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'How many teachers is too many to die?': School openings leave some caught in middle

Ariel Gilreath
Greenville News

Jerry Williamson has five people who depend on him.

His income as a Spanish teacher at Pendleton High School gets stretched thin between them. His wife stopped working when they adopted their 6-year-old son from a family member four years ago.

His three adult children also live with him. One is starting her first year as a student-teacher this fall while she completes her master’s degree.

He says he worries about returning to school and exposing his family to the coronavirus more than he worries about himself.

He also agonizes over his students. 

The debate to reopen schools in South Carolina is complicated and messy — public officials, parents and education leaders are split on when and how to do it. Many teachers have found themselves caught in the middle.

For Williamson, who has taught at the school in Anderson County School District 4 for eight years and was the 2018 district teacher of the year, teaching is a calling. 

He trusts Superintendent Joanne Avery with his life. If he worked in another district, he probably would not return to school this fall, he said, even though he is unsure what his family would do without the income.

“I worry about, if I don’t survive, how will my wife take care of everything?” Williamson said. “We’re going to have teachers from two different schools bringing home whatever we come in contact with during the day.”

Williamson, 49, has hypertension, one of the preexisting conditions the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says can put someone at a higher risk for serious symptoms from COVID-19.

“The only reason I would consider even going back — regardless, I would never risk the life of my family — is because of Dr. Avery,” Williamson said.

Jerry Williamson, a Spanish teacher at Pendleton High School, at his home in Liberty, Wednesday, July 29, 2020. Williamson, who is high-functioning autistic, also has genetic high blood pressure and sleep apnea, comorbidities that make him more susceptible to COVID-19. He is concerned about the possibility of having to resume in-person instruction before the virus is under control.

In South Carolina, every county has high spread of the virus as of Monday, just weeks before school are set to open, according to the state Department of Health and Environmental Control, which has weighed cases, trend in cases and percent of people testing positive in determining its characterization of spread.

More than 92,000 people in the state have tested positive since the pandemic started, and more than 1,700 have died because of the virus. The percent of people testing positive hovered between 15% and 23% throughout July.

At the start of the summer, it seemed as though the state's Department of Education would allow districts in virus hot spots to conduct school remotely and online.

Although public officials have clashed on how it should be done, both Gov. Henry McMaster and state Superintendent Molly Spearman have agreed reopening plans should include options that allow students to be back in classrooms for some amount of time.

Even at the federal level, guidance on when and how schools should reopen is changing while political pressure mounts. The CDC released new school guidelines on July 23 that emphasized the importance of reopening schools. That came weeks after criticism from the White House, when President Donald Trump said the CDC's previous reopening guidelines were "tough and expensive" to follow.

“I think a lot of times the discussion gets so deep into what is best for the students and what the students need,” Williamson said. “I think the question it comes to is how many teachers is too many to die.”

Jerry Williamson, a Spanish teacher at Pendleton High School, at his home in Liberty, Wednesday, July 29, 2020. Williamson, who is high-functioning autistic, also has genetic high blood pressure and sleep apnea, comorbidities that make him more susceptible to COVID-19. He is concerned about the possibility of having to resume in-person instruction before the virus is under control.

Students had more mental health issues this year because of quarantine

Standing in front of a small group of state senators on July 8, Dr. Deborah Greenhouse urged legislators to do whatever was necessary to get students back in school full-time. 

“The socioeconomic disparity will only widen if our children are unable to attend school in the fall,” Greenhouse said. 

The pediatrician painted a sobering picture: she said she had seen two young suicidal children in the previous 24 hours in her Columbia office of the Palmetto Pediatric and Adolescent Clinic.

There have been far more children suffering from mental health issues this summer than she’s ever seen before, she told The Greenville News.

“This is a totally different level of mental health problems than anything I have ever seen before," Greenhouse said.

But now she feels as if her words to the senators got twisted. She’s heard from thousands of South Carolinians, some praising and others criticizing her comments as a call to reopen schools five days a week regardless of the spread of the virus.

“I think some of that is based upon the fact that people are really latching on only to the first part of the first statement, that our ultimate goal is to get kids back in school," Greenhouse said. "They're not hearing anything past that about doing it safely, when it is appropriate with appropriate precautions, and following the science."

In June, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement emphasizing the need for schools to reopen, which the White House later pointed to in a push to reopen schools.

Both Greenhouse and the AAP later said the decision should be made “based on evidence, not politics,” and that schools in areas with high spread of the virus “should not be compelled to reopen against the judgment of local experts.”

"We have to make a choice to prioritize our children and be able to send them back to school. To prioritize our children, that means we have to make responsible decisions," Greenhouse said. "That means individuals have to make responsible decisions, and it means our state administration needs to make responsible decisions."

Here's a list:Upstate schools that have announced fall reopening plans

Greenhouse said there are number of steps the state should take to reduce the spread of the virus and allow students back in classrooms, including a statewide mask mandate, shutting down indoor dining and closing bars.

McMaster issued new mandates that went into effect Monday, telling restaurants to limit their number of customers to half capacity and requiring anyone inside and not eating to wear a mask, but he stopped short of issuing a statewide mask mandate. 

Meanwhile, the push to allow students back in school is based on emerging evidence that children younger than 10 are less likely to transmit the virus and have severe symptoms from it.

In middle and high schools, there are older students, who at least one large-scale CDC study has shown can spread the virus just as easily as adults.

Nicole Walker, a Columbia high school teacher and board member for the education advocacy group SC for Ed, said arguments that base reopening schools on those studies fail to take into account that there are no definitive answers on how the virus spreads, even among children, since studies and guidelines are constantly being updated.

And she said it should be considered that schools are not populated solely with children.

There are adults who teach the children, adults who drive them to and from school, adults who serve them meals, adults who counsel them, adults who clean the hallways and bathrooms. Adults with underlying conditions and adults who fear bringing the virus back home to loved ones.

In a statewide survey that SC for Ed officials said they conducted July 6 of more than 7,800 school staff, about 43% of respondents said they had preexisting conditions that put them at higher risk of having severe symptoms from COVID-19.

"What's tough for us is that for so long, we feel like there's been an expectation, not just the state but nationally, that teachers and school staff should martyr themselves in order to educate our children," Walker said. “And we don't think that's fair at all.”

'I wouldn't feel safe even if they had masks on'

In the last few months, Shelley Smith has heard more people start comparing teachers to medical workers than ever before — using descriptions such as “front-line” and “essential” workers.

“If you’re in the medical profession, you have working surfaces that are meant for disinfectant and sanitary conditions. Our schools aren’t built with stark, stainless steel desks. We don’t have paper gowns or tear-away paper,” Smith said. “We’re built with more of a collaborative focus in mind — group work, movement, games, building relationships and community. Our setting is just built for a different purpose.”

Smith, who teaches social studies at Travelers Rest High School and was the 2019 teacher of the year in Greenville County, tries to stay tuned in to teachers’ concerns throughout the district and state.

All of the ones she's spoken with want a return to face-to-face instruction, she said, but many of them are afraid it's happening too soon.

Mask or maskless:The politics of measuring individual responsibility in South Carolina

When South Carolina's Department of Education approved more than 60 reopening plans last week, the agency also announced it would require nearly everyone inside a school building or riding a state-owned bus to wear masks.

Some teachers welcomed the mandate, but for others, it did little to ease the fear of returning to classrooms while spread of the virus is high.

Like Williamson, Pendleton High math teacher Ben Sinwell is concerned.

He would not allow 10 people to gather in his living room right now, which is roughly the size of a small classroom, let alone 20 to 30 people.

"I wouldn't feel safe even if they had masks on," Sinwell said. 

Steve Nuzum, a high school teacher in Columbia and member of SC for Ed, said he fears the conversation surrounding reopening schools has become black and white — you either want schools to open in the fall or you don't.

"We should be talking about what happens to kids if we don't open physically, but we also have to consider that so many of the people who work in school buildings are at high risk for serious illness if they get COVID, or they live with people who are," Nuzum said. "It's a lot of different things that need to be balanced."

If staff members become sick and have to quarantine throughout the year, Nuzum wonders how districts will find enough substitutes to replace them, since the state has never fully recovered from a teacher shortage that has grown for most of the last decade.

Nuzum said reopening schools in the state while spread of the virus is still high is one big experiment, with potentially fatal outcomes.

"With the rate of spread we have, I can't imagine a scenario where someone at my school is not going to have coronavirus," Nuzum said.

Although Williamson is optimistic in his district's reopening plan, he knows the stakes are high. Anxiety gnaws at him when he goes to bed at night.

He wants to believe it's safe to reopen schools now, but he plans on updating his will, just in case.

Ariel Gilreath is a watchdog reporter focusing on education and family issues with The Greenville News and Independent Mail. Contact her at agilreath@gannett.com and on Twitter @ArielGilreath.