Mabelandmoxie en-us Copyright 2020 Livingly Inc. (The Livingly Team) The Cutest Celebrity Beach Baby Bumps No matter where you live, everyone always looks forward to summer. It has an almost magical quality to it, where heavy winter layers are shed in favor of breezy dresses and flirty short shorts; popsicles start filling freezers; and every time you step outside, you want to tip your face up towards the sunshine. So is it any wonder that we all flock towards the beach once it gets warm enough? A-listers do the same, but especially pregnant celebs. There's nothing more relaxing than sitting on a beach chair with your baby bump.That's why everyone from A-list movie stars to fashion influencers to athlete's wives have taken advantage of warm weather to soak in some rays while sitting in the sand. Some of these beach photos were taken from beaches that were a few steps away from the celebs' homes. When you live in California, you don't have to drive far to get to a coast. Other photos were snapped during babymoons, where the expecting couples wanted a week of relaxation somewhere exotic and warm. And some of the pictures were taken during impromptu family and friend trips, where the soon-to-be moms wanted to show off her growing baby bump. Check out the cutest celebrity beach baby bump photos below. The Cutest Celebrity Beach Baby Bumps Sat, 13 Jun 2020 01:17:35 -0700 pKDZGLOGgMe We're Bringing Back 'Hey Girl' Memes For Moms Because We Know You Need Them Right Now Remember when the world wasn't so crazy and Ryan Gosling ruled the planet? It was a better time, one that was filled with "Hey Girl" memes. Yep, you remember the hype. They were everywhere. And for good reason because those memes were fire. Well, guess what everyone? WE'RE BRINGING THEM BACK. Yours truly, me, reached out to all of my funniest friends and asked what they'd want to hear from their favorite hot guy. As it turns out, it's everything you'll want to hear too.Look, as moms, we're already overwhelmed. But, add in parenting during a pandemic, and it's over for us. We're exhausted. And no longer are we playing camp counselor and lunch lady, we are these things. Sometimes, mama just needs a break, am I right? So, let me provide a little bit of self-care for you. Sit back, relax, put those darn feet up, and get ready to hear some sweet nothings from some super sexy guys. These lines will be music to your ears. And if you really want to play, send the article to your partner and tell them to do these things for you. Keep reading for the best "Hey Girl" memes! We're Bringing Back 'Hey Girl' Memes For Moms Because We Know You Need Them Right Now Wed, 17 Jun 2020 21:19:08 -0700're+Bringing+Back+'Hey+Girl'+Memes+For+Moms+Because+We+Know+You+Need+Them+Right+Now?utm_source=msnb&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner VAXKkz62MAr Being An Introvert Mom Makes Me Feel Like I'm Losing My Mind I’m a true introvert through and through (INFJ here!), and while there have been plenty of hard things for me (socializing, making friends, opening up to people), what I never expected was how difficult my motherhood journey would be. I truly thrive in silence or when I’m alone. My mind quiets, and it’s how I recharge my own battery.But if you’re a parent, you know that this is a rare occurrence. As a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom, I’m surrounded by chaos constantly. And it’s draining me. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I love more than the happy squeals of my kids as they run around and play. But at the end of the day, when I’ve had their adorable sticky hands grabbing at me for 12 hours, I’m so exhausted. Sometimes I feel like shouting, “Please stop touching me!”And it’s not because I don’t love them. It’s because I haven’t had a moment of time to myself to think. There’s no “me” time to process my emotions and recharge. There’s no silence during the day so that I can breathe without being startled. I can’t even go to the bathroom by myself, let alone have enough time to just chill. Stress ends up piling on top of me, and I hit my breaking point when my kids are at their fussiest. Being An Introvert Mom Makes Me Feel Like I'm Losing My Mind Sat, 27 Jun 2020 16:36:39 -0700'm+Losing+My+Mind?utm_source=msnb&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner u-XD6nz6flL Where To Shop Online For The Best Baby And Kids' Clothes If you are looking for some places to shop online for your kids, I have you covered. We are just coming out of quarantine in our area and both my kids have sadly grown out of or worn through most of their clothes. While stores are starting to open up again, being able to order a few things from the comfort of my own home is still ideal. Dealing with two little ones on top of following social distancing guidelines can be a challenge. I would much rather shop from home when I can! No long lines and no grumpy kids? Yes, please!Currently I am looking for lots of outdoor friendly play clothes, a few pieces for layering, and some new swimwear. Things like leggings, socks, and basic t-shirts will work for the next few months but will also still be handy come fall. Plus many stores have high inventory of past season clearance and are offering special discounts to boost business. Whether you are looking for a few pieces for summer or need to stock up like me, I have some great resources for clothing your kids this season. Whether you want everyday basics for busy kids or eco-friendly organic baby clothes for an upcoming baby shower, I rounded up some affordable and quality online stores you will love. Where To Shop Online For The Best Baby And Kids' Clothes Fri, 19 Jun 2020 14:20:50 -0700'+Clothes?utm_source=msnb&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner UH1FSljqdHT Here's What Distance Learning Was Really Like For Teachers (And Their Thoughts For Fall) During the final three months of the school year, the Internet provided parents with plenty of advice, resources, and humor to help cope with the challenges of distance learning. As we juggled working from home, we were also tasked with providing tech support, deciphering common core math, and submitting assignments while our children had to be away from their classrooms.But what has this experience been like for teachers?In addition to having expert knowledge in academic content and pedagogy, modern educators must also master classroom management, child development, basic counseling skills, conflict resolution, and have an acute awareness of the unique demographics and needs of their communities. This spring, they also became experts at communication and technology.As John Krasinski shared on Some Good News, “We here at SGN would like to start a petition that all teachers get paid 1.71 million dollars. Per day.”We agree.Now that the school year has drawn to a close, we wanted to provide a space for teachers to share their experiences with distance learning and give us some insight for the 2020-2021 school year. We interviewed four educators from different grade levels, and their honesty and commitment to their students is truly inspiring.Spoiler: Most school districts still don’t know how education will look in August, but we can be sure that our dedicated, talented teachers will do everything they can to inspire, instruct, and connect with our children. Here's What Distance Learning Was Really Like For Teachers (And Their Thoughts For Fall) Sat, 20 Jun 2020 15:04:57 -0700's+What+Distance+Learning+Was+Really+Like+For+Teachers+(And+Their+Thoughts+For+Fall)?utm_source=msnb&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner zWZojIyncA1 Identify Your Hidden Biases And Blind Spots When Talking To Kids About Race When learning to drive a car, one of the most important things they teach you is to always be aware of the blind spots, (you know, the areas around the car that you aren’t able to see). But, did you know our brains and eyes also have blind spots? And, as it turns out, these blind spots can have a big impact on our perception of the world around us, including how we think about race.First, I want to tell you a few things about me. I've been working professionally in the healthcare field since 2001: first as a board certified music therapist and then as a licensed clinical psychologist. The clients I’ve worked with are diverse in every way from where they live to the issues they struggle to overcome. As such, working to understand the human brain and mental health are nothing new to me. And, just as my interactions with others directly impact my worldview and how I relate and interact with people, your life experiences have impacted you and shaped your outlook as well.Before we can begin understanding the complex and overlapping interplay of how race impacts a person's life, we must first understand how our brain processes information and how hidden biases influence unconscious decisions. When we step back to look at how unconscious thoughts are shaping our actions, we often uncover biases we never knew existed — even if we think we're "good people" and "not racist," digging a little deeper can help us gain an even broader perspective. And, this is arguably some of the most important work we can do in raising kids who understand and actively work against racism. Identify Your Hidden Biases And Blind Spots When Talking To Kids About Race Sun, 14 Jun 2020 09:32:23 -0700 0ufB1za7rl2 The Dumbest Things I Did In My First Weeks As A New Mom Honestly, I felt a little mixed about making a list of "dumb" things I did when I first became a mom. After all, there's already a ridiculous amount of pressure on new moms and I don't want to add to that by calling our mistakes dumb. But, as I started to reflect, I realized thinking back on what I now see as mistakes adds humor and perspective to the memories. And, in a way, calling the mistakes "dumb" makes light of them, too. No one is perfect and we might as well laugh about it.For me, the list you're about to read isn't meant to be overanalyzed. We all do things we would change if we could go back, even as new parents. It's okay. We get through it and we learn from our mistakes. Recognizing our imperfections doesn't have to be a bad thing. Instead, it can be a celebration of how human we really are — and how hard parenting is every single step of the way. No one out there does it "right" all the time.So, here are the so-called dumbest things I did in my first weeks as a mom. Mix in the exhaustion of giving birth and caring for a newborn and it's easy to see how things can get tricky fast. My hope is that maybe this list will help another new mom feel a little better about her own regrets and imperfections — which is what makes looking back on the beautiful mess of it all worth it. We all do "dumb" things and that doesn't make us bad moms. The Dumbest Things I Did In My First Weeks As A New Mom Fri, 26 Jun 2020 11:08:52 -0700 IkJH4TiofPs 3 Simple Steps to Motivate Your Kid To Do Their Chores Being an adult isn’t always as fun as we thought it would be when we were little. Yes we get to “do whatever we want” but we also have to clean up other people's puke, wipe little bums, maintain the mental load of the daily lives of our child’s needs, be a teacher, mentor and rule enforcer, as well as the comforter, hug giver and praise offerer all while trying to balance everything else in our own personal life. In other words, we could definitely use some help. Allowing and offering your children age appropriate chores is a great way to free up some time for yourself.  It also builds self-confidence in your child as they successfully complete tasks which improve the flow and functioning of the family system and home. These chores can range cleaning up toys (let the littles do it) or asking older kids to prepare a family meal once a week.  If they don’t know how to put together a balanced meal... teach them the basics (learn together if needed) then step back and let them do it. Creating space for our children to participate in the “unseen” jobs around the house (getting them to replace the toilet paper roll, hit the laundry basket, do the dishes etc.) isn’t always easy. Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just faster and less mess to do stuff ourselves.  However, that doesn’t really help us (or them) in the long run.  Having the ability and inner strength to follow through with the boring but necessary task in any job is a gift that will forever be with them and set them up for success in life whatever path they walk. Plus, you may even get a few minutes to put your feet up and finish that drink before you hear, “Mom, can you help me?” again. Here are three ways to get everyone on board. 3 Simple Steps to Motivate Your Kid To Do Their Chores Sat, 20 Jun 2020 07:41:47 -0700 siILaJmb7zM These Funny Memes Get What Summer 2020 Is Really Like For Parents When you think of summer, what do you see? Is it laughing kids, warm breezy air, sprinklers, the smell of freshly mowed grass, and putting on endless sunscreen? Sweet, sweet serenity. Full stop. Let me paint you a picture of what summer is really like. Kids crying, dogs barking, water sprayed in your face, broken chalk littering the sidewalk, dirty swim diapers, and heat-induced fits of rage. And then, add social distancing on top of it for a giant summer sundae of despair.Okay, not totally true. There is a lot of good when it comes to summer. I, for one, really love the pool (when I'm not corralling my kids to make sure they aren't stealing other kids' toys). And, the park is really fun (when the temperatures aren't 110). Let's be honest, summer is fun, all jokes aside. However, in this article, we're all about the jokes. So, buckle up and get ready for hilarious summer memes that will make you laugh, chuckle, and cackle. Because truly, this is exactly what summer 2020 is really like. It's going to be unlike any summer you've ever experienced. These memes will help you get through it though. Check them out! These Funny Memes Get What Summer 2020 Is Really Like For Parents Mon, 22 Jun 2020 21:13:43 -0700 9V4YJnWGwXQ A Mom Of Four Tells Her Rainbow Baby's Story Some memories stay with you. An image, a smell, a few words. Sometimes it can be someone else’s experience, not even your own. And you carry it through your own life, as intertwined with your own story, until one day, something happens and suddenly that memory makes sense. It was always part of your own story. So, it was with my miscarriage. This is my experience of memory, my story of the painful underbelly of motherhood, of parenthood.I was sitting in a hospital room in Ireland. It was a heatwave that summer and the air just sort of hovered hot, and heavy. It was difficult to take a full breath. I was in a hospital room with ten other beds, ten other women. I was 38 weeks pregnant and was being kept in the hospital due to preeclampsia signs. Anita in the bed next to me, a mother of six who offered me comfort in the worries of my first pregnancy, kept the stack of gossip magazines fresh with the latest issue, in between our beds. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had just had their first child together, Suri. The photo spread with their images was face up on my bed. I was sitting and massaging my belly, hoping that the induction would start my labor, and praying for the smell of the fried food that one of the other women in the room was eating, to disappear. But there was no wind to blow the smell out of the room through the open window. Only a fan that seemed to simply circulate the smell even more, until the room seemed saturated in the smell of fried fat. In the corner of the room was a woman lying on her side crying. I wondered about her, having observed her huddled and curled body beneath a splay of brown long hair, from across the room, through the morning hours. Just then a nurse came in to talk with her, and through their muffled discussion I understood that she had had a miscarriage. I started to cry. In grief for her, through the build up of my own worries about my pregnancy, and from the strangeness of a woman who had just lost her baby being in the same room with nine other very pregnant women. A Mom Of Four Tells Her Rainbow Baby's Story Thu, 11 Jun 2020 01:20:52 -0700's+Story?utm_source=msnb&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=partner nMDoMIPeyG8