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Email Marketing

March 28, 2013

Email Marketing: A Modern Communication Vehicle That Saves Your Campaign Time and Money


In the not-so-long-ago days, telephone calls and postal mail were the only means of mass communication with your voter base. But email marketing has dramatically changed that landscape.


Now – in a fraction of the time it takes a volunteer to place a single phone call – you can email your message to hundreds of thousands, even millions of voters. For less than the cost of a single postage stamp you could send untold millions of email messages. The savings of both money and man hours saved through utilizing the technology of email are almost incalculable.


No one can dispute the benefits bestowed by the technology. But what exactly is meant by the term: Email marketing?


Several Ways to Use Email in Political Campaigns…


Every political campaign has the need to reach out to its voter base, and for multiple reasons. Some of the most frequent include:


  • Fundraising. Using email in your fundraising efforts can pay dividends beyond just simply reducing costs. In your fundraising emails you can include simple one-click payment options for donors. Making the donation process quick and easy for donors helps boost the success of a fundraising campaign.


  • Get out the vote. The day you’ve worked so hard for is here – voting day! And with just a click of a mouse, you can instantly send a ‘get out and vote’ reminder to everyone on your list, whether thousands or millions.


  • Advertising. Your email communications don’t have to be limited to people already in your voter base. You can also use email to recruit converts to your cause through advertising messages. It’s a far more targeted form of advertising than through broadcast mediums.


Ignore the Benefits of Email Marketing At Your Peril


The advantages offered by utilizing the benefits of email are truly astounding – particularly when compared to the old standbys of direct mail and telephone.


The old standbys still have their place. But any modern campaigns that seek to get by with just the old standbys are flirting with disaster – and making easy prey of themselves for the competition.

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