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  1. retwitteó
    hace 6 horas

    It’s also fascinating that all player wokeness in the leagues, up until now, has been without fans present and able to react. Imagine the fan reaction if Milwaukee Bucks had a sold out arena and decided not to play. Fans would have booed like crazy at that announcement.

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  2. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas
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    Is this a joke? you & act like businesses are doing well... The overreach of power and mandates are destroying Ohio. ... Bars close early, many schools are remote, restaurant capacity is still limited, colleges watching

  3. retwitteó
    hace 7 horas
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    The Athletic is losing money and has run its course. People don’t want to pay for substandard reporting and fluff pieces.

  4. retwitteó

    This is no longer a battle of Republican vs Democrat. It’s a battle of GOOD vs evil.

  5. retwitteó
    10 sept.
  6. retwitteó
    hace 22 horas
  7. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    So remember yesterday when and others in the media jumped all over the story of a 20 year old football player dying of COVID complications? Yeah, this may shock you, but it appears that report, originally from his high school, was false...

  8. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    Dr. Fauci just came out and defended Trump. The Woodward stuff is nonsense.

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  9. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    OSU needs to pay whatever the lawsuit will cost and go rogue. If it's $100M, they have to realize they will lose that x5 over the next 10 years in lost revenue for this blunder. JMO.

  10. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    This will only embolden base and encourage crossover votes! Thanks for the help

  11. retwitteó

    Trump Train Or Biden Bicycle... Easy choice🤣👍

  12. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    University of Michigan: If you don't show up to teach classes you'll be fired also University of Michigan: Athletes can't play sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️

  13. retwitteó
    8 sept.

    The Big Ten may be playing indoor college basketball in December. But they can’t play football outdoors in October. This is pure insanity.

  14. retwitteó
    9 sept.
  15. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    this posturing must end!The ONLY thing that’s transparent is this isn’t abt our son’s health. Hospitalizations are WAY down, testing is UP, help has been offered, everyone from Rec to Pros R doing GREAT. STOP! Our kids R !

  16. retwitteó
    9 sept.
  17. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    I do not care if you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever. If the White House is offering assistance to the B1G’s biggest issue (testing), and the B1G is not even responding to said assistance, an inescapable conclusion is that this is at least somewhat political.

  18. retwitteó
    9 sept.
    En respuesta a

    Do NBA and NFL athletes realize the change that BLM had brought to their neighborhoods? If so, they're not the solution, they're part of the problem. There's plenty to watch on TV these days. I'm changing the channel/videostream.

  19. retwitteó
    8 sept.

    AMAZING support for President in Winston-Salem, North Carolina‼️

  20. retwitteó
    9 sept.

    Adam Carolla Says COVID Lockdowns Are Creating A Nation Of Cowards. Host Of “The Adam Carolla Show” Joins Tucker, Injects Some Very Smart Observations Of Recent Happenings. Tap Link ➡️ ( )


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