Colleges, Universities, and Higher Learning

Colleges, Universities, and Higher Learning

Plan, Prepare, and Respond

student writing at desk

COVID-19 Stakeholder Calls

Recorded conference calls with stakeholders, to review the current CDC guidance and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions.

Institutions of Higher Education

Communication Resources
Back to College COVID Tipspdf icon
COVID-19 Tips for College Students (Poster)

Tips to protect students from COVID-19.

Cloth Face Covering Do’s & Don’tsimage icon
Cloth Face Covering Do’s & Don’ts (Graphic)

Educate students and staff about the do’s & don’ts.

Keep Calm and Wash Your Handspdf icon
Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands (Poster)

Promote hand hygiene.

How to protect yourself and otherspdf icon
How to Protect Yourself and Others (Handout)

Everyday preventative actions to slow the spread.

Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)pdf icon
Symptoms of COVID-19 (Poster)

Know the symptoms of COVID-19.

What you can do if you are at higher risk of severe illness for COVID-19pdf icon
Higher Risk for Severe Illness (Poster)

Learn what to do if you are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Find additional communication resources.