At Taylor & Francis, we stand for human dignity and tolerance in all its forms. We have no place for racism. No place for discrimination, xenophobia or disrespect of any kind. These are our truths. And through our purpose we will continue to fight for all truths that matter to humanity.

We can’t change the world on our own, but we are willing to put expertise at the fingertips of those that share our desire to do so. Knowledge drives progress and one modest action we are taking is opening up validated scholarly content on racism and its prevention, on social and economic justice, on related educational resources and on their effects on society as a whole.

The more we know, the more effectively we can act.

We have curated some of our relevant books and journals content in this area – much of it free to view or open access – and our editorial teams will continue to collaborate with scholars and experts to organize and publish an expanded reading list on this microsite. In parallel, our education team have developed Educating for Black Lives which brings together readings and resources to support and inspire those who want to implement antiracist strategies across a variety of education settings and stages.


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