We’re ‘Plus’ for Some Very Good Reasons

When you become an NRPLUS member, you join an exclusive National Review community, with benefits that touch the content you receive, your website experience, and your ability to help shape the conservative conversation.


Dear National Review Reader,

When we’re asked to describe NRPLUS, we always begin by saying that it is a membership, not just a subscription. To be sure, as an NRPLUS member, you will have full access to the digital version of National Review magazine, both on the website and the app. That’s always a good thing. But you also will have joined an exclusive National Review community, one in which you will be asked for your opinion and where you will be heard.

As a member of the NRPLUS community, you will have access to content – in addition to the digital magazine – that is not available to non-community members. You will be invited to exclusive events that involve National Review writers and editors as well as pundits and newsmakers from across the conservative spectrum. And your voice will matter to the people who make and shape the National Review website and magazine.

It’s a community, in short, that really is a community – one in which we all come to know each other and over time help make National Review and the conservative movement stronger.

Scroll below for a full breakdown of what comes with an NRPLUS membership.

— The NRPLUS Team


When you join NRPLUS, you get everything you would associate with a digital magazine subscription, and a whole lot more:


  • Digital access to National Review magazine and archives (online and downloadable PDF)
  • Full access to all website content, including all NRPLUS Member Articles (you will never see a paywall)
  • The full text of our exclusive newsletter columns in your e-mail inbox. That includes Kevin D. Williamson’s The Tuesday and Jim Geraghty’s Morning Jolt. (Not signed up? Do so here.)
  • Exclusive podcast and photo archives


  • More than 90% fewer ads across the website, including no pop-ups, auto-play videos, or ad galleries


  • With ad displays greatly reduced, experience faster page-loading times across the site
  • Comment on blog posts and stories, becoming part of the discussion


  • Connect with NR writers and fellow readers in a members-only Facebook group
  • Join live interviews and conversations with NR writers, editors, and thought leaders across our community


  • Expect invitations to members-only meet-ups with our writers and editors in large cities around the country
  • Enjoy early access and discounts to select events

Those who regularly visit the National Review website and are not in the NRPLUS community will most certainly bump into something known as a “paywall.” Very simply, our paywall is a meter that allows a reader to view a set number of premium items a month, after which they will be blocked from accessing additional premium content until the following month. So, a non-NRPLUS reader might within one month be able to access one NRPLUS Member Article, one magazine article, and one archived podcast before he or she is blocked from accessing more of the same content.

The NRPLUS member is never blocked from any content on the National Review website. That includes all NRPLUS Member Articles; all magazine issues in our ten-plus-year digital archive, including, of course, the latest issue (which arrives in digital format well before print issues make it to their subscriber destinations); all podcast archives; and all Cartoon of the Day slideshows.


We’d love to offer our NRPLUS community a 100% ad-free experience, and maybe someday we will. But we’re pretty sure our promise of up to 90% fewer ads is a very welcome benefit.

And what does 90% fewer ads look like? Well, NRPLUS members might see an ad at the top of the site, or to the side of an article. But you will not see a pop-up, a pop-under, a pop-over, or a pop-whatever. And crucially, you will not see any ads within the articles themselves.

Simply, NRPLUS members need not negotiate advertising between the words they came to National Review to read in the first place.

As for the ads you do see, they help pay the bills. A 100% ad-free experience could be in the cards down the road. But we know you will like the clutter-free emphasis on the written word that an NRPLUS membership allows today.


NRPLUS members are offered several opportunities to engage with National Review writers and editors as well as other members of the NRPLUS community.

First off, only NRPLUS members may comment on articles and blog posts. We believe this benefit elevates the commenting experience for readers and commenters alike. Over at the National Review home office, we rest easier knowing our engaged and passionate NRPLUS members are at the commenting helm.

You also will be invited to join the NRPLUS Facebook group, where you can regularly engage National Review staffers in a private, focused, informal setting. (We will send new members an invitation to join this group one to two weeks after they activate their memberships.) Have an idea for the website? Have a new angle on our commentary? This is where you get to voice your opinions to just the right folks.

Similarly, we will invite you to join regular live interviews and conversations with our writers and editors, as well as thought leaders across the country. We’ll even ask you to suggest guests and questions for these special sessions. As an NRPLUS member, your contributions are valued.


Everyone wants to be a VIP, and at NRPLUS we plan to treat you like one.

As we develop the NRPLUS program, we will in time be offering members discount pricing on National Review branded apparel and accessories, selections from our National Review books catalog, and many more items that we are planning for a newly refurbished NR Store.

Similarly, we will offer NRPLUS members discount pricing and early-access invitations to public National Review events – speeches, ceremonies, and panel discussions held in Washington, D.C., New York City, and major cities across the country. In this way, you will be able to reserve your seats at the earliest possible date and at the best price available.