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The Year of Stupid

It turned out that the novel coronavirus was only the second-most-infectious disease to spread through the U.S. this year. Satan’s Cupcake has, after all, been diagnosed in less than 1 percent of Americans. The not-so-novel imbecility virus is, on the other hand, ravaging the minds of everyone from news ... Read More

The Year of Stupid

It turned out that the novel coronavirus was only the second-most-infectious disease to spread through the U.S. this year. Satan’s Cupcake has, after all, been diagnosed in less than 1 percent of Americans. The not-so-novel imbecility virus is, on the other hand, ravaging the minds of everyone from news ... Read More

Our Age of Superstition

We live in a society gripped by a quasi-religious fervor and obsessed with symbols and irrational fears. Anything that is thought to have the slightest association with racism, no matter how attenuated the connection or how innocent the explanation, must be crushed and expunged. The mere presence of a possibly ... Read More

Our Age of Superstition

We live in a society gripped by a quasi-religious fervor and obsessed with symbols and irrational fears. Anything that is thought to have the slightest association with racism, no matter how attenuated the connection or how innocent the explanation, must be crushed and expunged. The mere presence of a possibly ... Read More

Golden Years Ahead? Probably Not

It’s a statement of the obvious that savers — many of them retirees — unwilling to be pushed into the stock market, have been badly hit by the ultra-low interest rates that have been the norm since the financial crisis, but their effect on dreams of a comfortable retirement won't stop there. The ... Read More

Golden Years Ahead? Probably Not

It’s a statement of the obvious that savers — many of them retirees — unwilling to be pushed into the stock market, have been badly hit by the ultra-low interest rates that have been the norm since the financial crisis, but their effect on dreams of a comfortable retirement won't stop there. The ... Read More

Why Conservative Opinions Are Weird

There will be much good and astringent commentary on today’s Supreme Court decision striking down Louisiana’s modest attempts to regulate abortion clinics like any other medical provider. But one of the most bracing was written by Jesse Merriam before the decision came down. Over at Law and Liberty, ... Read More

Why Conservative Opinions Are Weird

There will be much good and astringent commentary on today’s Supreme Court decision striking down Louisiana’s modest attempts to regulate abortion clinics like any other medical provider. But one of the most bracing was written by Jesse Merriam before the decision came down. Over at Law and Liberty, ... Read More

Roberts Misrules

The Constitution does not prohibit Louisiana from requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges in hospitals near where they operate. We know this fact from reading it; from the debates over the ratification of its provisions, none of which suggest that anyone believed that it could be used in such a ... Read More

Roberts Misrules

The Constitution does not prohibit Louisiana from requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges in hospitals near where they operate. We know this fact from reading it; from the debates over the ratification of its provisions, none of which suggest that anyone believed that it could be used in such a ... Read More