EEPA Editors


A multidisciplinary, policy-focused education journal from . Co-Editors: , , , Paco Martorell

Se unió en octubre de 2015


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  1. 1 jun.

    Researchers find that text message reminders increased verification rates by seven percentage points, and personalized messages increased enrollment rates for some groups. They also leverage open-ended responses to highlight some of the key barriers parents had.

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  2. 1 jun.

    Important new experimental evidence from EEPA on using different messaging strategies to boost early childhood educational enrollment: (by , , , Alicia Gerry)

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  3. 22 may.
  4. 5 may.
  5. 16 abr.

    If you're reviewing for us and you got an overdue notification in error, we're sorry! There are some technical issues with the ScholarOne system that we are working out. Thanks for your patience and service!

  6. 8 abr.
  7. 7 abr.

    "The elimination of affirmative action has led to persistent declines in the share of underrepresented minorities among students admitted to and enrolling... Alternative policies and administrative decisions were unable to fully replace race-based affirmative action."

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  8. 7 abr.

    More new EEPA research out today! What's the long-term impact of affirmative action bans on underrepresented student groups? It's ... not good. 1/2

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  9. 6 abr.

    New EEPA research! What explains the effects of turnaround initiatives in Tennessee's ASD and iZone? Teacher and leader quality efforts are related to positive effects, mobility (teacher and student) and absenteeism are related to negative effects.

  10. retwitteó
    1 abr.

    This issue is so strong it'll almost make you forget that schools don't really exist anymore.

  11. retwitteó
    1 abr.

    Thanks ! A wonderful set of papers. Goldhaber(), Me, Gratz, and Rooklyn find Washington’s College Bound Scholarship program had insignificant and substantively small or negative effects on students’ HS grades, graduation, juvenile detention, and incarceration.

  12. 31 mar.

    The newest EEPA issue is out! Great new research on topics like: 1) FAFSA nudging 2) High school coursetaking 3) EL reclassification 4) Teaching-oriented faculty 5) College placement 6) Early commitment pledges 7) Improving teaching effectiveness

  13. 23 mar.

    This study uses an experimental lottery to demonstrate that students in early college high schools were more likely to attain postsecondary credentials, did so faster, and performed comparably to students who weren't given access.

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  14. 23 mar.

    The second paper, "What Happens When You Combine High School and College? The Impact of the Early College Model on Postsecondary Performance and Completion" is by Julie Edmunds and colleagues.

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  15. 23 mar.

    The paper identifies important age, gender, race/ethnicity, and SES gaps and provides useful descriptive data for state policymakers interested in measuring SEL for accountability or other purposes.

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  16. 23 mar.

    From and colleagues, "Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning: Evidence From the First Large-Scale Panel Student Survey." This paper offers a large-scale descriptive analysis of trends in students' self-reported SEL from grades 4-12.

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  17. 23 mar.

    New EEPA research! Two new articles out today.

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  18. retwitteó
    23 mar.

    What happens when you combine high school and college? A new study in examines the impact of the early college model on student outcomes, including degree attainment and academic performance.

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  19. 16 mar.

    We have already reached out to all individual reviewers - if you're reviewing for us and haven't gotten a message, please let us know. We want to be sure you have the time and space you need, and we don't want to contribute to any unnecessary stress.

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  20. 16 mar.

    We know many of our authors and reviewers are justifiably focused on the situation right now. We want you to know that if we can support you in any way—by extending deadlines, finding new reviewers, etc.—we are happy to do so. Just email us. Be safe.

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