Hansi Lo Wang •    DAYSVerified account


I report on the people, power and money behind the for • email: hwang@npr.org; hansilowang@protonmail.com • signal: 917-397-2639 • he/him

New York City
Joined August 2010


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    NEW: I spoke with 13 current & former employees at the Census Bureau's local offices. With the shortened schedule piled on top of the pandemic & tech problems, many are worried there's not enough time to complete the count safely & accurately:

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  2. NEW: Association of Village Council Presidents , representing 56 tribal nations in southwestern Alaska, "expressed dismay" over decision to cut short counting "without notice, consultation, or consideration" for tribal communities struggling with COVID-19:

  3. There are 47 days left of counting for the . My colleagues at , and I put together this podcast to explain what you need to know about the count:

  4. 6. Spokesperson Evan Hollander told me House appropriations staffers "had serious concerns," however, when they received this email message on July 30 from Census Bureau officials that said it "may be necessary to adjust the timing of future information sharing" re: :

    Due to scheduling conflicts from our presenters, we are unable to provide the briefing tomorrow. We will be in touch in the near future to schedule the next operational briefing. Additionally, because of the schedule demands of NRFU operations, it may be necessary to adjust the timing of future information sharing.  I will share more on that soon. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions.
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  5. 5. UPDATE: Census Bureau officials have resumed weekly briefing calls with House appropriations committee staffers, committee spokesperson Evan Hollander and Michael Cook, the Census Bureau's chief spokesperson, confirm to me. Here's Cook's statement:

    The Census Bureau has not suspended its regular briefings for the key appropriating and authorizing committee staff in both chambers, as well as other meetings and briefings as requested. On only one occasion, the Census Bureau staff did not conduct a briefing due to scheduling conflicts.
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  6. NEW: The national self-response rate has ticked up to 63.6% as of Aug. 13, and the Census Bureau says there are 47 days left of counting. Your household can still respond at: - - 1-844-330-2020 SOURCE:

  7. 4. UPDATE: Census Bureau says it's emailing reminders using addresses households "have provided in response to another Census Bureau program, or received from states (such as from their WIC, SNAP or TANF programs) or from a commercial list":

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  8. Do you know something about what's really going on with the that you think the public should know? Here's how to reach me: Text/Signal: 917-397-2639 Email: hwang@npr.org ProtonMail: hansilowang@protonmail.com

  9. NEW: The Census Bureau says the additional paper forms that it recently announced would be mailed to areas with low self-response rates will be sent in late August to early September.

  10. 2. Not counting all persons living in the US "in apportioning representatives to Congress—as our Constitution requires—would be enormously damaging," argue Sens. , , , , , , ,

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  11. NEW: Sen. Brian Schatz leads 7 fellow Senate Dems in asking to file amicus brief supporting NY-based challengers of Trump's apportionment memo, calling it "exactly the kind of manipulation of the rules of our democracy that the Framers sought to prevent."

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  12. 4. The Department's office of public affairs has not responded to my question from July 27 about the department's current position on the Census Bureau's request for Congress to extend deadlines.

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  13. 3. In the same Fox Business op-ed, does not address his April 13 statement that said the Census Bureau is seeking "statutory relief" from Congress to extend deadlines in order to "ensure the completeness and accuracy" of the :

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  14. 2. The Census Bureau's public info office has not yet responded to my question from Aug. 5: Why did the Census Bureau stop conducting weekly calls about the 2020 census with the staff of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies?

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  15. Last week, Rep. José Serrano, chair of House appropriations subcommittee that funds , told Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross the Census Bureau cancelled weekly briefings to committee staff (L). Today, in Fox Business op-ed, Ross indicates briefings haven't stopped (R).

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  16. Today is Friday. The U.S. Census Bureau says: - 47 days left to count - 56 million homes uncounted - 10 years of consequences Your household can still respond to the at: - - 1-844-330-2020

  17. 2. “The Census Bureau removes self-responses from the nonresponse followup workload as soon as possible,” the bureau told me in an email this week:

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  18. I have heard from some workers that this is happening often. Asked if they’re aware that door knockers are sometimes assigned to vists homes that have already self-responded, the Census Bureau told me they remove those addresses from the door-knocking workload ASAP.

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  21. By my count, there are 3 Republicans in Congress who have publicly called for the reversal of the Trump admin decision to cut short counting. They're all senators from states with some of the lowest self-response rates -- Montana at 57% and Alaska at 50.3% as of 8/12.

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