
Future Students Teaching Degrees Online

About JCU's Teaching Degrees Online

You want to make a difference in the lives of the next generation. At James Cook University, we understand that desire, and we want to make study work for you. That's why we offer online education degrees that fit into your schedule, so you can obtain teaching degrees online and start a rewarding career in education.

When you study education online, you have the freedom to take courses when and where it works best for you. There is no need to sacrifice your job or family in pursuit of a brighter future. You can spread out your study load to concentrate on a single area at a time and still enjoy 10 weeks of breaks.  â€¨While still keeping up with your family responsibilities or work requirements, you can earn a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) or Bachelor of Education (Primary) in 5.5 years: far faster than with traditional part-time study.

With a degree in education, you'll develop the skills you need to make a difference in essential areas of child development. You will graduate qualified to work in busy urban environments or remote rural areas. JCU's partnership with preschools, primary schools, and childcare centres offers you the chance to build strong practical job skills that employers are looking for. With a nationally accredited degree, you'll be eligible for employment across Australia and overseas.

When you study your Bachelor of Education (Primary) at JCU, you can choose from five specialist strands. Whether you're most interested in technology, health, science, mathematics, or English, there's a strand that will equip you to leverage your talents in your future career.

With a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) degree, you'll be qualified to work in preschools, childcare centres, kindergartens and the early years of primary school (Prep to Year 3) throughout the country. You will be eligible for teacher registration in Australia with a degree fully accredited with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) in association with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT)

With an online teaching degree, you can make study work for you. With JCU's online teaching degrees, you can study any time and on any device, fitting your studies into your schedule as needed.

Enjoy Online Teaching Degree Support

Just because you study remotely does not mean you should not have access to the best support and guidance available. At JCU, your world-class education is important to us, and Student Support Services are always available to give you the same level of help you would receive on campus.

Enjoy a Strong Learning Environment

Lecturers committed to student success work with LearnJCU, our online platform, so you can experience an incredible collaborative space from your own home. You'll be able to collaborate with classmates, academics, and tutors with access to all the same resources as you would have on campus.

Experience has no substitute, and employers are looking for graduates with the real-world skills you'll get from JCU. Our teaching degrees online include professional placements, where you'll put your learning to work in real-world settings.

Take advantage of JCU's relationships with educators to broaden your professional connections and demonstrate your understanding of the knowledge you've learned through your courses. Gain experience articulating policies and procedures while seeing how legal and ethical considerations play out in the real world. At graduation, you'll have the real-world experience employers want to see and a broad professional network you'll draw on for your entire career.

Learn to Engage

We are all individuals, and the best learning happens when educators use a range of pedagogical strategies to challenge students. Prepare yourself to foster student engagement through courses that help you understand the individual needs of learners and reflect on your own well-being at the same time.

Learn to Leverage Technology

Help your students develop a successful foundation for future learning through the mastery of modern technology. As you learn about coding and robotics and the principles of play-learning, you'll learn how to design student experiences that give your students authentic opportunities to use technology to create solutions. With the knowledge and practice they gain from you, they will be equipped to make the most of educational technology throughout their student careers.

Learn About Diverse Education Needs

Take advantage of JCU's unique relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to broaden your knowledge of diverse education needs across the country: and the world. At JCU, our online education degrees give you the opportunity to practice designing and implementing curriculum for students from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Take part in developing pedagogical approaches that encourage achievement in even the most marginalised students, so you can make a difference in the lives of students and their families no matter where you choose to work.

Learn How to Improve Student Learning

One of the most rewarding aspects of education is the ability to help students as individuals. While the principles of education are universal, application at the individual level requires insight and experience. Through your courses at JCU, you'll learn how to improve student learning using data and evidence. Be ready for the jobs of the future with your ability to collect, record, and analyse data. Learn how to interpret and apply assessment standards in the classroom context so your students learn everything they need to know for their own futures.

Learn How to Effectively Communicate

As an educational professional, you need to reach your students, but you also need to effectively communicate with parents, peers, and administrators. When you study education online at James Cook University, you learn how to reflect on your understandings and justify them to a wide range of audiences. Whether you need to communicate with parents, administrators, or legislative and regulatory authorities, you will have the skills you need to communicate with a wide range of stakeholders.

You don't have to go far, to go far. At JCU, our online education degrees are designed to get you ready for the jobs of the future while fulfilling the responsibilities of today. Contact James Cook University today to learn more and get started with one of our teaching degrees online.