Alabama Obituaries & Death Notices

Click any newspaper name below to see today's obituaries, to search obituaries archives, to post a tribute in a guest book, or to find news obituaries.


The Huntsville Times
- The deadline for placing an obituary or in-memoriam notice on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday is 3 p.m. CST the day prior to publication.

The Mobile Press Register and The Mississippi Press
- The deadline for placing an obituary or in-memoriam notice on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday is 4 p.m. CST the day prior to publication.

The Birmingham News
- The deadline for placing an obituary or in-memoriam notice on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday is 4 p.m. CST the day prior to publication.
-Notices should appear online within 24 hours of submission.

Obituaries by Phone

Obituaries from Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile and Pascagoula are now available via phone. Call our audio line for death notices by dialing (800) 283-4247. Voice prompts allow callers to select the city and sort by first letter of last name.

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Birmingham Obituaries from The Birmingham News
Mobile Obituaries from the Press-Register
Huntsville Obituaries from The Huntsville Times
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