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Endorsements: Thompson, Blanco and Sisson in Orange County state House races

In primaries for Florida state House covering chunks of Orange County, the Orlando Sentinel endorses Geraldine Thompson, Jeremy Sisson and Frank Blanco.
In primaries for Florida state House covering chunks of Orange County, the Orlando Sentinel endorses Geraldine Thompson, Jeremy Sisson and Frank Blanco. (Bobby Caina Calvan/AP)

Republicans and Democrats are trying to unseat incumbent state House members in two Orange County districts.

Democratic incumbent Geraldine Thompson is attempting to fend off a primary challenger, while Republicans are lining up to challenge the winner of that race as well as incumbent Rep. Anna Eskamani in the fall.


The Sentinel’s Editorial Board invited the six primary candidates in those three primaries to an interview via video conference. Five attended, and one did not. The following endorsements are based partly on those interviews, as well as our review of the candidates’ positions on issues, their backgrounds and their qualifications.

See the Orlando Sentinel Voters Guide for Central Florida races to be contested in the state primary on Aug. 18, 2020. See race previews, editorial endorsements and candidate interviews.

Thompson in District 44, Democrat

Central Florida knows Geraldine Thompson. She’s served in the Florida Legislature since 2006, first in the state House, then in the Senate. She was elected back to the House in 2018, winning a close race in this southwest Orange County district, which is fairly evenly divided between Democrats, Republicans and voters who are unaffiliated with a party.


One of the reasons Thompson keeps getting elected is her devotion to the region. She’s a former educator who works hard and she stays closely tethered to her constituents.

While she doesn’t carry many bills that make an impact — something that’s never easy when you’re in the minority party — Thompson’s votes are nearly always on the right side of the issue.

Going back as far as 2011, Thompson opposed the Rick Scott/Chamber of Commerce-led attempt to overhaul Florida’s unemployment system, a bill that countless out-of-work Floridians are paying the price for today.

More recently, Thompson opposed bills making it harder for citizens to change the state constitution, stopping cities from requiring developers to include affordable housing in their plans, and arming teachers in classrooms.

Thompson’s opponent in the Democratic primary is Andy Farrell, a political newcomer and a newcomer to the Democratic Party, which he joined in June. Farrell had been a lifelong Republican, saying he traveled to North Carolina to vote even though he said he’s been a Florida resident for 20 years.

That issue aside, Farrell isn’t offering Democrats a good reason — any reason, really — why they should oust Thompson for an unknown quantity who’s a political novice.

Democrats are much better off voting for Thompson in this primary. She’s been a good and decent public servant. We need more of that.

Blanco in District 44, Republican

Two Republicans are in the Republican primary in this district — the winner will face either Thompson or Farrell in the fall.

The candidates are Frank Blanco, a family and criminal defense lawyer, and Bruno Portigliatti, who heads a Christian college and an assisted living facility.

Blanco says he’s a “small r” Republican, and emphasizes views that are libertarian in nature. Libertarian views sometimes inform sensible opinions, like Blanco’s belief in doing away with mandatory minimum prison sentences that cram jails full of people that may not belong there.

And then there’s Blanco’s belief that the government should butt out of health care. We know how that free market would work: Insure the well, don’t insure the sick.

Blanco’s opponent has the narrowest possible view of the role of government, saying it “should only collect enough tax to meet the requirements for its essential functions, which include maintenance of national security and basic infrastructure and protection of the citizens against criminals.”


So much for providing benefits to the unemployed, health care to the poor or services to elders. Portigliatti’s worldview of government’s role seem to stand in direct contrast to the Judeo-Christian values he claims to possess.

And both candidates say Gov. Ron DeSantis is doing a heckuva job on the pandemic front.

We’re not crazy about either of these candidates, but we think voters should choose Blanco’s libertarian impulses over Portigliatti’s even colder-hearted view of government.

Sisson in District 47, Republican

This race to represent the downtown Orlando area possibly presents the clearest choice of any primary on the ballot.

The two candidates in this race — the winner will face incumbent Democrat Anna Eskamani — are Jeremy Sisson, a commercial real estate broker, and Kevin Morenski, a criminal defense attorney.

Where to start with Morenski...

How about his Twitter account, where Morenski has called Eskamani a “new-age terrorist,” an Orlando Sentinel reporter a “pig” and a couple of apparently homeless men he encountered “crackheads.”

That’s all Central Florida needs in the state Legislature, another crude insult artist. His Twitter behavior alone is disqualifying.

Take heart, Republicans, you are not facing a lesser of two evils choice.

Jeremy Sisson is the anti-Morenski. His campaign, while short on policy specifics in certain areas, is upbeat and positive. His charitable and volunteer work in the community is impressive. That kind of community involvement should count for a lot. And, hey, he is not a climate change denier.

Sisson refused to be interviewed by the Sentinel Editorial Board. His campaign insisted the board must be comprised of “at least” 50% Republicans before he would consider it. It was a silly response from what otherwise seems like a serious campaign. Does Sisson really fear being asked a few questions? In politics, a good heart also requires a stiff spine.

Regardless, Sisson is an easy pick for Republicans in this race.

Election endorsements are the opinion of the Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board, which consists of Opinion Editor Mike Lafferty, Jennifer A. Marcial Ocasio, Jay Reddick, David Whitley and Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson. Sentinel Columnist Scott Maxwell participates in interviews and deliberations. To watch the candidate interviews, go to OrlandoSentinel.com/interviews.
