Road Travel Toolkit for Transportation Partners

Road Travel Toolkit for Transportation Partners

CDC created this road travel toolkit for transportation departments and other partners to help reach domestic travelers with COVID-19 prevention messaging during road travel.

 This toolkit provides messages, graphics and products to:

  • Support timely messaging to those traveling by road in the United States.
  • Share CDC resources and content with transportation partners.
  • Help transportation partners develop further COVID-19 materials.

Messages For Electronic Highway Signs

The following messages for electronic highway signs are developed to support COVID-19 recommendations. The messages can be adapted to fit your state or local needs.

Message Type Sample Messages
Travel (Phase 1) Avoid travel Keep distance Must travel? Avoid contact w/others at stops Avoid groups of more than 10 people Stay safe, [State] Stay home Must travel? Social distance Wear face cover Avoid Travel Stay Home
Stop COVID-19
Travel (Phase 2) Stay home if you can Social distance At-risk populations: Avoid travel Keep distance Avoid groups of more than 50 people Limit travel [State] Slow the spread of COVID-19 Stay safe Social distance Wash hands Stay home if you can
Stop COVID-19
Travel (Phase 3) Stay safe Wash hands At-risk populations: Social distance Minimize time in crowds Social distance Stay safe Keep distance
Wash hands
Stay safe Social distance Wash hands Stop COVID-19 Social distance
Stay Safe During Travel Social distance Wear face cover Wash hands Wear face cover Stay safe Wash hands Wear face cover Stay safe Keep distance Wash hands Stay safe Keep distance Wear face cover Hands clean 2 Stop COVID-19 Keep [State] Safe
For Truck Drivers [State] salutes truck drivers Stay safe Social distance Thank you, Truckers! Stay safe Wash hands Let’s protect each other Social distance Protect each other at Hwy stops, Wear face covers Protect others at Hwy stops Wear face covers

* Tagline/hashtag could be added to 1st or last line of each message: Stop COVID-19, #COVID19, Stop Coronavirus, or #SlowTheSpread.

SMS Messages For State Traffic & Public Alert Warning Systems

The following text message examples for state traffic and public alert warning systems are developed to support COVID-19 recommendations. The SMS messages can be adapted to fit your state or local needs.

Message Type Sample Messages
Travel (Phase 1) Avoid travel except for essential work & needs. Travel only for essential work & needs (groceries, meds). Travel can put you & others at risk for COVID-19. Stay home.
Travel (Phase 2) Limit travel. Avoid gatherings of more than 50 people. At-risk populations: Avoid travel except for essential work & needs. Travel can put you & others at risk for COVID-19. Stay home if you can.
Travel (Phase 3) Stay safe. Social distance. Wash hands. Minimize time in crowds. Social distance. At-risk populations: Social distance. Wash hands.
Stay Safe During Travel If U travel, stay 6 ft from others, wear a face cover, wash hands or use sanitizer. Stay safe, limit travel. Keep 6 ft from others & wear a face cover in public.

*Hashtags or taglines: Stop COVID-19, #COVID19, Stop Coronavirus, SlowTheSpread

Social Media Messages

All social media content ready for dissemination.

Please remember to use #COVID19 when tweeting out any Coronavirus Disease 2019 related content.

Avoid Nonessential Travel
Facebook Sample Message

CDC recommends you stay home as much as possible, especially if your trip is not essential. Practice social distancing, especially if you are at higher risk of severe illness. Learn more: icon

Static image

Sample post here

Twitter Sample Message

CDC recommends you stay home as much as possible, especially if your trip is not essential. Practice social distancing, especially if you are at higher risk of severe illness. Learn more: icon #PhysicalDistance #SocialDistancing

Static image

Sample post here

Facebook Sample Message

If you must travel during the COVID-19 pandemic: Find out if there are restrictions on movement, such as stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders, mandated self-quarantines upon arrival, or border closures in place along your route & at your destination. icon

Twitter Sample Message

If you must travel during #COVID19 pandemic: Find out if there are restrictions on movement, such as stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders, mandated self-quarantines upon arrival, or border closures in place along your route & at your destination. icon

Facebook Sample Message

If you travel, take these steps to protect yourself & others from COVID-19 during your trip:

  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid close contact with others
  • Wear a cloth face covering in public
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Pick up food at drive-throughs, curbside restaurant service, or stores icon

Twitter Sample Message

If you travel, take these steps to protect yourself & others from #COVID19 during your trip. icon

Facebook Sample Message

Visits to friends & family during the COVID-19 pandemic can pose a risk to you & your loved ones. Try to connect with them in other ways by using video chats or phone calls. If you must travel, follow the guidance of state & local officials. Learn more: icon.

Facebook Sample Message

Although it can be difficult to be separated, visits to friends & family during the COVID-19 pandemic can pose a risk to you & your loved ones. Try to connect with them in other ways, using video chats or phone calls. If you must travel, follow the guidance of state & local officials. Learn more: icon.

Twitter Sample Message

Visits to friends & family during the #COVID19 pandemic can pose a risk to you & your loved ones. Try to connect with them in other ways by using video chats or phone calls. If you must travel, follow the guidance of state & local officials. Learn more: icon.

COVID-19 Prevention
Facebook Sample Message

COVID-19 spreads like dominoes fall. You can help stop the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing. When out for essential trips, wear a cloth face covering and keep at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.


Sample post here

Twitter Sample Message

#COVID19 spreads like dominoes fall. Help protect your family and your community. Wash your hands, #stayhome and practice #socialdistancing by keeping at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others. See icon


Sample post here

Facebook Sample Message

Wearing a cloth face covering CORRECTLY can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others. When you go out on essential trips, follow these “dos”.

If you have a child, remember those under age 2 should not wear a face covering. See: icon

Static image

See hereimage icon from CDC’s social media toolkit

Twitter Sample Message

Wearing a cloth face covering CORRECTLY can help prevent the spread of #COVID19 to others. When you go out on essential trips, follow these “dos”. If you have a child, remember those under age 2 should not wear a face covering. See

Static image

See hereimage icon from CDC’s social media toolkit

Instagram Sample Message

Wearing a cloth face covering CORRECTLY can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others. When you go out on essential trips, follow these “dos”. If you have a child, remember those under age 2 should not wear a face covering.

For information on #COVID19 and face coverings, visit

#coronavirus #facemask #CDC #PublicHealth

Static image

See hereimage icon from CDC’s social media toolkit

Facebook Sample Message

Much is unknown about how the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads. We believe it spreads mostly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when someone who is sick coughs or sneezes.

You can help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like COVID-19 by following simple daily precautions.

Learn how to protect yourself from COVID-19:

Videomedia icon for Facebook

Twitter Sample Message

Take simple daily precautions to help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like #COVID19. Learn how to protect yourself from coronavirus (COVID-19):

Videomedia icon for Twitter

Print Resources

These posters are available to download and use at rest stops, restrooms, and other service centers.

Heath Alert: For All Travelers (General)

Heath Alert: For All Travelers (General) pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

This prevention poster reminds travelers to protect themselves and others by staying home if they feel sick, cover their mouth and nose if you need to cough or sneeze, and wash their hands often.

Size: 8”W x 10”H

Alternative Languages: Spanish pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

Date: 4/8/20

Stop the spread of germs poster (11 x 17) - English

Stop the Spread of Germs Poster pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

This prevention poster reminds travelers and others to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet from other people; covering your cough or sneeze; wearing a cloth face covering in public; not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; and washing your hands with soap and water.

Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 poster

Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Poster pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

This poster is available to download and use in your community to inform people that symptoms of COVID-19  can include fever, cough and shortness of breath, and these symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.

Wash your hands poster thumbnail

Wash your hands! pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

This prevention posters shows travelers steps they can take for proper handwashing to prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Size: 8.5”W x 11”H

Alternative Languages:

Date: 1/31/20

What you should know about COVID-19 to protect yourself and others

What you should know about COVID-19 to protect yourself and others pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. Learn ways you can protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Size: 8.5”W x 11.5”H

Alternative Languages:

Date: 4/16/20

How to Protect Yourself and Others

How to Protect Yourself and Others pdf icon[PDF – 1 page]

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 by learning how it spreads and taking everyday preventive actions.

Size: 8.5”W x 11”H

Date: 4/8/20


Screen Capture - Stop the Spread of Germs Video

Stop the spread of germs (30 seconds)

Download the video media icon[MP4 – 15.6MB]

Web Content

CDC COVID-19 Buttons

CDC has provided graphics and buttons for public use. The graphic can be placed in any way that works best for your site. We are hoping to see this graphic on as many sites as possible to spread the word about how to find to up-to- date information on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 300x250
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) CDC image
Copy the code below for this “English COVID-19” badge: (300×250)
<a href="" title="image of SARS-CoV-2"><img src="" style="width:300px; height:250px; border:0px;" alt="image of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)"/></a>
Protect yourself and others during travel in the US - 300x250
Protect yourself and others during travel in the US - COVID-19
Copy the code below for this “Protect yourself and others during travel in the US – COVID-19” badge: (300×250)
<a href="" title="Protect yourself and others during travel in the US - COVID-19"><img src="" style="width:300px; height:250px; border:0px;" alt="Protect yourself and others during travel in the US - COVID-19"/></a>
Stay safe during travel - 300x250
Stay safe during travel - COVID-19
Copy the code below for this “Stay safe during travel – COVID-19” badge: (300×250)
<a href="" title="Stay safe during travel - COVID-19"><img src="" style="width:300px; height:250px; border:0px;" alt="Stay safe during travel - COVID-19"/></a>