We are inviting people to study and reflect on Martin Luther’s “The Freedom of a Christian” in 2020, its 500th anniversary year. It is an invitation to hear, share, and experience the Lutheran witness of the Christian faith as it relates to God’s narrative of freedom in Christ.

This initiative extends our engagement in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and builds upon the Presiding Bishop’s 2016-2017 initiative inviting the people of the ELCA to engage with Luther’s Small Catechism.

Download The Freedom of a Christian

The Office of the Presiding Bishop expresses its deep gratitude to Fortress Press for its partnership in this project, and for making The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition, translated by Timothy J. Wengert (Fortress Press, 2016), available for free download from this website through the end of 2020.