuthnot Rules of Diet, No disease infests mankind more terrible in its symptoms and effects. (Matthew Davis)

1732 J. Arbuthnot Rules of Diet, When a disease is complicated with other diseases, one must consider that which is most dangerous. (Matthew Davis)

c1732 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, People that are bilious and fat..are great eaters and ill digesters. (Matthew Davis)

1733 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Effects Air, Young and florid blood, rather than vapid and cachectical. (OED researcher)

1733 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Effects Air, A species of palsy invades such as incautiously expose themselves to the morning air. (OED researcher)

1733 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Effects Air, Apoplexies, and other congenerous diseases. (OED researcher)

1733 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Effects Air, Respiration being carried on in sleep, is no argument against its being voluntary. What shall we say of noctambulos? (OED researcher)

1733 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Effects Air, The bodies of fishes are equilibrated with the water in which they swim. (OED researcher)

1733 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Effects Air, The variations of the gravity of the air keep both the solids and fluids in an oscillatory motion, synchronous and proportional to their changes. (OED researcher)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, If a person of a firm constitution begins to bloat. (Mike Thurlow)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, According to the force of the chylopoetick organs, more or less chyle may be extracted from the same food. (Mike Thurlow)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Air, transmitted through clavellated ashes into an exhausted receiver, loses weight. (Mike Thurlow)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Animals spleened grow salacious. (Fred Nicholls)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Bile is the most unperspirable of animal fluids. (Mike Thurlow)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, By reason of the fatness and heaviness of the ground, Egypt did not produce metals. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, By this continual contractibility and dilatability by different degrees of heat. (Mike Thurlow)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Defences against extremities of heat, as shade, grottoes, or souterrains, are necessary preservatives of health. (Mike Thurlow)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Depletion of the vessels gives room to the fluid to expand itself. (Matthew Davis)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Fire, and the more subtle dissolver, putrefaction. (Matthew Davis)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, He let out the offals of his meat to interest, and kept a register of such debtors in his pocket-book. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, He put off the representation of pantomimes till late hours, on market-days. (Matthew Davis)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Hippocrates tells you, that in applying of cups, the scarification ought to be made with crooked instruments. (Matthew Davis)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, I think it more respectful to the reader to leave something to reflections, than preoccupy his judgment. (Matthew Davis)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, I think, as the world goes, he was a good sort of man enough. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, In a hemorrhage from the lungs..stypticks are often insignificant. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Let not posterity a thousand years hence look for truth in the voluminous annals of pedants. (Fred Nicholls)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Martin’s office is now the second door in the street, where he will see Parnel. (Roland Hall)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Salts are strong imbibers of sulphureous streams. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The blood turning acrimonious, corrodes the vessels. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The dilators of the nose are too strong in cholerick people. (Fred Nicholls)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The manner of opening a vein in Hippocrates’s time was by stabbing or pertusion, as it is performed in horses. (Roland Hall)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The powers of human bodies being limited and intolerant of excesses. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The quantity of perspired matter, found by ponderation. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The Roman fleets.. had their several stations and departments. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, The small pox..grew more favorable by the tepor and moisture in April. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Those lands were out upon leases of four years. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, Those tubes, which are most recently made of fluids, are most flexible and most easily lengthened. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, What demonstrates the plague to be endemial to Egypt, is its invasion and going off at certain seasons. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot, When the teeth are ready to cut. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot Ess. Nature of Aliments, The bile is of two sorts; the cystick..or the hepatick. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot Rules of Diet, Inflammation of the lungs may happen either in the bronchial or pulmonary vessels. (Chris Little)

a1735 J. Arbuthnot Tables Anc. Coins, Then they began to case their houses with marble. (Roland Hall)

17.. F. Atterbury, What will he leave un~objected to Luther, when he makes it his crime that he defied the devil? (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury, At this rate the animal and belluine life would be the best. (Roland Hall)

a1731 F. Atterbury, No by views of his own shall mislead him. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury, A late prelate, of a remarkable zeal for the church, were religions to be tried by lives, would have lived down the pope, and the whole consistory. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury, I would rather be an advocate for the retrenchment, than the encrease of this charity. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury, My proposition I have qualified with the word, often; thereby making allowance [etc.]. (Roland Hall)

a1731 F. Atterbury, The greatest heap of nasty language that perhaps ever was put together. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury, Their ill usage and exasperations of him..disposed him to take liberty. (Chris Little)

a1731 F. Atterbury, They are diligent to observe whatever may nearly or remotely blemish it. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury, We sleep over our happiness, and want to be rouzed into a quick thankful sense of it. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury Serm., The felicities of her wonderful reign may be complete. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury Serm., Parsimony..is the more pardonable excess of the two. (Fred Nicholls)

a1731 F. Atterbury Serm., We should find what reason Castalio’s painter had to reply upon the cardinal, who blamed him [etc.]. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, The visible centring of all the old prophecies in the person of Christ. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, All he says of himself is, that he is an obscure person; one, I suppose..that is in the dark. (Roland Hall)

a1732 F. Atterbury, He has shuffled the two ends of the sentence together. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, He is resolved now to shew how slight the propositions were which Luther let go for good. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, He mangles and puts a wry sense upon protestant writers. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, I must desire the citer henceforward to inform us of his editions too. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, I propose this passage entire, to take off the disguise which its quoter put upon it. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, Impressions of his perpetual presence with us, and inspection over us. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, It is a confederating with him to whom the sacrifice is offered. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury, The longer thou deferrest to be acquainted with them, the less every day thou wilt find thyself disposed to them. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury Serm., That hill which thus determines their view at a distance. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury Serm., We contract at last such an intimacy and familiarity with them, as makes it difficult and irksome for us to call off our minds.(Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury Serm. Their pursuit of it is not only allowable but laudable. (Fred Nicholls)

a1732 F. Atterbury Serm., ‘Till their vices perhaps give back all those advantages which their victories procured. (Fred Nicholls)

a1735 F. Atterbury Serm., Little credit is due to accusations of this kind, when they come from suspected, that is, from nameless pens. (Fred Nicholls)

1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon, The party appellate, or person against whom the appeal is lodged. (Tanya Schmoller)

1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon, What consecration is to a bishop, that benediction is to an abbot. (Mike Thurlow)

1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon, ‘Tis enough to lose the legacy, or the residuary advantage of the estate left him by the deceased. (Mike Thurlow)

1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon, A person, pending suit with the diocesan, shall be defended in the possession. (Mike Thurlow)

1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon, It is discretionary in the bishop to admit him to that order at what time he thinks fit. (Mike Thurlow)

1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon, They speak to the merits of a cause, after the proctor has prepared and instructed the same for a hearing before the judge.(Mike Thurlow)

a1750 J. Ayliffe, A bishop might have officers, if there was a concurrency of jurisdiction between him and the archdeacon. (Chris Little)

16.. Bacon, They durst not put it to a battle at sea, and set up their rest wholly upon the land enterprize. (Chris Little)

1622 Bacon Hist. Raigne Henry VII, In gratitude unto the duke of Bretagne..he espoused that quarrel, and declared himself in aid of the duke. (Fred Nicholls)

a1626 Bacon, According to bulk and currency and not after their intrinsick value. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, All which notions are but ignorant catches of a few things, which are most obvious to mens observations. (Fred Nicholls)

a1626 Bacon, Elizabeth..being by some that canvassed for others, put in some doubt of that person she meant to advance. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, Here was the case; an army of English, wasted and tired with a long winter’s siege, engaged an army of a greater number than themselves..fresh and in vigour. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, There is not, in the world again, such a spring and seminary of brave military people as in England, Scotland, and Ireland. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, War, which is capital to thousands. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, Among his other fundamental laws, he did ordain the interdicts and prohibitions touching entrance of strangers. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, Had it not been for four great disfavourers of that voyage, the enterprize had succeeded. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, Our second fleet, which kept the narrow seas, was come in and joined to our main fleet. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, Out of long experience in business and much conversation in books. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, The chymists have a liquor called water of depart.

a1626 Bacon, The Spaniards..ennobled some of the coasts thereof with shipwrecks. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon, Wars preventive upon just fears, are defensives, as well as on actual invasions. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon Considerations War with Spain, The castle of Cadmus was taken by Phebidas..insidiously and in violation of league. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon Considerations War with Spain, There was prepared a fleet of thirty ships for the custody of the narrow seas. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon Considerations War with Spain, These troops came to the army but the day before, harassed with a long and wearisome march. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon Considerations War with Spain, To be made a feudatory or beneficiary king of England, under the seignory in chief of the pope. (Roland Hall)

a1626 Bacon New Atlantis, A notary made an entry of this act. (Jane Sellman)

a1626 Bacon New Atlantis, We have drinks also brewed with several roots and herbs, and spices. (Jane Sellman)

a1626 Bacon New Atlantis, We imitate and practise to make swifter motions than any out of your muskets. (Jane Sellman)

a1626 Bacon Serm., They are not effective of any thing, nor leave no work behind them, but are energies merely. (OED staff)

c1710 E. Baynard, And is it not a foul disgrace, To lose the boltsprit of thy face? (Fred Nicholls)

1692 R. Bentley Serm., Matter hath no life nor perception, and is not conscious of its own existence. (Matthew Davis)

1715 R. Bentley Serm., They suppose mother earth to be a great animal, and to have nurtured up her young offspring with a conscious tenderness.(Roland Hall)

a1742 R. Bentley Pref. to Milton, The defdation of so many parts by a bad printer, and a worse editor. (Andre Kordahi)

a1729 R. Blackmore, This curious and wonderful net-work of veins. (Fred Nicholls)

1765-9 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng., In the court of Chancery, there are two distinct tribunals; the one ordinary, being a court of common law; the other extra~ordinary, being a court of equity. (Andre Kordahi)

a1800 Blair, Nothing is more difficult than to adjust the marvellous with the probable. (Matthew Davis)

a1751 Bolingbroke, They would have ill grace in denying it. (Chris Little)

a1691 R. Boyle, Chymistry enabling us to depurate bodies, and..to analyze them. (Roland Hall)

a1613 Brerewood, The upper face of the sea is known to be level by nature, and evenly distant from the centre. (Fred Nicholls)

1716 F. Brerewood tr. J. Terrasson Disc. Anc. & Mod. Learning, Armenia is so called from the mountainousness of it. (Fred Nicholls)

1715-25 W. Broome Notes on Pope’s Odyssey, Ulysses here speaks very concisely.

1725-6 W. Broome Notes on Pope’s Odyssey, Ulysses addresses himself to the queen chiefly or primarily, but not exclusively of the king. (Fred Nicholls)

a1745 W. Broome, A vineyard, and an allotment for olives and herbs. (OED staff)

a1745 W. Broome, Our poets have joined together such qualities as are by nature the most compatible. (Matthew Davis)

a1745 W. Broome Notes on Pope’s Odyssey, She agreed to assist in the murder of her husband. (Fred Nicholls)

a1745 W. Broome Notes on Pope’s Odyssey, The..judicious coaptation and ranging of the words. (OED staff)

16.. Brown, There being two opinions repugnant to each another, it may not be presumptive or sceptical to doubt of both. (Fred Nicholls)

1646 Sir T. Browne Pseud. Epidemica, Critical trial should be made by publick enjoinment. (Fred Nicholls)

a1682 Sir T. Browne, The fullest good..the most beatifying of all others. (Chris Little)

a1682 Sir T. Browne, These expressions of selfishness and disinterestedness have been used in a very loose and indeterminate manner. (Matthew Davis)

1713 G. Bull Serm., These parchments are supposed to have been St. Paul’s adversaria. (Fred Nicholls)

1684 T. Burnet Theory of Earth, The mountains emerged, and became dry land again. (Fred Nicholls)

a1715 Burnet, Men’s passions will carry them far in misrepresenting an opinion which they have a mind to disgrace. (Fred Nicholls)

a1686 E. Calamy, We resolve rashly, sillily, or humorously, upon no reasons that will hold. (Chris Little)

a1757 Calmet, If a man made all his fortune corban, or devoted it to God, he was forbidden to use it. (Fred Nicholls)

1605 W. Camden Remaines, I will not lend money to my superiour, upon whom I cannot distrain for the debt. (Fred Nicholls)

a1623 W. Camden, Our good epigrammatical poet, old Godfrey of Winchester. (Fred Nicholls)

a1755 Cane Campaigns, Those that attack generally get the victory, though with disadvantage of ground. (Chris Little)

1602 R. Carew Surv. Cornwall, An enviable mediocrity of fortune. (Chris Little)

a1649 Charles I, When politicians most agitate desperate designs. (Fred Nicholls)

a1649 Charles I, The charity of most men is grown so cold, and their religion so illiberal. (Fred Nicholls)

1705-15 G. Cheyne Philos. Princ. Relig., They..may let them alone, or reject them; it is equal to me. (Matthew Davis)

1705 G. Cheyne Philos. Princ. Relig., The production of animals in the originary way requires a certain degree of warmth. (Tanya Schmoller)

c1715 G. Cheyne, Spires contorted into small spheres. (Matthew Davis)

c1715 G. Cheyne Philos. Princ. Relig., The skin becomes the thicker, and so a callousness grows upon it. (Tanya Schmoller)

a1742 G. Cheyne, Had the globe..been either spherical, or oblongly spheroidical. (Matthew Davis)

a1743 G. Cheyne, We have systems of material bodies, diversely figured..: they represent the object of the desire, which is analogized by attraction or gravitation. (Chris Little)

a1743 G. Cheyne, Atoms..extremely compacted and hard; which compactedness, etc. (Chris Little)

a1743 G. Cheyne, Eclipses are of wonderful assistance toward the solution of this so desirable and so much desiderated problem. (Tanya Schmoller)

a1743 G. Cheyne, If bodies move equably in concentrick circles, etc. (Chris Little)

a1743 G. Cheyne Philos. Princ. Relig., Consider with how much artfulness his bulk and situation is contrived. (Chris Little)

a1743 G. Cheyne Philos. Princ. Relig., There is a proper arrangement in the parts of elastick bodies. (Chris Little)

a1743 G. Cheyne Philos. Princ. Relig., Hardness is the reason why water is incompressible, when the air lodged in it is exhausted. (Tanya Schmoller)

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, After some unhappy assaults upon the prerogative by the parliament. (Chris Little)

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, They desired justice might be done upon offenders, as the atrocity of their crimes deserved. (Chris Little)

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, This breach upon kingly power. (Chris Little)

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, He..forced him to a quicker and rougher remedy. (Matthew Davis)

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, If the king himself had stayed at London, or, which had been the next best, kept his court at York.

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, The..people would frequently..convene themselves by the sound of a bell.

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, They had more positively and concernedly wedded his cause.

a1674 Earl of Clarendon, They promised the good people ease in the matter of protections, by which the debts from parliament men and their followers were not recoverable.

1674 Earl of Clarendon, He would himself be in the Highlands to receive them, and run his fortune with them.

a1729 Clarke New Gram. Lat. Tongue, The accusative after a verb transitive, or a sentence in room thereof, is called, by grammarians, the object of the verb. (Mike Thurlow)

a1689 J. Cleveland, Go on, rhetorick, and expose the peculiar eminency which you accustomarily marshal before logick to publick view. (Fred Nicholls)

1678 E. Cocker Tutor to Arith., The first number in every addition is called the addable number, the other, the number or numbers added.

a1726 Collier, Envy, how carefully does it look? how meagre and ill-complexioned? (M. G. D’Onofrio)

a1726 Collier, Envy..meagre and ill complexioned. (Fred Nicholls)

a1726 Collier, Often it drops or overshoots by the disproportions of distance or application. (Fred Nicholls)

a1726 Collier, The advantages of life will not hold out to the length of desire, and, since they are not big enough to satisfy, they should not be big enough to dissatisfy. (M. G. D’Onofrio)

a1667 A. Cowley, The figures are bold even to temerity. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 T. Creech, Little pleasure overmixt with woe. (Chris Little)

1678 R. Cudworth, The airbladder in fishes seems necessary for swimming. (Matthew Davis)

1576 R. Curteys Two Serm. viii. The nature of cheveril leather is, that if a man take it by the sides and pull it in breadth, he may make a little point as broad as both his hands; if he take it by the ends and pull it in length, he may make it as small as a thread. (Chris Little)

a1619 Daniel, Who reproves the lame, must go upright. (Fred Nicholls)

1607-13 J. Davies Hist. Tracts Ireland, The king..delivered the enrolments, with his own hands, to the bishop of Salisbury. (Fred Nicholls)

1612 J. Davies Discov. Causes Irel., In two hundred years before (I speak within compass) no such commission has been executed. (Fred Nicholls)

1612 J. Davies Discov. Causes Irel., With power to create a manor, and hold a court-baron. (Fred Nicholls)

a1626 Davies, When he did set his foot in the middle, all the other parts lay flat and even. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Dennis, Fustian tragedies, or insipid comedies, have, by concerted applauses, been cogged upon the town for masterpieces. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Dennis, Had Virgil been a circular poet, and closely adhered to history, how could the Romans have had Dido? (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Dennis, Shall two or three wretched equivocals have the force to corrupt us? (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Dennis, Sophocles and Euripides, in their most beautiful Pieces, are impartial executers of poetick justice. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Dennis, There were seven companies of players in the town. (Fred Nicholls)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., Flat thecæ, some like hats, some like buttons, excavated in the middle. (Chris Little)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., In a scarcity in Silesia a rumour was spread of its raining millet-seed; but it was found to be only the seeds of the ivy-leaved speedwell, or small henbit. (Chris Little)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., Plants..esteemed poisonous, if corrected, and exactly dosed, may prove powerful medicines. (Chris Little)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., Small club-headed antennæ. (Chris Little)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., The egg..its parts within, and its crusty coat without. (Chris Little)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., To have a sort of chill about his precordia and head. (Chris Little)

1713 W. Derham Physico-theol., What could implant in the body such peculiar impregnations, as should have such power? (Chris Little)

a1735 W. Derham, Swammerdam observes of the ephemeron-worms, that their food is clay. (Chris Little)

a1735 W. Derham Physico-theol., Carnal greedy people, without such a precept, would have no mercy upon their poor bondsmen and beasts. (Chris Little)

a1735 W. Derham Physico-theol., The little bones of the ear-drum do in straining and relaxing it, as the braces of the war-drum do in that. (Chris Little)

a1735 W. Derham Physico-theol., There must be such a barricade, as would greatly annoy or absolutely stop the currents of the atmosphere. (Chris Little)

a1735 W. Derham Physico-theol., According to observation made with a pendulum chronometer. (Chris Little)

16.. Digby, A nimble fencer will put in a thrust so quick, that the foil will be in your bosom, when you thought it a yard off. (Chris Little)

1651 Ld. Digby To Sir K. Digby, The slightest part that you excel in is courtliness. (Chris Little)

1693 Dryden tr. Juvenal Satires Pref., Poetry, by a kind of enthusiasm, or extraordinary emotion of soul, makes it seem to us that we behold, etc. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, A bare treasury. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, He viler friends with doubtful mushrooms treats, Secure for you, himself champignons eats. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, A cultivation of learning. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, Conversation with the best company of both sexes. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, His diction is hard, his figures too bold, and his tropes..insufferably strained. (Ronald A. Green)

a1700 Dryden, I am engaging in a large dispute, where the arguments are not like to reach close on either side. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, I am willing to fall this argument. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, I hope I have translated closely enough. (Ronald A. Green)

a1700 Dryden, I wish there may be in this poem any instance of good imagery. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, It takes not from you, that you were born with principles of generosity. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, Now..there is no competition but for the second place. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, The respect and love which was paid you..was a wise exchange for the honours of the Court. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Dryden, They with their fellow joggers of the plough. (Ronald A. Green)

a1662 Bp. B. Duppa Holy Rules Devot., Let the immediate preceding day be kept as the eve to this great feast. (Fred Nicholls)

a1705 J. Evelyn, Beat, roll, and mow carpet-walks..for now the ground is supple, and it will even all inequalities. (Fred Nicholls)

1711 H. Felton Diss. Classics, Always use the most correct editions. (Fred Nicholls)

1711 H. Felton Diss. Classics, To come off from these grave disquisitions, I would clear the point by one instance more. (Fred Nicholls)

1711 H. Felton Diss. Classics, Where a foreign tongue is elegant, expressive, close and compact. (Fred Nicholls)

1711 H. Felton Diss. Classics, With them the genius of classick learning dwelleth. (Fred Nicholls)

a1740 H. Felton, When the distractions of a tumult are sensibly depicted..while you read, you seem indeed to see them. (Fred Nicholls)

a1740 H. Felton Diss. Classics, I do not apprehend any difficulty in collecting and commonplacing as universal history from the historians. (Fred Nicholls)

1740 H. Felton Diss. Classics(J.) Ladies that change plate for china: for which the laudable traffick of old clothes is much the fairest barter. (Fred Nicholls)

1696 J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, Bitters, like choler, are the best sanguifiers, and also the best febrifuges. (Fred Nicholls)

1696 J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, If the chyle be very plentiful it breeds a satyriasis. (Fred Nicholls)

1696 J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, The cure of this nidorosity is, by vomiting and purging. (Fred Nicholls)

1696 J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, The stoppage of a cough, or spitting, increases phlegm in the stomach. (Fred Nicholls)

1696 J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, When the spirits of the chyle have half-fermented the chylaceous mass. (Fred Nicholls)

17.. J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, The spirits, opiates, and cool things, readily compose oxyrrhodines. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Floyer, Antispleneticks open the obstructions of the spleen. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Floyer, Whatsoever produces an inflammatory disposition in the blood..as anticonvulsive medicines. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Floyer, Antifebrile medicines check the ebullition. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Floyer, Salt serum may be evacuated by urine, by terebinthinates; as tops of pine in all our ale. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Floyer, They esteemed this natural melancholick acidity to be the limous or slimy fculent part of the blood. (Fred Nicholls)

a1734 J. Floyer Preternat. State Animal Humours, The testaceous and bitter cichoraceous plants. (Fred Nicholls)

a1718 Garth tr. Ovid Metamorphoses, Where Tiber..fattens, as he runs, the fair campaign. (OED staff)

a1719 Garth, Paraphrase where penury of fancy or dryness of expression ask it. (Fred Nicholls)

a1714 Geddes, In some monasteries the severity of the Clausure is hard to be born.

1670-1710 N. Grew Cosmol. Sacra, Neither could we hough or spit from us; much less could we sneeze or cough. (Nigel Hall)

1674 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., A blobber-lipped shell seemeth to be a kind of mussel. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., An Indian Mantle of Feathers, and the Feathers wrought into a caul of pack-thread. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., Not netted nor woven with warp and woof, but after the manner of bobbinwork. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., The tail of the castor is almost bald..and cancellated, with some resemblance to the scales of fishes. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., His prey, for which he lies, as it were, dormant, till it swims within his reach. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., Of the upper beak, an inch and a half consisteth of one concamerated bone. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., The denticulation of the edges of the bill, or those small oblique incisions made for the better retention of the prey. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., This hospitates with the living animal in the same shell. (Fred Nicholls)

1681 N. Grew Musævm Regalis Soc., Those doublets on the side of his tail seem to add strength to the muscles which move the tail-fins. (Fred Nicholls)

a1711 N. Grew Cosmol. Sacra, Something which is invisible, intastable, and intangible..existing only in the fancy, may produce a pleasure superiour to that of sense. (Mike Thurlow)

a1714 N. Grew Cosmol. Sacra, Asymptote lines..produced infinitely will never meet. (Nigel Hall)

1627 G. Hakewill Apol., All this ado about the golden age, is but an empty rattle and frivolous conceit. (Fred Nicholls)

1627 G. Hakewill Apol., It was more notorious for the daintiness of the provision which he served in it, than for the massiness of the dish. (Fred Nicholls)

1627 G. Hakewill Apol., The ground he assumes is unsound, and his illation from thence deduced inconsequent. (Fred Nicholls)

a1676 M. Hale, It argues an ignoble mind, where we have wronged, to higgle and dodge in the amends. (Fred Nicholls)

a1676 M. Hale, After the conquest of the kingdom and subjection of the rebels. (Roland Hall)

a1676 M. Hale, Some will have these years to be but months;..yet that reduction will not serve.

a1676 M. Hale, This was but an indulgence, and therefore resumable by the victor, unless there intervened any capitulation to the contrary. (Roland Hall)

a1677 M. Hale, The charters were not avoidable for the king’s nonage. (Roland Hall)

a1677 M. Hale, Oral tradition..were incompetent with~out written monuments to derive to us the original laws, because they are of a complex nature, and therefore not orally traducible to so great a distance of ages. (Roland Hall)

1677 M. Hale Prim. Orig. Mankind, In inferiour faculties I walk, I see, I hear, I digest, I sanguify, I carnify. (Tanya Schmoller)

1677 M. Hale Prim. Orig. Mankind, By severall contrary customs..many of these civil and canon laws are controuled and derogated. (Matthew Davis)

a1656 Bp. J. Hall, Let no man fear that harmful creature ever the less, because he sees the apostle safe from that poison. (Fred Nicholls)

a1660 Hammond, God will protect and reward all his faithful servants in a manner and measure inexpressibly abundant. (Fred Nicholls)

a1660 Hammond, The oracles,..from giving responses in verse, descended to prose. (Fred Nicholls)

17.. Harris, Did she mitigate these immitigable, these iron~hearted men? (Chris Little)

1704 Harris, Catling, The down or moss growing about walnut-trees, resembling the hair of a cat. (Chris Little)

1704 J. Harris Lex. Techn., The dirigent line in geometry is that along which the line describent is carried in the generation of any figure. (Chris Little)

16.. Harvey, He was..cured by decharming the witchcraft. (Mike Thurlow)

1656-72 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, To these inspirable hurts, we may enumerate those they sustain from their expiration of fuliginous steams.(Chris Little)

a1657 Harvey, Obtusion of the senses, internal and external. (Chris Little)

a1658 Harvey, A phlegmonous or oedematick tumour. (Chris Little)

a1658 Harvey, Avicen countermands letting blood in cholerick bodies. (Chris Little)

a1658 Harvey, These dregs are calcined into such salts, which, after a short interlapse of time, produce coughs. (Chris Little)

1666-72 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, By means of sulphurous coal smoaks the lungs are stifled and oppressed, whereby they are forced to inspire and expire the air with difficulty, in comparison of the facility of inspiring and expiring the air in the country. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, A blushy colour in his face. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, If the patient be surprised with a lipothymous angour. (Chris Little)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, These parts are..raised to a greater bulk by the affluent blood that is transmitted out of the mother’s body. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, They are incapacitated of digesting the alimonious humours into flesh. (Chris Little)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, What amaritude or acrimony is deprehended in choler. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, Agues depend..upon an adust stibial or eruginous sulphur. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, Any kind of spitting of blood imports a very discriminous state. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, Consumption is generally taken for any universal diminution and colliquation of the body, which acceptation its etymology implies. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, Gravel and stone..effuse the blood apparent in a sanguine emiction. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, Incrassatives to thicken the blood. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, Small beer..brewed with a thick, muddish, and clayish water. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, The matter expectorated is thin, and mixed with thick, clotty, bluish streaks. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus, This simple bloody sputation of the lungs, is differenced from that which concomitates a pleurisy. (Mike Thurlow)

1666 G. Harvey Morbus Anglicus ? Phlegm and pure blood are reputed allayers of acrimony. (Mike Thurlow)

a1700 G. Harvey, Meals of easy digesture. (Mike Thurlow)

a1627 J. Hayward, Under colour of war, which either his negligence draws on, or his practices procured. (Fred Nicholls)

a1755 Henley, Pope came off clean with Homer. (Matthew Davis)

1748-52 J. Hill Hist. Materia Med., The semimetallick recrements. (Mike Thurlow)

1748 J. Hill Hist. Fossils, From cobalt are produced the three sorts of arsenick, white, yellow, and red; as also zaffre and smalt. (Chris Little)

1751 J. Hill Hist. Materia Med., The five genera of earths are, 1. Boles, 2. Clays, 3. Marls, 4. Ochres, 5. Tripelas. (Mike Thurlow)

1751 J. Hill Hist. Materia Med., The cacao or chocolate nut is a fruit of an oblong figure. (Mike Thurlow)

1751 J. Hill Hist. Materia Med., The jade is a species of the jasper, and of extreme hardness..it takes a very elegant polish. It is used by the Turks for handles of sabres. (Mike Thurlow)

1751 J. Hill Hist. Materia Med., Within the cavity of this fruit are lodged the cocoa nuts, usually about thirty in number. (Mike Thurlow)

1710 D. Hilman Tusser Rediv.Rowen is a field kept up till after Michaelmas, that the corn left on the ground may sprout into green. (Fred Nicholls)

a1661 B. Holyday, All that are recusants of holy rites. (Chris Little)

a1661 B. Holyday, In a superexaltation of courage, they seem as greedy of death as of victory.

a1661 B. Holyday, Is it the purity of a linen vesture, which some so fear would defile the purity of the priest? (Chris Little)

a1600 Hooker, The East and West churches did both confront the Jews and concur with them. (Fred Nicholls)

a1600 Hooker, They plead against the inconvenience, not the unlawfulness of popish apparel. (Fred Nicholls)

a1600 Hooker, We shall not need to use the hundredth part of that time. (Chris Little)

16.. Howell, The gardener may lop religion as he please. (Chris Little)

1640 J. Howell Dendrologia, The craziness of her title. (Chris Little)

1644 J. Howell Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ, My heart is still afloat; my spirits shall not sink. (Chris Little)

a1666 Howell ‘Gloria lausque Deo, sæCLorVM in sæcVla sunto.’ A chronogrammatical verse, which includes not only this year 1660, but numerical letters enough to reach above a thousand years farther. (Chris Little)

a1666 Howell Vocal Forest, He was discoursing of..the art of foolish astrologers and genethliacal ephemerists. (Chris Little)

17.. Hurd, The longer I continued in this scene, the greater was my impatience of retiring from it. (OED staff)

1598 B. Jonson Euery Man in his Humor, Out of the old hackney-pace to a fine easy amble. (Fred Nicholls)

1636 B. Jonson Discov., The abrupt stile, which hath many breaches, and doth not seem to end but fall. (Fred Nicholls)

a1695 J. Kettlewell, Suits are unlawfully entered, when they are vindictive, not reparative. (Fred Nicholls)

a1695 J. Kettlewell, When nothing but the interest of this world guides men. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes (1621) 589 The admiral seeing the mouth of the haven chained..durst not attempt to enter. (Roland Hall)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, He rode up and down gallantly mounted, and charged and discharged his lance. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, His brother Mechemetes, competitor of the kingdom. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, Hope, that he should out of these his enemies distresses pick some fit occasion of advantage. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, The imperialists imputed the cause of so shameful a flight unto the Venetians. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, They disbanded themselves, and returned every man to his own dwelling. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, They kept that day as one of their solemn holydays for many years after. (Fred Nicholls)

1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, Until winter were come on. (Fred Nicholls)

a1610 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes, By that disorderedness of the soldiers a great advantage was offered unto the enemy. (Fred Nicholls)

16.. R. L’Estrange, ‘Tis a high point of philosophy and virtue for a man to be so present to himself, as to be always provided against all accidents.(Matthew Davis)

16.. R. L’Estrange, A regular vicissitude and succession of cravings and satiety. (Matthew Davis)

16.. R. L’Estrange, Every man has his post assigned to him, and in that station he is well, if he can but think himself so. (Chris Little)

16.. R. L’Estrange, He that finds himself in any distress, either of carcass or of fortune. (Matthew Davis)

c1660 R. L’Estrange, Funeral tears are as arrantly hired out as mourning clokes. (Chris Little)

c1690 R. L’Estrange, What business has a tortoise among the clouds? (Tanya Schmoller)

a1692 R. L’Estrange, All mungrel curs bawl, snarl, and snap. (Chris Little)

1694 R. L’Estrange, She did ill then to refuse her a charity in her distress. (Chris Little)

1694 R. L’Estrange Fables, Says the satyr, ‘If you have gotten a trick of blowing hot and cold out of the same mouth, I’ve e’en done with ye.’ (Roland Hall)

1694 R. L’Estrange Fables, In the days of old the birds lived at random in a lawless state of anarchy. (Matthew Davis)

a1700 R. L’Estrange, A necessary rule in alliances, partnerships, and all manner of civil dealings. (Matthew Davis)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, A coward makes a great deal more bluster than a man of honour (Chris Little).

a1704 R. L’Estrange, And so forward, mutatis mutandis, to the end of the chapter. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, How is it possible for any man to be at rest in this fluctuant wandering humour and opinion? (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, If a man carries it off, there is so much money saved. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, It is as broad as long, whether they rise to others, or bring others down to them. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, Men will do tricks, like dogs, for crusts. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, Taken or not taken, tis all a case to me. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, There may be also..a conspiracy of common enmity and aggression. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, They fell presently to reasoning and casing upon the matter with him, and laying distinctions before him. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, This thick-skulled blunderhead. (Matthew Davis)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, ‘Tis common for a duck to run flapping and fluttering away. (Matthew Davis)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, ‘Tis not for a desultory thought to attone for a lewd course of life. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, Every distinct being has somewhat peculiar to itself, to make good in one circumstance what it wants in another. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, I have been hunting..far and near..to find out a remedy. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, It is wisdom to keep ourselves upon a guard. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, Men that will not be reasoned into their senses, may yet be laughed or drolled into them. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, One would have thought you had known better things than to expect a kindness from a common enemy. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, Some commute swearing for whoring; as if forbearance of the one were a dispensation for the other. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, The jade Fortune is to be clawed away, if you should lose it. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, The most wretched sort of people are dreamers upon events and putters of cases. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, The world calls it outwitting a man, when he’s only out-knaved. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, This gift of hocus pocussing, and of disguising matters, is surprizing. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, To contend..and then either to cross the cudgels, or to be baffled in the conclusion. (Chris Little)

a1704 R. L’Estrange, When we come to the fancy-sick, there’s no cure for it. (Chris Little)

17.. W. Law, If a woman had no opinion of her own person and dress. (Fred Nicholls)

1622 T. May tr. Virgil Georgicks, Then aldern boats first plow’d the ocean. (OED staff)

1622 T. May tr. Virgil Georgicks, The ground one year at rest; forget not then With richest dung to hearten it again. (OED staff)

1622 T. May tr. Virgil Georgicks, The sun’s orb both even and morn is bright. (Fred Nicholls)

1702 R. Mead Poisons, The compound spirit of nitre, put to oil of cloves will effervesce even to a flame. (Fred Nicholls)

a1754 R. Mead, I have often wished that I knew as certain a remedy for any other distemper. (Fred Nicholls)

1731-7 P. Miller Gardeners Dict., The pine tree hath amentaceous flowers or katkins. (Mike Thurlow)

c1737 P. Miller, The pine tree hath amentaceous flowers or katkins. (Chris Little)

a1755 P. Miller, The true clove-gillyflower has been long in use for making a cordial syrup. (Mike Thurlow)

1656 H. More Antidote Atheism, Creatures are made to enjoy themselves, as well as to serve us. (Fred Nicholls)

1668 H. More Divine Dialogues, A very shrewd disputant in those points is dexterous in puzzling others. (Fred Nicholls)

1668 H. More Divine Dialogues, The industrious perforation of the tendons of the second joints of fingers and toes, draw the tendons of the third joints through. (Fred Nicholls)

a1687 H. More, If you could perch yourself as a bird on the top of some high steeple. (Fred Nicholls)

a1687 H. More, The diagonal line and side of a quadrate..to our apprehension, are incommensurate. (Fred Nicholls)

1707-12 J. Mortimer, Any manner of vegetables cast into the dungyard. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Oakenpin, so called from its hardness, is a lasting fruit. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Eschalots are now from France become an English plant. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Have the poles without forks, otherwise it will be troublesome to part the hop vines and the poles. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Let the hiver drink a cup of good beer, and wash his hands and face therewith. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Only the small horsebean is propagated by the plough. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The horse-cucumber is the large green cucumber, and the best for the table, green out of the garden. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The Hertfordshire wheel-plough is the best..and of the easiest draught. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The hotspur is the speediest of any in growth. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-12 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The small black grape is by some called the currant, or clustergrape. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-16 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Deadness or flatness in cyder. (Mike Thurlow)

1707-16 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., There are many pretenders to the art of farriering and cow-leeching. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Beating down the yeast gives it the sweet alish taste. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Clay in dry seasons is costive, hardening with the sun and wind. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., For the form of the wheels, some make them more dishing..that is, more concave, by setting off the spokes and fellies more outwards. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., I have known sheep cured of the rot by being put into broomlands. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., If the weather be warm, we immediately couch malt about a foot thick; but if a hotter season require it, we spread it on the floor much thinner. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., In Kent they brew with one half oatmalt and the other half barleymalt. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Out of a small hogcote sixty or eighty load of dung hath been raised. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Some..sow wheat or rye..with a broad cast, some only with a single cast. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The dray~plough is the best plough in Winter for miry clays. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The fox is..very prejudicial to the husbandman, especially..near forest-woods and covert places. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The small shoots..must be nipt off. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The square is taken by a pair of cannipers, or two rulers clapped to the side of a tree, measuring the distance between them. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., You may transplant them [trees] for coppice ground, walks, or hedges. (Mike Thurlow)

1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Your first wort being thus boiled, lade off into one or more coolers, or cool-backs. (Mike Thurlow)

c1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Of the rottenest maple wood burnt to ashes they make a strong lye. (Mike Thurlow)

?1712 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Excorticated and bark-bared trees. (Mike Thurlow)

a1750 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., A convenient..place..for your apiary or bee-garden. (Mike Thurlow)

a1750 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., Mould to bed your quick in. (Mike Thurlow)

a1750 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., The campestral or wild beech, is blacker and more durable. (Mike Thurlow)

a1755 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husb., For want of turning, when the malt is spread on the floor, it comes, and sprouts at both ends, which is called acrospired, and is fit only for swine. (Mike Thurlow)

1677 J. Moxon Mech. Exercises, These chissels are not ground to such a basil as the joiner’s chissels. (Fred Nicholls)

16.. Newton Opticks, If the intercepted colours be let pass, they will fall upon this compounded orange, and, together with it, decompound a white.(Roland Hall)

17.. Dr. Newton, Your social and convivial spirit is such that it is a happiness to live and converse with you. (Chris Little)

1704 I. Newton Opticks, The bubble..seemed red at its apparent circumference. (Roland Hall)

a1727 Newton, Whatever I have done is due to patient thought. (Roland Hall)

c1700 Norris, Men, otherwise senseful and ingenious, quote such things out of an author as would never pass in conversation. (Fred Nicholls)

a1711 Norris, He..receives a more vigorous joy from the reflexion than from the direct incidency of his happiness. (Fred Nicholls)

a1711 Norris, Men are resolved never to outshoot their forefathers’ mark. (Fred Nicholls)

1711 Norris, We are..to love him with all possible..elevation of spirit. (Fred Nicholls)

1606 H. Peacham Graphice, Eurus..must be drawn with blown cheeks, wings upon his shoulders, and his body the colour of the tawny moon. (Chris Little)

a1640 H. Peacham, A blue stone they make haver or oatcakes upon. (Chris Little)

a1650 H. Peacham, Sapor had an heaven of glass, which he trod upon, contemplating over the same. (Chris Little)

?a1602 W. Perkins, If a man be lopping a tree and his ax-head fall from the helve,..and kills another passing by; here is indeed manslaughter, but no voluntary murther. (Chris Little)

17.. Pope, I would make use of it rather to play upon those I despised, than to trifle with those I loved. (Fred Nicholls)

17.. Pope, In some parts of Scotland, stones..are laid at the gates of great houses, which they call putting stones, for trials of strength. (Matthew Davis)

1725 Pope Ess. Homer, The main parts of the poem..no translator can prejudice but by omissions or contractions. (Thomas Hubeart)

a1744 Pope, I rule the family very ill, and keep bad hours. (Fred Nicholls)

a1744 Pope, You have commissioned me to paint your shop, and I have done my best to brush you up like your neighbours. (Fred Nicholls)

a1744 Pope, Attributes..which it was an irreverence to omit. (Fred Nicholls)

a1744 Pope, I could be content to be a little sneered at in a line. (Fred Nicholls)

a1744 Pope, See what it is to have a poet in your house. (Fred Nicholls)

a1744 Pope, The poet may be seen inducing his personages in the first Iliad. (Fred Nicholls)

a1744 Pope Let., A hermit wishes to be praised for his abstraction. (Fred Nicholls)

a1745 Pope, They are not so well tallied to the present juncture. (Fred Nicholls)

a1721 M. Prior Solomon, The brightness of his parts..distinguished him in an age of great politeness. (OED staff)

c1718 J. Quincy, The coats of the veins seem only to be continuations of the capillary arteries. (Chris Little)

c1720 J. Quincy, Analeptick medicines cherish the nerves, and renew the spirits and strength. (Chris Little)

c1720 J. Quincy, Capillary, or capillaceous plants, are such as have no main stalk or stem, but grow to the ground, as hairs on the head; and which bear their seeds in little tufts or protuberances on the backside of their leaves. (Chris Little)

c1720 J. Quincy, Those small threads or hairs which grow up in the middle of a flower, and adorned with little herbs at the top, are called capillaments.(Chris Little)

1614 W. Raleigh Hist. World, In succeeding times this wisdom began to be written in ciphers and characters, and letters bearing the form of creatures.(Roland Hall)

1614 W. Raleigh Hist. World, The heavens, before they had motion and adornment. (Roland Hall)

1614 W. Raleigh Hist. World, Men began publickly to call on the name of the Lord; that is, they served and praised God by communion, and in publick manner. (Paul Wayne, Matthew Davis)

1614 W. Raleigh Hist. World, The everliving subjects of his [God’s] reward and punishment. (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, By what reason could the same deity be denied unto Laurentia and Flora, which was given to Venus? (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, He suffers seventy-two distinct nations to be erected out of the first monarchy under distinct governours. (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, How few kingdoms are there, wherein, by dispensing with oaths, absolving subjects from allegiance..the popes have not wrought innumerable mischiefs. (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, If the title of occupiers be good in a land unpeopled, why should it be bad accounted in a country peopled thinly? (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, The greatest ships..are of marvellous charge and fearful cumber. (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, The idea and exemplar of the world was first in God. (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh, Times have consumed his works, saving some few excerptions. (Chris Little)

a1618 W. Raleigh Hist. World, As their people increased, they drew themselves more westerly towards the Red sea. (Roland Hall)

a1618 W. Raleigh Hist. World, Overweak to resist the first inclination of evil, or after, when it became habitual, to constrain it. (Roland Hall)

a1618 W. Raleigh Hist. World, There cannot be more infinities than one; for one of them would limit the other. (Chris Little, Paul Wayne)

1692 J. Ray Wisdom of God, Her works are so perfect that there is no place for amendments. (Chris Little)

c1580 Rogers, An end which..appears worthy our utmost contention to obtain. (Fred Nicholls)

16.. Rogers, As our thoughts extend to all subjects, they may be criminally employed on all. (Fred Nicholls)

16.. Rogers, The neglect..renders us criminal in the sight of God. (Fred Nicholls)

16.. Rogers, Without remorse for the past, and thoughtless of the future. (Fred Nicholls)

c1600 Rogers, We must..fix on this wise and religious aphorism in my text, as the sum and comprehension of all. (Fred Nicholls)

a1616 Rogers, A regular obedience to one law will be a full equivalent for their breach of another. (Fred Nicholls)

?c1642 Rogers, God knows every faculty and passion, and in what manner they can be most successfully applied to. (Fred Nicholls)

a1652 Rogers, Neither are God’s methods or intentions different in his dispensations to each private man. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Rogers, Play, either by our too constant or too long engagement in it becomes like an employment or profession. (Fred Nicholls)

?a1700 Rogers, The great and rich depend on those whom their power or their wealth attaches to them. (Fred Nicholls)

a1719 Rogers, Happiness, it was resolved by all, must be some one uniform end. (Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers, If we imitate their repentance as we transcribe their faults. (Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers, Importunate passions..will not suffer him to attend to the remonstrances of justice. (Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers, Publick reproofs of sin are general..; but in private conversations the application may be more personal. (Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers, The converted man is personally the same he was before. (Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers, The glory of God is the end which every intelligent being is bound to consult, by a direct and intentional service. (Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers, The meanest capacity, when he sees a rule practicably applied before his eyes, can no longer be at a loss how ’tis to be performed.(Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers Serm., Neither pomp nor retinue shall be able to divert the great, nor shall the rich be relieved by the multitude of his treasurers.(Fred Nicholls)

a1729 J. Rogers Serm., The understanding is dim, and cannot by its natural light discover spiritual truth. (Fred Nicholls)

a1700 Salmon, The pine-apple is one of the tropical fruits.

a1663 R. Sanderson, It concerneth superiours to look well to the expediency and inexpediency of what they enjoin in indifferent things. (Fred Nicholls)

a1663 R. Sanderson, The collects adventual, quadragesimal, paschal, or pentecostal. (Fred Nicholls)

a1663 R. Sanderson Serm., I do also daily use one other collect: as, namely, the collects adventual, quadragesimal. (Fred Nicholls)

1615 G. Sandys Relat. Journey, They hit one another with darts, as the other do with their hands, which they never throw counter, but at the back of the flyer. (Fred Nicholls)

17.. S. Sharp, A sore should never be wiped by drawing a piece of tow or rag over it, but only by dabbing it with fine lint. (Fred Nicholls)

17.. S. Sharp, The sensibleness of the eye renders it subject to pain. (Chris Little)

1739 S. Sharp Treat. Surg., [The parts of a wound] will..cement like one branch of a tree ingrafted on another. (Fred Nicholls)

1739 S. Sharp Treat. Surg., An oppressed diaphragm from a mere lodgment of extravasated matter. (Fred Nicholls)

1739 S. Sharp Treat. Surg., It is not probable any constitutional illness will be communicated with the small-pox by inoculation. (Fred Nicholls)

1739 S. Sharp Treat. Surg., There is a slackness to heal, and a cure is very difficultly effected. (Fred Nicholls)

a1750 S. Sharp Treat. Surg., The place for a counteropening. (Chris Little)

a1755 S. Sharp Treat. Surg., The teeth of the saw will begin to clog. (Fred Nicholls)

a1586 Sir P. Sidney, We arrived upon the verge of his estate. (Matthew M. Davis)

a1586 Sir P. Sidney, Euryalus taking leave of Lucretia, precipitated her into such a love-fit, that within a few hours she ghosted.

a1719 Bp. Smallridge, St. Paul sends him back again, that Philemon might have no reason to be angry at his longer detainour. (Matthew Davis)

a1719 Bp. G. Smalridge, Beg the blessed Jesus to give an energy to your imperfect prayers. (Fred Nicholls)

a1719 Bp. G. Smalridge, The direction of good works to a good end. (Fred Nicholls)

a1719 Bp. G. Smalridge Serm., No one who doeth good to those only..can ever be fully satisfied of his own sincerity. (Fred Nicholls)

a1716 R. South, In solitude there is not only discomfort but weakness also. (Fred Nicholls)

a1716 R. South, That litter of absurd opinions that crawl about the world. (Fred Nicholls)

a1716 R. South, Unless nature be predisposed to friendship by its own propensity. (Fred Nicholls)

16.. Spelman, All the vessels of the king’s house are not for use of honour, some be common stuff, and for mean services, yet profitable. (Fred Nicholls)

1663 J. Spencer Disc. Prodigies 202 The speech of our learned and pious annotator. (Chris Little)

a1713 T. Sprat, A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things. (Fred Nicholls)

a1713 T. Sprat, Zeal ought to be composed of the highest degrees of all pious affections. (Fred Nicholls)

a1718 Stephens, And are not these vices, which lead into damnation, repeatedly, and most forcibly cautioned against? (Fred Nicholls)

16.. E. Stillingfleet, God requires rather that we should die than defile ourselves with impieties. (Fred Nicholls)

1673 E. Stillingfleet Def. Disc. Idolatry, If any be given up to believe lyes, some must be first given up to tell them. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, He blunders and confounds all these together. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, Acts of worship required to be performed to images, viz. processions, genuflections, thurifications, and deosculations. (Roland Hall)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, He that commits only the external act of idolatry is as guilty as [etc.]. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, If he declares he intends it for the honour of another, he takes away by his words the significance of his action. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, It is indeed come out at last, that we are to look on the saints as inferior deities. (Roland Hall)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, My argument evidently overthrows all that he brings to evade the testimonies of the fathers. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, That these were comprehended under the sacra, is manifest from the old form of obsecration. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, The conceit is long in delivering, and at last it comes like a Thunder~shower, full of sulphur and darkness. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, The state of the controversy..he endeavoured with all his art to blind and confound. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, They had their particular prayers according to the several days and months; and their tables or rubricks to instruct them. (Fred Nicholls)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, This bishop, to make out the disparity between the heathens and them, flies to this lamentable refuge. (Roland Hall)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet, We are not only to look at the bare action, but at the reason of it. (Roland Hall)

a1699 E. Stillingfleet Def. Disc. Idolatry, The Indians, at naming the devil, did spit on the ground in token of execration. (Fred Nicholls)

17.. Swift, From the earliest ages of christianity, there never was a precedent of such a proceeding. (Roland Hall)

17.. Swift, I must premise with three circumstances. (Roland Hall)

17.. Swift, To recover the effects of their hardships upon us. (Roland Hall)

17.. Swift, We were not principals, but auxiliaries in the war. (Roland Hall)

17.. Swift, When men and women are mixed and well chosen, and put their best qualities forward, there may be any intercourse of civility and good will. (Roland Hall)

17.. Swift Let. to Pope, Something better and greater than high birth and quality must go toward acquiring those demonstrations of public esteem and love. (Chris Little)

17.. Swift Misc., People were tempted to lend by great premiums and large interest. (Roland Hall)

1710-11 Swift Examiner, The craft of ill designing men. (Roland Hall)

1711 Swift Some Rem