High Performance Computing

ManeFrame II: High-Performance Research Computing

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Access to the HPC OnDemand web portal requires an existing M2 account.

For computational research projects that require high-performance computing (HPC) for data analysis, SMU has implemented ManeFrame II, a shared high-performance computing cluster.  The Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the SMU Center for Scientific Computation work together to provide the computational and digital data infrastructure necessary to support research endeavors of SMU’s faculty, researchers and students.  ManeFrame II is managed by OIT’s professional HPC staff and partners tightly with computational consulting and project partners housed in the Center for Computational Science to serve faculty.

This cluster features state of the art CPUs and GPUs, accelerators, networking and storage technologies—making it one of the fastest high-performance computing environments of any private university campus in Texas. 

ManeFrame II is open to the entire SMU research community.

Technical support is provided to SMU researchers for using our HPC and other computational systems on campus.  Support includes:

  • Getting started and running jobs on HPC systems
  • Consultation on which systems are best for various research questions
  • Laying out jobs to get the best performance
  • Troubleshooting run problems
  • Managing data
  • Parallelizing research work

Getting Started

If you are interested in using ManeFrame II, you will need to obtain an account on M2. Simply send an email request to help@smu.edu with HPC in the subject line. Student accounts are also available with a faculty sponsor approval.

Accessing the Portal

  1. Click the Login button above.*
  2. Sign in using your SMU ID and SMU password.

* Please Note:  Access to the HPC OnDemand web portal requires an existing M2 account. If you log into the portal and don’t have an M2 account, you will get an error message.

HPC Portal Video Walkthrough

Video walkthrough provided by the Center for Scientific Computation.

Training and Documentation

ManeFrame II Documentation provided by the Center for Scientific Computation.

Quick Links