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PA Poll Results

Gravis MarketingIn 2016, Donald Trump broke down the “blue wall” by winning states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  A new Gravis Marketing poll shows Trump trailing Joe Biden in Pennsylvania by a 48%-45% margin.  The danger for Trump may lie in among the undecided voters (8% in this poll) who indicate that they disapprove of the job…

Michigan Poll Results

Michigan (July 23, 2020) 2020 by Doug Kaplan on Scribd

Wisconsin poll results

Wisconsin Poll ResultsOne of the key midwestern states that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 that is key to Joe Biden winning in 2020 is the state of Wisconsin.  President Donald Trump carried Wisconsin in 2016 by less than a point becoming the first Republican since Ronald Reagan to do so.  A new Gravis Marketing poll conducted this…

South Carolina poll results Gravis Marketing 2020

In the state of South Carolina where a Democratic nominee for President has not won since Jimmy Carter in 1976, a new Gravis Marketing poll indicates the race may be quite close with President Donald Trump leading former Vice President Joe Biden by four points, 50%-46%.  Biden holds a 74-point lead among black voters in the…

Gravis Marketing Florida Poll Results

P2P TextingNew polling from Gravis Marketing in a state President Trump narrowly carried in 2016 has former Vice President Joe Biden with a wide 10-point lead over President Trump. Biden’s lead is fueled by his 27-point advantage among independent voters.  Biden holds 86% of self-identified Democrats and Trump holds 83% of Republicans. Notably, Biden pulls over some…

Oann Gravis Georgia Poll

In a state that Donald Trump carried by 5 points in 2016 and Democrats have not carried in a presidential race since 1992, a new Gravis Marketing poll conducted for One America News Network Gravis Marketing shows Trump and Biden within the margin of error: 48%-45%. President Trump’s lead is largely due to white voters…

Gravis Minnesota poll results

Gravis Marketing conducted a poll in Minnesota and found Former Vice President Joe Biden opening up a solid 17-point edge over President Donald Trump.  In 2016, Hillary Clinton narrowly carried the state of Minnesota by a point and a half while losing other midwestern states that Obama had carried twice including Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin.…

President Trump Leads in North Carolina OAN Gravis Poll

PPresident Donald Trump holds a 3-point edge in North Carolina over Joe Biden according to a poll conducted by Gravis Marketing for One America News Network. The margin is similar to the 3.7 points Trump carried the state by in 2016 and the 2 points Mitt Romney carried it by in 2012. In the Senate…

2019 Gravis Marketing Kentucky Poll

Gravis Marketing has released a poll from one of two red states Democrats are trying to offense in 2019: Kentucky.  The Commonwealth of Kentucky has taken a sharp turn to the right since Bill Clinton narrowly carried the state in 1992 and 1996.  It voted for Donald Trump by nearly 30 points in 2016.  Democrats have, however, won…

Gravis Marketing Alabama Poll Results

“Former U.S. attorney G. Douglas Jones, a Democrat, holds a slim lead over his GOP challenger and two-time state chief justice Roy S. Moore with 48 percent to Moore’s 44 percent, according to the Big League-Gravis poll conducted Dec. 1 through Dec. 3 with 1,276 voters likely to vote in Alabama’s Dec. 12 special Senate…

Gravis Marketing GA 6th Congressional Poll

by Harrison Thomas.
INTERVIEWS: Doug Kaplan, 407-242-1870 Questions concerning methodology can be sent to doug@gravismarketing.com, or check the last paragraph on this introduction. Roswell, Ga. – With a little more than 5 weeks to go before the June 20th election, Jon Ossoff holds a 47% to 45% lead over Karen Handel in the race for Georgia’s 6th Congressional…

Montana Special Election Poll

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis MarketingSpecial elections have been going on across the country to replace House Members who have joined the Trump Administration. The state of Montana came under the spotlight as the state pit the folk singing democrat and lifelong Montana resident Rob Quist against millionaire Greg Gianforte to replace Ryan Zinke who has gone on to become…

Gravis Marketing 2018 Ohio Poll Results

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing  In a recent poll of 1,352 Ohio voters, nonpartisan research firm Gravis Marketing found that 49 percent had a favorable opinion of President Donald Trump, while 43 percent have an unfavorable opinion and 8 percent are not sure. Republican Governor John Kasich had less favorable numbers, with 42 percent approval, 35 percent disapproval, and…

Current Montana Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,222 individuals across Montana. The poll has a margin of error of ±2.9%. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The poll was conducted using interactive voice responses and internet responses of cell phone users, with the results weighted by demographic…

Gravis Marketing 2017 Virginia Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Most people would agree that the recent election year was one of the most divisive in history. With political views that were once on the fringe becoming more mainstream, more attention and pressure than ever have been applied to those in political office, forcing them to deliver for those that voted for them. Perhaps this…

Current South Carolina Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 768 registered voters across South Carolina. The poll was conducted from August 15th to the 17th and has a margin of error of ± 3.5% at the 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were conducted…

Current North Carolina Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 723 registered voters across North Carolina. The poll was conducted from August 15th through the 17th and has a margin of error of ±3.6% at the 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were conducted using…

Gravis Marketing and Breitbart News Network Partner for 2016 General Election Polling

by Gravispr.
Winter Springs, Fla. – When Doug Kaplan co-founded Gravis Marketing in 2010, he envisioned elevating the credibility and reliability of political polling. Six short years later, the non-partisan marketing and research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. has received countless awards and has been showcased on some of the most recognized news sources in the…

Current Iowa Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,318 registered voters across Iowa. The poll was conducted on July 7th through the 8th and has a margin of error of ± 2.7%. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The poll was conducted using automated telephone calls…

Current Michigan Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,562 registered voters across Michigan. The poll was conducted on July 7th through the 8th and has a margin of error of ± 2.4%. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The poll was conducted using automated telephone calls and weighted…

Current Colorado Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,313 registered voters across Colorado. The poll was conducted on July 7th through the 8th and has a margin of error of ± 2.7%. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The poll was conducted using automated telephone calls…

Dr. Dena Grayson Surges to Commanding Lead in US Congressional Run

by Gravispr.
Winter Springs, Fla. – The race to replace incumbent US Congressman Alan Grayson has come into clear focus, based on recent polling completed in Florida’s 9th Congressional District. Dr. Dena Grayson, a noted medical researcher and the wife of US Congressman Alan Grayson, holds a dominating 20-point advantage over her closest opponent. Dr. Grayson received…

Current National Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 2,197 registered voters across the United States. The poll was conducted on June 16th and has a margin of error of ± 2.1% at the 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were conducted using automated…

Current Utah Polling – June 1st, 2016

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing PollExecutive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. – The State of Utah may hold a significant role in the upcoming Presidential election based on a recent survey completed by Gravis Marketing. The non-partisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. conducted a random survey of 1,519 registered voters in Utah from May 31st through June 1st, 2016.…

Virginia Election Poll

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. – Based on a recent survey seeking the opinions of 1,728 registered voters in Virginia on the upcoming presidential race, the governor’s race, gay conversion therapy, and other issues - it appears that Virginia is likely to become a hotly contested state for both political parties as results were extremely…

Inoculation is worth a pound of cure

  The old adage starts out “an ounce of prevention…”  The wisdom is that a pound of cure, after exposure to a harmful element, is far more expensive and painful than the cost of dealing with the issue before it becomes harmful. When Ben Franklin first imparted his advice, he did not limit it to…

Why Spin It When You Can Own It?

            Conventional political wisdom when a candidate is faced with a scandal, controversy, or caught in a generally difficult situation is to either spin the situation or to pivot and redirect.  Neither of these responses directly addresses the issue, and both allow for the possibility for the issue to rear its head in the future.…

Florida General Election Poll, Marijuana, and Trans Bathroom

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing PollState of Florida registered voters showing disapproval of Florida GOP political leaders and presumptive Presidential nominees according to recent Gravis Marketing survey.   Winter Springs, Fla. – As the primary season begins to wrap up and the US General Election less than six months away, State of Florida voters appear dissatisfied with current state political leaders and…

Current Indiana Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summary - Current Indiana Poll Results - May 2nd, 2016 Email Marketing You Can Trust Winter Springs, Fla. - Even after a five-for-five shut out victory for Donald J. Trump in last Tuesday's primaries, the pathway to 1,237 delegates is still not a 100 percent lock for the GOP Presidential Nomination. Indiana voters will have…

RI and CT GOP Primary Poll, Trump Leads, with Kasich in Second

by Harrison Thomas.
Email Marketing You Can Trust Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. – Coming off a big victory in New York last Tuesday, GOP front runner Donald J. Trump appears to be making a positive impact on likely Republican voters and seems to be on his way to victory in Connecticut and Rhode Island tomorrow. One of…

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Delaware Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Email Marketing You Can Trust   Winter Springs, Fla. – With more than half of the US States having already participating in their Presidential Primary or Caucuses, the final stretch run for potential GOP nominees Donald Trump, John Kasich and Ted Cruz to collect valuable delegates has begun. After winning New York with a 60…

New York Primary Polling – April 13th, 2016

by Gravispr.
TRUMP POISED FOR NEW YORK PRIMARY VICTORY Winter Springs, Fla. – The second largest batch of voting delegates are up for grabs this upcoming week and it appears that New York native Donald Trump will capture the lion's share of Republican delegates based on a recent poll completed by political campaign website developer Gravis Marketing.…

California Democratic Primary Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Email Marketing You Can Trust Winter Springs, Fla. – Coming off a big win in New York, Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is looking to secure the Presidential nomination when California voters decide on whom to award their large delegate share. However, the Golden State has multiple races and ballot initiatives to consider when voters…

Texas Primary and National Polling Recap – February 29th, 2016

by Gravispr.
Ted Cruz IVR Survey Automated Phone CallsWinter Springs, Fla. – With Super Tuesday Presidential primary elections less than 24 hours away, Ted Cruz appears to be headed to a GOP victory in his home state of Texas based on a recent poll completed by Gravis Marketing. The non-partisan research firm from Winter Springs, Fla. conducted a random survey of 1,311 likely…

Gravis Survey Shows Trump Leads in Nevada & South Carolina

by Gravispr.
IVR Survey Donald TrumpTrump Pulling Ahead in Nevada and South Carolina – Dems Locked in Tight Race Winter Springs, Fla. – GOP Candidate Donald Trump continues to build momentum from his New Hampshire Primary victory last week while Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are locked in a close battle based on recent polling completed among likely…

Gravis NH Poll Shows Trump Leading in New Hampshire Post ABC Debate

by Harrison Thomas.
Current New Hampshire Polling - February 7, 2016 Winter Springs, Fla. – GOP Candidate Donald Trump appear to be on his way to picking up the lion's share of delegates after a recent Gravis Marketing poll was completed February 7th, 2016. A random survey of 705 likely republican primary voters was completed by the Winter Springs,…

New Hampshire Leaning Towards Sanders; Republican’s Tight in Final Polling

by Gravispr.
Winter Springs, Fla. – One America News Network and Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted a random survey of 1,573 registered voters in New Hampshire regarding the presidential election. The sample includes 871 Republican Primary participants and 702 Democratic Primary participants. The poll has a margin of error…

Iowa Caucus Too Close to Call on Both Parties

by Gravispr.
Winter Springs, Fla. – With less than 48 hours remaining before the 2016 Presidential Primary season officially kicks off with the Iowa Caucus on Monday February 1st, 2016, recent polling completed by Gravis Marketing on behalf of One America News Network suggests both Democrat and Republican Caucus are simply too close to call. The non-partisan…

Gravis Marketing Nevada Polling Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton Leads

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis MarketingGravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research and political marketing firm, conducted a random survey of 909 registered, likely voters using a registered voter database  in Nevada. The poll was conducted from December 23th to the 27st and includes 406 Republican Caucus participants, 326 Democratic Caucus participants, and the remainder not planning on participating in the caucus,…

The highly respected publication People’s Pundit Daily has come out

by Karyn Olson.
Poll newsPeople’s Pundit Daily, the most accurate 2014 election projection model on the Internet, released the first round of grades for the PPD Pollster Scorecard. Before we get into the ratings for the first few pollsters, we need to lay some groundwork for the article. First and foremost, despite what may appear to be complicated, well-honed methodologies…

Gravis Iowa Caucus Republican and Democrat Public Opinion Poll

by Harrison Thomas.
Winter Springs, Fla. – An extended lead for Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and a virtual tie on the Republican side highlights a recent Gravis Marketing poll from Iowa. The nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla recently conducted a random phone survey of 1,027 registered, likely primary voters in Iowa that was split…

Current New Hampshire Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Winter Springs, Fla. - Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted a random telephone survey of 600 registered voters in New Hampshire regarding the presidential election and other areas on November 11, 2015. The sample includes 330 Republican Primary participants, 214 Democrats, and the remainder not planning on participating in the…

Current California Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Current California Polling September 22-23, 2015 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. – A 12 percentage point lead for Condoleezza Rice over her next closest primary challenger and a four point advantage over that challenger in head-to-head polling general election match-up highlight recent poll results completed by Gravis Marketing. The nonpartisan research firm based in Winter…

Gravis Marketing Receives Top Marks in People’s Pundit Daily Scorecard

by Gravispr.
Winter Springs, Fla. - People’s Pundit Daily, the most accurate 2014 election projection model on the Internet, recently released the first round of grades for the PPD Pollster Scorecard; with Gravis Marketing capturing top marks in their professional analysis. Headquartered in Winter Springs, Fla., Gravis Marketing was the only robo-calling firm on the PPD Pollster…

Latest NH Republican and Democratic Poll Results

by Harrison Thomas.
Businessman Donald J. Trump continues to dominate the New Hampshire’s GOP field four months before its first-in-the-nation primary, according to an Oct. 5-6, 2015 Gravis Insights poll of 662 Republican voters. Democratic questions had a sample size of 373. “The New Hampshire numbers are interesting, when you consider Trump’s performance in other states,” said Doug Kaplan,…

Post-debate poll

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,337 registered Republican voters across the U.S. regarding the performance and opinions of the Republicans that took place in the second Republican Primary debate. The poll has a margin of error of ± 3% and was conducted directly after the second debate. The total…

Current Alabama Polling Republican Primary

Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,616 registered voters, who will participate in the Republican Primary in Alabama, regarding the Republican presidential candidates. The poll has a margin of error of ± 2% and was conducted from August 29 through September 1, 2015. The total may not round…

Current Iowa Polling

Executive Summery: September 1st, 2015 Winter Springs, Fla. - As the calendar turns to fall, Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is beginning to spring into contention as front-runner Donald Trump also appears to gain strength in a recent Gravis Marketing poll completed at the end of August 2015. Gravis Marketing, the nonpartisan research firm…

Gravis Marketing – Current National Polling – Aug 5th, 2015

by Gravispr.
Current National Polling Contact: Doug Kaplan, 407-242-1870 July 29, 2015 Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,535 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election.  The sample includes 732 Republicans and 803 Democrats.  The poll has a margin of error of ± 2.5%.  The total may not…

Current Democratic and Republican Polling in Florida

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random telephone survey of 881 registered Democratic voters in Florida.. The poll was conducted using IVR technology, with the results weighted by anticipated voting demographics. Results may not sum to 100% because of rounding. The Polls were conducted 6-16-2015 to 6-20-2015 3.3% (dem) and 3.6% (rep). The Florida…

New Hampshire poll: Bush leads GOP field, Trump moves into top-tier status

by Harrison Thomas.
Donald J. Trump with President Ronald W. Reagan (Courtesy)by Neil W. McCabe   The son of 41 and brother of 43 opened up a clear lead in a crowded GOP field, according to the June 2-3 Howie Carr Show/Gravis poll of 487 Republican Primary voters. Former Florida governor John E. "Jeb" Bush was the choice of 21 percent of respondents, who said they…

Iowa poll: Walker leads GOP field; Clinton domination continues

by Harrison Thomas.
Walker Political PollThe governor of Wisconsin continues to do well with Iowa Republicans, according to the May 28-29 Townhall-Gravis poll of 364 registered GOP voters in the campaign to win the Hawkeye State's Feb.1 caucuses. Gov. Scott K. Walker leads a crowded Republican field with 17 percent of support among voters and with strong support with different…

Mississippi poll: Kelly leads in special election to succeed Nunnelee

by Harrison Thomas.
Mississippi Col. J. Trent Kelly while on deployment to Iraq. (Courtesy)The Republican combat veteran of Iraq and district attorney running in the June 2 special election for Mississippi-1 leads Democrat Walter Hunter Zinn Jr., 54 percent to 37 percent, according to a May 28 Townhall/Gravis poll of 509 likely voters. Trent Kelly is the choice 77 percent of Tea Party voters and 69 percent of…

Washington State poll: Paul leads GOP field, Murray leads McMorris Rodgers; Right to Work up 45% to 33%

by Harrison Thomas.
Sen. Patricia L. Murray (D.Wash.)Washington Republicans are lining up for Kentucky's Sen. Randal H. “Rand” Paul with strong support from gun owners, according to the May 18-19 Townhall/Gravis Insights poll of 523 Republican voters. “Rand Paul has a national following that has not been reflected in our state-by-state polls, until we took at look at Washington State,” said Doug…

Gravis Marketing Polls

by Harrison Thomas.
North Carolina Gov. Patrick L. McCrory (Courtesy)While among North Carolina Republicans John E. “Jeb” Bush, a former governor of Florida, leads a crowded field of Republican candidates, with 18 percent of support, his support lags in the state's Tea Party, where Wisconsin Gov. Scott K. Walker leads him 17 percent to 10 percent, according to an April 30 Gravis Insights of…

New Hampshire poll: Ayotte opens up 6-point lead; Walker, others lead Clinton

by Harrison Thomas.
The incumbent Republican senator from New Hampshire opened up a six-point over Gov. Margaret "Maggie" Hassan, her presumptive Democratic challenger in the April 21-22 Townhall/Gravis poll of 1,117 voters. Sen. Kelly A. Ayotte (R.-N.H.), who was endorsed in 2010 by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, is building a solid lead over Hassan, said Doug Kaplan,…

2016 Iowa poll: Bush leads crowded GOP field; Rice beats Clinton head-to-head 43% to 40%

by Harrison Thomas.
2016 Iowa Poll Bush and Walker Close The brother of the last Republican president leads the latest Townhall/Gravis 2016 Iowa poll of 388 Iowa Republican voters surveyed April 13 with Wisconsin Gov. Scott K. Walker and Florida Sen. Marco A. Rubio trailing close behind. Former Florida governor John E. "Jeb" Bush is in front with 16…

Bay State residents oppose Boston 2024 Olympics

by Harrison Thomas.
In the April 9-10 Howie Carr/Gravis telephone survey of 2,182 Massachuesetts residents, 49 percent of those polled oppose hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics in Boston and 37 percent support the plan. "We see that many people appreciate the importance of the Olympics, but are not willing to endure the cost and hassles associated with the Olympics…

Current Calgary Elbow Polling

The poll was conducted by an automatic telephone survey between April 2 - 6, 2015 Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm that conducts political polls in the USA and Canada, conducted a random telephone survey of 445 likely voters in the constituency of Calgary Elbow.  Percentages may not total to 100% because of…

Nevada poll: Sandoval early favorite to succeed Reid; Cruz surges to lead pack with Walker

by Neil W. McCabe.
Less than a week after Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid announced his retirement, the March 27 Townhall/Gravis poll of 850 registered Nevada voters found that Republican Gov. Brian E. Sandoval has strong leads over possible Democratic opponents. “Sandoval is a very strong candidate and being of Mexican descent gives him inroads to the minority voters,”…

S.C. poll: Cruz breaks out to challenge Walker, Bush; Graham at 9 percent in crowded GOP field

by Neil W. McCabe.
Gravis Marketing Political PollAs the senior senator from South Carolina contemplates a 2016 run for the White House, the March 26-27, 2015 Townhall/Gravis poll of Palmetto State 1,371 voters, 899 registered Republicans and 472 registered Independents found he garners support of 9 percent against the crowded GOP field. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham placed fourth, behind the two front…

NH poll: Clinton maintains huge lead; Walker, Bush lead GOP pack; Ayotte in virtual tie with Hassan

by Neil W. McCabe.
The former first lady of Arkansas and the United States continues to dominate the Democratic field Wisconsin Gov. Scott K. Walker and former Florida governor John E. “Jeb” Bush lead the pack of GOP contenders, according to a March 18-19 Howie Carr Show/Gravis insights Telephone Survey of Granite State voters. Clinton garners historic levels of success…

Gravis Insights Montana Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for February 24 – 25, 2015 Executive Summary Gravis Insights conducted a random political phone survey of 1,035 likely voters in Montana regarding potential statewide and presidential candidates. The poll carries a margin of error of 3%. The total may not add to 100% due to rounding. For the Republican and Democratic primary questions,…

Florida poll: Jeb, Walker lead in GOP Sunshine State poll

by Neil W. McCabe.
Florida Primary PollHead-to-head, former Florida governor John E. “Jeb” Bush barely beats his acolyte Sen. Marco A. Rubio in the Feb. 24-25 Howie Carr/Gravis poll of 513 registered Republican voters, but in an open field Bush is in a virtual tie with Wisconsin Gov. Scott K. Walker with Rubio finishing third. The latest Gravis Insights telephone Survey…

Poll: Palmetto Republicans favor Bush, Walker

by Neil W. McCabe.
Walker Political PollGravis Marketing Political Poll South Carolina South Carolina Republicans give further evidence that the campaign for the 2016 GOP nomination for president is stabilized into a horse race between the governor of Wisconsin and former Florida governor John E. “Jeb” Bush, according the Feb. 24-25 Townhall/Gravis poll of 792 Republican voters. With Bush at 19…

Current Massachusetts Polling

by Neil W. McCabe.
Results for January 19 – 21, 2015 Executive Summary Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 358 registered Democratic voters in Massachusetts regarding their vote in the Democratic Primary presidential race. The poll carries a margin of error of 4%. The total may not add to 100% due to rounding. If the Democratic Primary election…

Current Iowa Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
February 12, 2015 – February 13, 2015 Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 969 registered voters in Iowa regarding potential matchups [343 Republicans]. The poll has a margin of error of ± 3% [5% for the Republican Primary question]. The total may not round to 100% because of…

Current Nevada Polling

by Neil W. McCabe.
Executive Summary Gravis Insights, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random telephone survey of 955 registered voters in Nevada regarding potential matchups. The sample includes 438 Republican Primary participants, 324 Democratic Primary participants, and 193 planning to vote in 2016, but will not participate in the primary elections. The poll has a margin of error…

Iowa poll: Walker garners 24% of GOP support, Paul & Bush trail at 10%; Clinton beats Walker, others head-to-head

by Neil W. McCabe.
walkerpollWisconsin Gov. Scott K. Walker dominates a crowded field of GOP White House contenders with 24 percent of Republicans, but former first lady Hillary R. Clinton shows general election strength head-to-head against Walker and others, according to a Feb. 12-13 Townhall/Gravis poll of 969 registered Iowa voters. In the previous Townhall/Gravis Iowa poll, conducted Jan.…

NH Poll: Walker’s 23% leads crowded GOP field; Clinton dominates with 44%

by Neil W. McCabe.
NH PollThe governor of Wisconsin is the clear choice for president of New Hampshire Republicans and former first lady Hillary R. Clinton leads other Granite State's 2016 first-in-the-nation primary, according to the Feb. 2-3 Howie Carr/Gravis poll of 608 Republicans and 384 Democrats. The Margin of error 4% for republicans, Dems 5%. "The poll ran right after Mitt…

NC Poll: 69% Tarheel GOP voters aged 18 to 49 support 20-week abortion ban

by Neil W. McCabe.
gotvLess than two weeks after Rep. Renee Ellmers (R.-N.C.) sabotaged the expected passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, 69 percent of North Carolina Republicans aged 18 to 49 support the ban on abortions after 20-weeks asked directly without conditions or nuance in aTownhall/Gravis poll of 782 randomly selected registered GOP voters. Sixty percent of Republicans aged 50…

Florida poll: Support for medical marijuana still up in the air

by Harrison Thomas.
phone pollsThree months after the Florida referendum to legalize medical marijuana barely failed to reach the 60 percent threshold necessary to for it to become state law, 64 percent of Sunshine State voters support the idea, according to the Jan. 28-29 Gravis Insights poll of 693 registered voters. “In the last cycle, the proponents of legalized…

SC Poll: Romney leads among Palmetto State voters; Bush leads Romney-less field

by Neil W. McCabe.
The former governor of Massachusetts leads a large pack of potential Republican presidential nominees in the Jan. 21-22 Townhall/Gravis poll of 831 likely SC Presidential Republican Primary Voters. W. Mitt Romney, who was the GOP nominee for president in 2012 against President Barack Obama was the selection of 20 percent of the respondents, followed by…

Clinton scalps Warren in Howie Carr/Gravis poll of Bay State Dems

by Neil W. McCabe.
The former first lady and secretary of state leads Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren in a Howie Carr/Gravis poll of 358 registered Bay State Democrats conducted Jan. 19-21. Hillary R. Clinton is the choice of 46 percent of respondents compared to 22 percent picking Warren, said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of Gravis Marketing, the…

Kentucky poll: Democrat Conway leads GOP contenders in governor’s race

by Neil W. McCabe.
by Neil W. McCabe The Democratic attorney general leads Republican candidates for Kentucky governor in the Jan. 5-6 poll of 608 registered voters. Attorney General John W. “Jack” Conway beats both leading Republicans Agriculture Commissioner James R. Comer, former envoy to Latvia Ambassador Catherine Todd Bailey, real estate developer Hal Heiner and businessman Matt Bevin,…

Iowa poll: Romney leads nascent Iowa field with 21%, Bush at 14%, Walker 10%

by Neil W. McCabe.
Gravis Marketing Iowa Caucus Poll The 2012 Republican nominee for president holds a leads a broad field of GOP potential contenders in the Townhall/Gravis poll conducted Jan. 5-7 among 404 registered Republican voters queried. Note: the polls were conducted using IVR technology and weighted by historical voting demographics. Former Massachusetts governor W. Mitt Romney has never…

2016 Montana Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for November 24 – 25, 2014 Executive Summary Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 836 registered voters in Montana regarding potential statewide and presidential candidates. The poll carries a margin of error of 3%. The total may not add to 100% due to rounding. Do approve or disapprove of President Obama's job performance? If…

Current 2016 Democratic Primary Polling in Florida

by Harrison Thomas.
Winter Springs, Fla. - Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. recent conducted a random survey of 694 Democratic voters regarding potential match-ups for the Democratic Presidential Primary.  The poll was completed using Gravis Marketing IVR automated telephone technology and carries a margin of error of plus / minus four percent…

Current Louisiana Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Winter Springs, Fla. - As the State of Louisiana prepares for a run-off election on December 6th, 2014, Human Events-Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 643 likely voters regarding opinions of races in Louisiana - specifically the final US Senate position to be filled. The poll; which was conducted from November 12th till the…

Gravis Marketing Polls Accurately Predicted Most US Senate Races

by Gravispr.
Winter Springs, Fla. - November 12, 2014 - Trying to capture an accurate pulse of a highly diverse voting segment is not an exact science. However, the folks at Gravis Marketing seem to have the 'secret sauce' once again as several of their US Senate polling of the 2014 mid-term elections were not only correct –…

Gravis Political Consulting Debuts with Successful Election Results

by Gravispr.
Winter Park, Fla. – Gravis Political Consulting – a division of Gravis Marketing based in Winter Park Florida debuted with outstanding results – placing five out of six political clients in the winner's circle during the November 4th, 2014 mid-term election. And since this represented the first year of providing political campaign consulting services, Gravis…

North Carolina Senate Race vs. Final Results – Gravis Marketing Hits within 1%

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing NC Poll Results for October 29 – October 30, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - It's often assumed that if a political poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent - it's rather effective. However, what could be stated about polling that falls between one percentage point of…

Current Florida Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
October 22 - 24, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - A well-rounded group of 37 percent Democrat, 36 percent Republicans and  27 percent Independent voters had some interesting opinions about current State of Florida political races for the upcoming November 4th election and potential Federal match-ups in 2016. Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm…

Current Montana Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for October 23 – 24, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Continued support for Conservative candidates in the traditional 'red' state of Montana highlight a recent Human Events and Gravis Marketing political survey. The non-partisan research firm from Winter Springs, Fla.; Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 604 likely voters in Montana regarding…

Current Iowa Poll of Likely Voters

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for October 20 – 21, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Two apparent Republican victories for Iowa Senate and the Governor seat and a split-decision on potential Presidential match-ups for 2016 highlight a recent Human Events and Gravis Marketing political survey. The non-partisan research firm from Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted a random…

Current Kansas Polling October 2014

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for October 20 – October 21, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Close races for Senate and Governor along with continued disapproval of the job performance of President Barack Obama headline a recent Gravis Marketing poll completed in The State of Kansas. Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla…

October Colorado Polling of Likely Voters

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for October 16, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Growing support for Republican candidates and increasing disapproval of President Barack Obama's job approval highlight a recent Gravis Marketing poll completed in The State of Colorado. Online Political publication Human Events along with Gravis Marketing; a non-partisan marketing research firm based in Winter Springs,…

October North Carolina Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for October 16 – October 18, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - A recent Gravis Marketing survey completed in the State of North Carolina indicates growing support for Republican candidates and continued disapproval numbers for the President of the United States Barack Obama. Completed October 18th, 2014 using Gravis Marketing IVR Automated Phone…

October Kentucky Polling of Likely Voters

by Harrison Thomas.
October 11 – 12, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Online Political Magazine Human Events and Gravis Marketing; a non-partisan political marketing company based in Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted a random survey of 1,020 likely registered voters in Kentucky regarding current events. The Kentucky poll was completed using Hosted IVR Software - Automated…

Current Maryland Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for October 6 – October 9, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Gravis Marketing; a non-partisan marketing research company based in Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted a random survey of 784 likely registered voters in Maryland. The poll focused on currently Federal Political polling inquiries along with several questions regarding upcoming political match-ups…

October Florida Polling of Likely Voters

by Harrison Thomas.
October 11 - 12, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Continually dropping approval numbers for Barack Obama yet increasing support for Hillary Clinton highlight a recent Gravis Marketing survey completed in The State of Florida. Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. conducted a random survey of 1,023 likely registered…

Current Polling in Wisconsin

Results for October 3 – October 4, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Continued support for Republican Gov. Scott Walker and continuing disapproval of the job performance of the President of the United States highlight a recent Gravis Marketing / Townhall.com poll. Gravis Marketing based in Winter Springs, Fla and Townhall.com conducted a random…

Current New Mexico Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for September 27 – October 1, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted a random survey of 727-likely registered voters in New Mexico regarding current issues, potential match-ups in 2016 along with statewide political races for the upcoming November 2014 general…

Current Kansas Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for September 30 – October 1, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Growing disapproval number for the President and closely contested battles in State-wide politics highlight a recent Gravis Marketing Poll completed October 1st, 2014. Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla conducted a random survey of 850 likely…

Current Montana Polling Results

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for September 29 – 30, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Strong support for Republican candidates along with varying opinions on current hot-button political topics highlight a recent Human Events and Gravis Marketing survey completed in the State of Montana. Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm based on Winter Springs, Fla. recently conducted…

Current Iowa Polling Results

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for September 29 – 30, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. – Close competition between potential candidates for US President in 2016 and State-wide political match-ups highlight a recent current events poll completed in the State of Iowa. Human Events and Gravis Marketing completed a poll on September 30th, 2014 surveying 522 registered voters…

Current New York Polling CD18

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summery Winter Springs, Fla. - Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 601 likely registered voters in New York regarding President Obama, Democrat Sean Maloney, and Republican Nan Hayworth. The poll, completed by Gravis Marketing; a non-partisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla was completed using IVR Technology with the…

North Carolina Statewide Poll Results

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for September 22 – 23, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Gathering the political pulse of North Carolina likely registered voters was the scope of a recent Human Events and Gravis Marketing poll completed on September 23rd, 2014. Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. conducted a random survey…

Current Colorado Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Results for September 16 – 17, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Always looking to grab the factual pulse of today's passionate voter, Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan marketing research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. recently completed a poll of 657 likely registered voters in the State of Colorado. The focus of the Gravis…

Current Kentucky Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - The State of Kentucky took center stage during a recent Gravis Marketing / Human Events poll completed September 13th-September 16th, 2014. Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. along with Human Events; a leading online-political publication conducted a random survey of 839 likely registered voters…

Protected: Current Florida 9th Congressional District Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
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Current Arkansas Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Hillary Clinton Losing Ground in Home State Results for September 8 - 11, 2014 Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Continued support for Republican candidates for traditionally 'red' Arkansas and continued disapproval of the job performance of President Barack Obama highlight a recent Gravis Marketing poll completed on September 11th, 2014. In an independent and…

Current Florida Polling

Race for Florida Gov a DEAD HEAT - Growing Support for Medical Marijuana Highlight Recent Gravis Marketing Florida Poll Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. – A continued disapproval rating for President Barack Obama, a current tie in the race for Governor and strong support for a Medical Marijuana ballot initiative highlight a recent Gravis Marketing…

Illinois Polling Data – August 5th, 2014

Rauner Leads in Illinois  Winter Springs, Fla. – A growing lead for Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Bruce Rauner and a potential concerning lead for incumbent Senator Dick Durbin highlight the recent findings of a Gravis Marketing -Human Events poll completed in Illinois. On August 4th & 5th, Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm headquartered in Winter…

Connecticut Polling Data – With New Gravis Internet Panel August 2014

Executive Summary Winter Springs, Fla. - Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm based in Winter Springs, Fla. conducted a random survey of 440 registered voters in Connecticut regarding potential candidates for both Federal and State elections between the dates of August 4th – August 7th, 2014. The poll was completed using Gravis Marketing Internet Panels…

Wisconsin Political Poll Walker 47% Burke 47%

Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 1,346 likely registered Wisconsin voters regarding current events, including potential presidential and senate candidates between 7/31/14 and 8/02/14. The poll carries a margin of error of ± 3% with a 95% confidence level. The poll was conducted using automated IVR polling software. Regarding the…

Current US Senate North Carolina Polling

by Harrison Thomas.
Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 1,380 registered voters in North Carolina regarding statewide candidates by automated IVR calls of likely voters between 7/22/14 and 7/27/14.  The poll carries a margin of error of  3% with a 95% confidence level. The results follow. Regarding the Senate race in the telephone survey,…

California Statewide Polling

Results for July 22 – 24, 2014 Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 580 registered voters in California regarding statewide candidates by automated calls to landline phone numbers 7/22/14 and ­­­­­7/24/14.  The poll carries a margin of error of  4%.  The results follow. Among the contested races for State…

Florida Democratic Primary Poll- Charlie Crist Leads Nan Rich

Results for July 2014 Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 792 registered Democratic likely voters in Florida regarding current candidates in the August 26, 2014 primary. The poll carries a margin of error of ± 4% and a 95% confidence level. The poll was conducted…

New Montana Poll Steve Daines Leads John Walsh

Results for July 24, 2014 Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 781 registered likely voters in Montana regarding statewide candidates  by automated calls to landlines and live calls to mobile phones on 7/24/14.  The poll carries a margin of error of 3.5% with a 95% confidence level. The results…

Montana Poll Results US Senate , Governor, And US House Race

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 741 likely registered voters in Montana regarding statewide candidates by automated IVR phone calls between 7/20/2014-7/22/2014.  The poll carries a margin of error of 4% with a 95% confidence level. Human Events and Gravis Marketing polled the US Senate race in Montana. These results reveal…

Kentucky Statewide Political Survey….

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 1,054 likely registered voters regarding current events by automated calls to landlines  7/17/14-7/20/14.  The poll carries a margin of error of 3% with a 95% confidence level.  Gravis Marketing surveyed likely voters in the highly competitive Kentucky Senate Race between Allison Lundergan-Grimes (D) long time…

Human Events-Gravis Marketing Iowa Senate Survey

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 1,179 likely registered voters in Iowa regarding statewide candidates. The survey was conducted by automated IVR calls of likely voters between 7/17/14 and 7/18/14. The poll carries a margin of error of ± 3% with a 95% confidence level. Gravis Marketing polled registered voters on the highly competitive…

Human Events- Gravis Marketing New York Congressional District 18 Polling

Human Events and Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 523 registered voters in New York’s 18th Congressional District regarding current candidates. The survey was conducted by automated IVR calls of likely voters between 7/17/2014-7/19/2014. The poll carries a margin of error of ±4% with a 95% confidence level.  Gravis Marketing conducted…

Gravis Marketing Colorado Poll Shows Gardner and Hickenlooper Ahead

Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey on 7/8-7/10 of 1106 registered voters in Colorado regarding statewide candidates.  The s results of this survey are accurate at the 95% confidence and carries a margin of error of ±3. Gravis contacted registred voters using automated telephone calls. Gravis Marketing first surveyed the US Senate race to find that Congressman Cory Gardner (R)…

Current Arizona Polling- Republican Primary

Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 691 likely republican voters in Arizona regarding current events and the upcoming election. The poll carries a margin of error of ± 4%. Do approve or disapprove of President Obama's job performance?If the Republican Primary election for Governor were held today and…

Current Minnesota Polling

Executive Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 879 registered voters in Minnesota on Wednesday and Thursday regarding current issues. The poll carries a margin of error of ± 3%. Do approve or disapprove of President Obama's job performance? The results reported below are for all respondents. If one includes…

Florida Poll Governors Race, AG, And Medical Marijuana

Gravis Marketing conducted a random phone survey of 1,232 registered voters in Florida by automated ivr polling phone calls to landlines on_ 06/20/14-06/23/14 regarding support for the proposed Constitutional Amendment legalizing medical marijuana on the set for the November 2014 ballot and the upcoming Gubernatorial and Attorney General Elections.  The results have a margin of…

Human Events-Gravis Marketing Poll: Georgia GOP Senate Runoff

  Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1140 Likely Georgia voters regarding Republican Senate candidates. The poll carries a margin of error of ± 3% with a 95% confidence level. The Telephone survey was conducted by automated telephone 6/11/2014-6-12/2014 Do approve or disapprove of President…

Final Kentucky Republican Primary Poll: McConnell +14 Over Bevin

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey by automated calls to landlines  of 629 registered voters who have voted in a prior republican primary, regarding current events.  The poll carries a margin of error of  ± 4%. The poll was conducted May 12, 2014   Republican voters were asked, “If the Republican primary…

Political Poll CD4 – Texas Runoff Congressman Ralph Hall Leads Former U.S. Attorney John Ratcliffe

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 656 registered Texas voters in the fourth Congressional District regarding current events, including the Republican Primary contest between Ralph Hall and John Ratcliffe.  The poll carries a margin of error of  4%. Voters were asked, “Do you approve or disapprove of Republican Ralph Hall?” 51%…

List of Registered Voters In West Virginia

Comprehensive Voter Lists in West Virginia – Detailed Voter Contact Information There are times when running a political campaign can be extremely stressful. Quite often the culprit of this anxiety is the hundreds of hours spent looking for a list of registered voters in West Virginia that can help you contact and connect with your…

Florida Political Poll Rick Scott Holds Slight Lead

by Harrison Thomas.
Executive Summary Human Events-Gravis Marketing conducted a political poll of 907 registered voters in Florida by automated calls to landlines a between 4/23/14 and 4/25/14 regarding support for the proposed Constitutional Amendment legalizing medical marijuana which is on the November 2014 ballot and the upcoming Gubernatorial and Attorney General Elections.  The results have a margin…

Latest Telephone Survey Shows McConnell Ahead In Kentucky

Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random telephone survey by automated calls to landline phone numbers using it's proprietary telephone survey software, 1,359 registered Kentucky voters completed the survey regarding current events, including potential presidential and senate candidates between April 15-17-2014, The poll carries a margin of error of ± 3%. Note…

Florida State House: Scott Sturgill Leads Bob Cortes In Contested GOP Primary

Gravis Marketing Public Opinion Poll and Survey Executive Poll Summary Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random telephone survey of 514 Florida House District 30 voters via automated telephone call.  The poll carries a margin of error of  4%.  The political poll was conducted on behalf of the Scott Sturgill campaign.  The poll…

Illinois Telephone Survey: Rauner Ahead and First Lady Michelle Obama Vs Senator Mark Kirk

Telephone Survey Shows Bruce Rauner Ahead Of Pat Quinn Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random telephone poll  by automated calls to landlines 806 registered Illinois voters regarding current events, including potential gubernatorial and senate candidates between March 21 and March 22. The telephone survey carries a margin of error of ± 3%. In…

Gravis Marketing BBB Accreditation

Gravis Marketing has received accreditation from the BBB

Phone Survey Shows Scott Walker Ahead In WI Opinion Poll

by dougk78.
Wisconsin Phone Survey Scott Walker ahead by 5% Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random phone survey by automated calls to landlines of 988 registered Wisconsin voters regarding current events and the upcoming election. The telephone survey was conducted 3-17-2014. The opinion poll carries a margin of error of ± 4%. Obama's approval rating…

Telephone Survey Latest SC Political Poll

Telephone Survey Shows Good News For Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random telephone survey of 735 registered South Carolina voters regarding current events, including potential presidential and senate candidates between March 6 and March 7 2014. The poll was conducted by automated telephone interviews on landline telephone numbers. The poll carries…

Political Consultants

Gravis Marketing Provides Political Consultants Wholesale rates. Gravis works with political consultants worldwide, offering the consultant the lowest rates possible, they can then pass it on to the political candidate. Building up a political campaign, whether it takes place in a small local area or it is a national campaign, requires the right type of…


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Texas Telephone Poll: Stockman Gaining Against Cornyn In Primary Battle

by Harrison Thomas.
Human Events-Gravis Marketing Texas Poll Human Events-Gravis Marketing, conducted a random survey of 729 likely republican primary voters in  Texas regarding Republican Steve Stockman and Republican John Cornyn between 2/10/14 and 2/12/14.  The poll carries a margin of error of 3.6%. The telephone poll was conducted using automated phone calls to landlines and live operators contacting cellphone only households. The…

New Hampshire Republicans – the Senate … the Presidency … Chris Christie … Background Checks and More

by Harrison Thomas.
Gravis Marketing and the Human Events conducted a random survey of 498 registered voters in New Hampshire by automated call on 1/29/14 and 1/30/14. The results have a margin of error of ±4.3. New Hampshire operates on an open primary system, which would make consideration of independent voters relevant.  Among potential Republican primary voters, the…

Florida Public Opinion Survey – Governor’s Race Tight … AG Interesting … Marijuana Inconsistent

by dougk78.
Public Opinion Survey Of Florida Voters Gravis Marketing conducted a random public opinion survey of 808 registered voters in Florida between 1/30/14 and 1/31/14 regarding support for the proposed Constitutional Amendment legalizing medical marijuana on the ballot in November 2014 and the upcoming Gubernatorial and Attorney General elections. The results have a margin of error…

Pennsylvania Republican Primary Poll Shows Governor Corbett…

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 956 likely Republican primary voters in Pennsylvania regarding the job Tom Corbett is doing and potential challengers.  The poll carries a margin of error of 3%.  Overall, Primary Poll Shows - the results are: Corbett may be in trouble, with 41% of respondents wanting a…

How Is Pennsylvania Looking For Governor Corbett?

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 717 registered voters in Pennsylvania Looking For Governor Corbett, regarding the job Tom Corbett is doing, potential challengers, and other potential matchups.  The poll carries a margin of error of 4%.  Overall, the results are: Corbett may be in trouble, with 60% indicating disapproval and 31%…

Florida governorship -Charlie Crist, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton, Pam Bondi Poll

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 932 registered Florida voters regarding current events, including the Florida governorship, medical marijuana, gay marriage, Obamacare, and gun rights, among others.  The poll carries a margin of error of  3%.  Here are the results; crosstabs according to the demographic characteristics are available by contacting Gravis…

John Boehner Poll

Human Events-Gravis Marketing Poll A Sept. 4 Human Events/Gravis poll of more than 1,000 Republican primary voters in his congressional district shows 50 percent of them would welcome a primary challenge to Speaker John A. Boehner (R.-Ohio). Political Poll results .

Florida Poll: CD13 David Jolly Ahead(Random survey)

Random Survey Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 976 registered Republican voters in Florida’s 13th Congressional District regarding current events and whom they would likely vote for among the candidates.  The poll carries a margin of error of 3%.  Overall, the results of the random survey are: A close…

Kentucky Poll US Senate | Public Opinion Poll

Executive Summary (Public Opinion Poll) Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 683 registered Republican voters regarding current events  The poll carries a margin of error of 4%. 1153 voters completed the poll for the General election question.The poll was conducted 12-29-2013-12-31-2013 and 1-2-2014. Overall, the results are: The vast majority do not…

Gravis Marketing Public Opinion Polls

Marketing Public Opinion Polls -Gravis Marketing conducts public opinion surveys using its proprietary IVR system or its live call center. Unless otherwise noted, Gravis only counts completed surveys in its reported results.  Survey samples are weighted to match the best available demographic characteristics from the US Census Bureau and prior voter turnout data. Gravis Marketing…

Mississippi Senate Primary Poll – Senator Thad Cochran Vs Chris McDaniel Public Opinion Poll

Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 691 registered Mississippi voters regarding the performance of Senator Cochran, his standing among potential challengers, and opinions regarding background checks, restricting violence in video games, and drug testing for welfare recipients.  The poll carries a margin of error of plus or minus 4%. [wufoo username="gravismarketing"…

Gravis Marketing South Carolina Political Poll For US Senate And Republican Presidential Primary

South Carolina Political Poll Results for 11/30/2013 – 12/2/2013 conducted automated telephone interviews on landline telephone numbers.  Gravis contacted a random sample of prior republican primary voters in SC, 601 registered voters completed the poll, the margin of error was 4% Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 601 registered…

Gravis Marketing Florida Poll Results| State Wide Results

Full Gravis Marketing Florida Poll Results

Nebraska Poll Results – Gravis Marketing Press Release

Early Poll Numbers: Nebraska US Senate Primary Gravis Marketing Poll-Nebraska Poll Results Winter Springs, Florida, September 9, 2013-Gravis Marketing has announced the results of a random survey of 1,842 registered Nebraska voters, conducted on September 6 and September 7, 2013. Survey criteria required that all poll participants must have voted in at least one Republican…

Gravis Marketing Poll: Nebraska Senate Results

Gravis Marketing Poll- Nebraska US Senate Republican Primary Poll Marketing Poll Executive Summary Gravis Marketing Poll conducted a random survey of 1,842 registered Nebraska voters on 9/6/2013 to 9/7/2013 regarding Republican Senate candidates.  All survey participants must have had voted in at least one Republican primary.  Overall, the poll carries a 2.2% margin of error.…

Gravis Marketing: Speaker John Boehner Poll Results

Human Events-Gravis Poll: Ohio Voters Call for Challenger to Run Against John Boehner Voters Give Boehner a Wake-Up Call Winter Springs, FL, September 06, 2013 – More than 1,120 Ohio voters responded to a poll conducted by Human Events- Gravis Marketing  on September 4th. Half of the respondents reported they would welcome a challenger to House Speaker…

New Human Events-Gravis Marketing Poll Shows Speaker John Boehner

Human Events-Gravis Marketing Poll A Sept. 4 Human Events/Gravis poll of more than 1,000 Republican primary voters in his congressional district shows 50 percent of them would welcome a primary challenge to Speaker John A. Boehner (R.-Ohio). Political Poll results .

Speaker John Boehner – Human Events-Gravis Marketing Poll

    Executive Summary Human Events and Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 1,121 registered Ohio voters regarding current events.  All participants must have had voted in at least one Republican primary.  The policy issues included potential U.S. military action in Syria, how well Speaker John Boehner is doing in attempts to defund Obamacare,…

Protected: Speaker John Boehner Poll Results- Human Events-Gravis Marketing

by Harrison Thomas.
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What is Social CRM? Gravis Marketing

by Gravis Marketing admin.
Social CRM Social CRM is a relatively new business strategy that claims to improve the customer satisfaction with the company that embraces it, and the profitability of that company as well. These are two advantages that any business would strive to achieve. The title of the article begs the question: What is Social CRM? The…

A Closer Look At Political Advertising

by Gravis Marketing admin.
Political advertising can have a massive impact on the success of one's political campaign, provided that it is done properly and with the right techniques .Just like the regular type of political advertising, political marketing is done through a series of different procedures and techniques that are aimed at the target market. The target market…

Email Marketing and Internet Marketing in 2013

by Gravis Marketing admin.
Email Marketing and Internet Marketing in 2013 Email showcasing has ended up being the last movement and is drawing in many client's day and night with projects like twitter, Facebook,  web journals, my space and so forth. These are the most considerably known and greatly utilized movements. It is not unfamiliar to any web browser…

Gravis Marketing Wins 2 Pollie Awards

Gravis Marketing has been recently recognized by the American Association of Political Consultants, winning two awards, for the recent presidential campaign, and best phone calls for an international campaign in Australia. [caption id="attachment_986" align="alignnone" width="288"] Presidential Phone calls 2012, International Phone Calls 2012.[/caption]

How to Set up Call Tracking to Track Leads

by Gravis Marketing admin.
If your marketing relies mostly on the internet, good for you. You're subject to the whims of the crowd and you have very little control over what you're doing. If your marketing relies on the telephone, you have a lot more control over what you are doing, except for one thing.Tracking dataIf you want to…

Text Services

by Gravis Marketing admin.
Text messages are another powerful political campaign tool – use it to broadcast your outreach to a wider voting audience and help you perform valuable polling and market research.

Live Call Center

by Gravis Marketing admin.
The most accurate voting lists! Our team of political engineers knows what it takes to get the attention of the voting public - and just as importantly, knows which techniques to avoid. This way your valuable time isn’t wasted, but instead is invested in results-driven strategies that help you win.Political Marketing. Hosted Predictive Dialer. Predictive…