editor in chief
Richard Lowry
Senior Editors
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Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones
Managing Editor Jason Lee Steorts
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Vice President, Editorial Operations Christopher McEvoy
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Deputy Managing Editors
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Contributing Editors
Shannen Coffin / Matthew Continetti / Ross Douthat
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Jonah Goldberg / Arthur L. Herman / Mark R. Levin
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national review online
Editor Charles C. W. Cooke
Managing Editor Theodore Kupfer
Senior Writers
Michael Brendan Dougherty / David Harsanyi / Dan McLaughlin
Staff Writers Alexandra DeSanctis / Madeleine Kearns
Critic-at-Large Kyle Smith
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National-Affairs Columnist John Fund
Associate Editors
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Content Managers
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Web Producer Scott McKim
News Editor Jack Crowe
News Writers
Zachary Evans / Tobias Hoonhout / Mairead McArdle

Kathryn Jean Lopez / John O’Sullivan

buckley fellows in political journalism
Cameron Hilditch / Jimmy Quinn

thomas l. rhodes fellow
Daniel Tenreiro

Hadley Arkes / James Bowman / Eliot A. Cohen
Dinesh D’Souza / Chester E. Finn Jr. / Neal B. Freeman
James Gardner / David Gelernter / George Gilder
Charles R. Kesler / David Klinghoffer
Alan Reynolds / Tracy Lee Simmons
Terry Teachout / Vin Weber

Vice President Jack Fowler
Chief Financial Officer Tom Kilkenny
Accounting Manager Galina Veygman
Accountant Vicky Angilella
Director, Circulation & Programs Danielle O’Connell
Director, Marketing & Growth Strategy Sarah M. Mendenhall
Audience Development & Community Manager Kristin Veltry
Manager, Office & Development Russell Jenkins
Executive Assistant to the Publisher John W. Bush III

Director, Sales Jim Fowler

E. Garrett Bewkes IV

Dale R. Brott

William F. Buckley Jr.

national review inc. board
Dale R. Brott
John Hillen
James X. Kilbridge
Rob Thomas


National Review (ISSN: 0028-0038) is published bi-weekly, except for the first issue in January, by National Review, Inc., at 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. © National Review, Inc., 2020. Address all editorial mail, manuscripts, letters to the editor, etc., to Editorial Dept., National Review, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036. Address all subscription mail orders, changes of address, undeliverable copies, etc., to National Review, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015; phone, 386-246-0118, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Eastern time. Adjustment requests should be accompanied by a current mailing label or facsimile. Direct classified advertising inquiries to: Classifieds Dept., National Review, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036 or call 212-679-7330. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to National Review, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015. Printed in the U.S.A. RATES: $59.00 a year (24 issues). Add $21.50 for Canada and other foreign subscriptions, per year. (All payments in U.S. currency.) The editors cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork unless return postage or, better, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editors.

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