Patricia Lopez


Star Tribune Editorial Board member. I ask irritating questions for a living. Proud Johnnie and Cyclone mom. Yes, I’m back at the Capitol.

Menyertai Oktober 2009


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  1. 10 minit lalu

    If you don't read anything else today, read this: Michele Norris' stirring eulogy of John Lewis, calling us to pick up where he left off.

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  2. Mengetweet Semula
    11 jam lalu

    The stakes for COVID-19 and young people in Minnesota: People in their 20s have accounted for about 20% of new cases in May, but nearly one-third of new cases — more than 3,400 — from early June to early July.

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    11 jam lalu

    The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis officer ignited protests and calls for change in police departments nationwide. But collective bargaining agreements for officers provide protections that stand in the way of accountability, experts say.

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  4. Mengetweet Semula
    14 jam lalu

    Chris Wallace pushes back on Trump's inaccurate claim that if there was less testing there would be fewer cases. "Testing is up 37 percent." Trump: "Well, that's good." Wallace: "Cases are up 194 percent. It isn't just that testing has gone up, it's that the virus has spread."

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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    14 jam lalu

    Amazing. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Trump's GOP) requests "an interlocutory and permanent injunction" to restrain the free speech of an elected official with whom he disagrees.

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  6. Mengetweet Semula

    🤦🏻‍♀️“After half a year, the Trump administration has made no effort to establish a national protocol for testing, contact tracing and supported isolation – the same proven three-pronged strategy by which other countries control their outbreaks.”

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  7. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Jul

    A new study of nearly 65,000 people in South Korea found that children between the ages of 10 and 19 can spread the coronavirus just as much as adults, suggesting that school reopenings will trigger more outbreaks

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  8. 17 Jul
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  9. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul

    Filing a lawsuit to stop a mask mandate. Why??? This irresponsible act is simply unconscionable. This is a matter of life and death. This is not about politics. The governor’s first responsibility is to protect the people of Georgia. He is utterly and inexcusably failing them.

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  10. Mengetweet Semula
    16 Jul

    Larry Hogan: “Eventually, it was clear that waiting around for the president to run the nation’s response was hopeless; if we delayed any longer, we’d be condemning more of our citizens to suffering and death”

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  11. 16 Jul
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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    16 Jul

    BREAKING: Inspector general finds that Trump health deputy SEEMA VERMA’s publicity contracts broke federal rules. with Verma spent $5M-plus on contracts that were halted by POLITICO investigation.

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  13. 15 Jul

    The next step in most administrations would be to accept Navarro's resignation.

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  14. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Jul

    The 's impact on K-12 is the just the latest issue facing state and local leaders. , and discuss on our "Playing Politics" podcast.

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  15. 15 Jul

    This is not good. Hospital data on coronavirus should not be sent through the WH spin cycle before going to CDC.

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  16. 15 Jul

    Good detailed summary here on police accountability bill from the always excellent folks

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  17. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Jul

    American Indians see change for the better coming with two recent decisions.

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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Jul

    Additional observational data showing Universal masking of both healthcare workers and patients is associated with a significantly lower rate of positivity among healthcare workers.

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Jul

    I don't know how many people realize that we're going to hit this iceberg in just TEN DAYS (because virtually all beneficiaries will be cut off for the last week of the month)

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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Jul

    Americans agree on police reforms that have divided Washington, new poll shows—and by big margins via

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