eCR Now: COVID-19 Electronic Case Reporting

eCR Now: COVID-19 Electronic Case Reporting

Improve public health action with real-time data flow

Updated July 28, 2020

Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) is the automated generation and transmission of case reports from the electronic health record (EHR) to public health agencies for review and action. eCR makes disease reporting from healthcare to public health faster and easier. eCR Now allows for rapid adoption and implementation of eCR for COVID-19, enabling real-time tracking.

eCR’s Value

  • Enables bi-directional data exchange between healthcare providers and public health
  • Provides immediate feedback from public health to healthcare about reportable conditions and possible outbreaks
  • Reduces burden of manual reporting on healthcare facilities and providers and entry of information on public health agencies
  • Improves completeness of reporting, including demographics that allows for expedited case investigation and contact tracing

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public health
Public Health Agencies
  • eCR provides more complete data from the electronic initial case report for a better public health response
  • Reduces response time with automated information during outbreaks and public health emergencies
  • Improves communication and collaboration with healthcare providers
  • Shares relevant information with healthcare providers
  • Monitors the spread of reportable conditions like COVID-19
hospital icon
Healthcare Providers
  • eCR reduces burden on healthcare professionals, staff, and facilities without disrupting the clinical workflow
  • Fulfills legal reporting requirements
  • Streamlines reporting challenges with jurisdictions
  • Connects in real-time with your public health agency
  • Offers credit for the CMS Promoting Interoperability Program for implementing eCR
  • Improves COVID-19 reporting immediately and allows expansion to all reportable conditions

eCR Is Easy to Implement

Public Health Agencies

check light icon Ensure your agency is connected to AIMS, the APHL Informatics Messaging Services Platform: ecr.aimsplatform.orgexternal icon

check light icon Enter your jurisdiction’s reporting criteria for reportable conditions into the Reportable Condition Knowledge Management System (RCKMS)

check light icon Engage with local healthcare organizations that are ready to implement eCR

Healthcare Providers

check light icon Email for information to onboard for eCR Now

check light icon Contact your EHR vendor about implementing eCR

check light icon Learn details about implementing eCR for COVID-19: ecr.aimsplatform.orgexternal icon

check light icon Obtain necessary approval from organizational leadership and implement eCR Now!