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  1. I loved our talk... is an amazing place for creators to reach the world...

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  2. Watching and witnessing their brilliance and joy is the remedy we need in 2020...

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    New lyrics on Where is the Love by is pure brilliance. 👏🏻👏🏻

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    () says Black communities need more investment, especially when it comes to education and school zoning.

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    Today on the 's Digital Stage: conducts his work "Reach for the Stars" during our concert. Watch ▶ Part of , a content series centering Black voices in the arts and affirming that Black lives matter.

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    . was told he had a few years to live. In just 2 yrs he built a foundation, helped increase ALS research by $35m & helped pass 2 bills fighting for a cure in Congress. This is his story. Let's get him the support he needs to help others with ALS.

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    What the Supreme Court did today was support the best of American values: fairness, justice, and hope. The Dreamers belong in this country, the only home they've ever known. We can be inspired by their stories and build an immigration system that reflects our highest ideals.

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    It’s been 10 years since we’ve made a pop album...Finally we are about to release “TRANSLATION”... with all the negativity, panic, pain, stress and confusion...I think the some sunshine and joy can lift peoples spirits...Album out June 19. Pre-order tomorrow.

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  11. It’s been 10 years since we’ve made a pop album...Finally we are about to release “TRANSLATION”... with all the negativity, panic, pain, stress and confusion...I think the some sunshine and joy can lift peoples spirits...Album out June 19. Pre-order tomorrow.

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  12. People killing People dying Children hurting We hear them crying Can you practice what you preach? Can you turn the other cheek? Father father father help us Send some guidance from above Because people got me questioning WHERE IS THE LOVE [?]

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  13. America needs some serious healing...we are divided & can the “greatest” county have an blatant league of wicked police officers patrolling the streets with Hate in the heart & a justice system that protects their killing of unarmed & Handcuffed black men???🤦🏿‍♂️

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    I’m so terribly sad to witness the passing of George Floyd. One of the most horrible and tragic things I have ever witnessed. May Justice be fully served. May the One who brings peace bring peace to all. ❤️ speaking truth.

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    to 2010 when and had everybody singing "OMG". 10 years ago this hit was at the top of the charts! 💯

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  17. It was an honour to chat with during she’s a strong powerful wise intellectual woman that knows how to students at & need more powerful female role models like

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    Inspiring chat between Ginni and . "What's the immediate value of an 'A' [and education] if I'm surrounded by crime and violence?"

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    “We have to be more human in this Digital Era” & A highlight from today. Although physically distant, I believe the last few weeks have allowed us to connect at a human level.

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    Happening now at Executive Chairman discusses Open P-TECH, the future of education and the digital workforce in the post -19 era with , Founder and CEO, I.AM+:

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