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Staff Directory 10644391

David Banks

Assistant commentary editor | Opinion
Phone: 612-673-7191
Location: Minneapolis
Other languages: None
Recent content from David Banks

Green New Deal: Reject neither bold ideas nor scrutiny. Rejoice in the deliberations.

Good policy takes both. Popular support matters, too.
Kathleen Banks

Messages for men and boys, then and now

As the high court fight and #MeToo era unfold, my mind goes to times when I needed girls and women to, point-blank, show me the way.
Poet Donald Hall, who died Saturday at age 89 at his home in Wilmot, N.H., found a universe of meaning in the apples, ox carts and ordinary folk of hi

Town mouse, country mouse — always, the tension for an urbanite facing density

"I am large; I contain multitudes," wrote Walt Whitman. But it's another poet's death that has me contemplating love and loss, bucolic seclusion, and lively growth.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) laid out a theory of catharsis in dramatic art, but are we getting too much of it for our own good? Maybe it’s best to avoi

Who's up for some delayed year-end rumination?

It's a year-end list. It's just been delayed.
The author's grandfather, Martin Dallmann, circa 1976. Some of the homes in this Mankato neighborhood were ones he built.

Immigration policy: Every arrival begins a legacy

We talk a lot about contributions. They don't have to be spectacular to be constructive and meaningful.
President Donald Trump walks into the Rose Garden to speak to boys and girls with the American Legion's youth programs, at the White House in Washingt

In a complicated, difficult world, unity is uneasy

Justice and tolerance really do involve many sides.
A police officer stood watch near strewn baseballs after Wednesday’s shooting in Alexandria, Va., that injured House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of

A reasonable reaction to an unreasonable action

In the arc of understanding that follows a tragedy like this, don't be distracted by easy explanations.

As a principal, this man was a remarkable teacher

With wisdom and fortitude, Garry Purvis turned a generation of kids into better people.
President Trump.

The Trump presidency: Remember — in this country, the wand still chooses the wizard

There should be no hesitation in checking President Trump's autocratic tendencies.

United Airlines incident: Law and order inside a jam-packed metal tube

Just because rules can apply, should they, always? And is this, by chance, like eminent domain?

How to survive (even thrive) in the Age of Trump

Get out of your seat and off the sidelines. Politics is a rowdy participation sport.
The author’s father, John Banks, at the White House in 1954.

New White House security structures may be inevitable, but must they be ugly?

Maybe it could be made to look like it was meant to be.
If there's to be a new course to my life, I want some control over its trajectory. I'm also mindful of the feelings of the mother and father who broug

Adoption: Choosing to search is a complex decision — some prefer to take it slow

The law and culture don't favor adoptees who may be curious but reticent to go all in.
A teardown site in southwest Minneapolis (not the one referenced in this article). Calling it the most urgent issue in her southwest ward, new City Co

Teardown and tribulation: Living next door

While Minneapolis' moratorium may be a step too far, the discussion is needed.

Dashboard navigation: At the next intersection, turn … off

We're very fond of the assistance, but just remember: You can go your own way.
Helping others through online donation sites.

Food for thought: Give money online

Getting food and other assistance where it needs to go is a matter of both logistics and cash.
Rick Nease/Detroit Free Press/MCT

From Boston to bitcoin: How change catches us off-guard

We know it's coming, but it has a way of always sneaking up on us.
The Mayo Clinic's Gonda Building in downtown Rochester.

Mayo proposal: Hard to oppose, but for the laws of nature

Often, development is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
In this photo taken Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, Alexander Zachary stands by one of his Vote No signs at his Minneapolis home. Zachary is a gay man who tak

Hands off your neighbors' yard signs

Hey -- it's counterproductive (or worse).
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Benghazi and the presidential debate

Murkiness is inevitable; candor is the cure.

Never too soon to plan for long-term care

Such care will be a significant driver of the nation's health care cost burden.
A marker at Dorchester and 53rd streets in Chicago notes that the Obama's first kiss was flavored by the influence of Baskin-Robbins.

Our most memorable places

How we mark the meaningful places in our lives.
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney -- a performance review

Romney has presented his Bain experience as evidence that he is a skilled manager. Can we find out if he was?
At last, a clash of credible candidates

At last, a clash of credible candidates

One voter has waited decades for a race with no top clunker candidates.
Brooklyn Park police officer Todd Kanieski attataches a ribbon to a speed limit sign to remind drivers to drive safely this 4th of July weekend. -- Br

Why we speed

In addition to the reality that not all drivers are alike, there can be, paradoxically, a pursuit of safety.
Swill for the masses

Swill for the masses

Longing for the good life -- one cup at a time.
A platform for the partyless

A platform for the partyless

On Tuesday, a number of Minnesota voters will dive into the proceedings at their precinct caucus. But it will be a relative few. Here's something for the rest of us to ponder.

David Banks: Of bongs and bad vetting: Oh, the humiliation

Is it really as bad as all that? Or do we just like to see other people fail?

David Banks: Bear with me

A small-time trader explains why profiting from decline is not necessarily evil -- nor greedy.