
Du har blokkert @msmirandasawyer

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  1. Festet tweet
    13. jul. 2016

    My book is out! Out Of Time: Midlife, If You Still Think You're Young. Here it is

  2. Retweetet

    I am in bits, I am in awe, I am utterly destroyed. Who is the destroyer, or I? Frighteningly masterful in its construction, he deserves every award the world offers for this piece, and for the time (14 hours) he spent listening to me talk. Thank you, Alex.

  3. Retweetet
    6. jul.

    By me, in today's Telegraph. Thank you to those of you who kindly shared their experiences. I'm very grateful.

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  4. 4. jul.
  5. 3. jul.

    This is really interesting (if depressing) - far right trolls are targeting phone-in radio stations like and

  6. Retweetet
    3. jul.

    Carl had wanted to tweet this picture, taken last Saturday. As you can see he was happy and vital up to the very end. He will be sorely missed.

  7. 3. jul.
  8. Retweetet
    3. jul.

    Which world-famous rapper is talking about? Watch the entire conversation with on George's IGTV, and listen to episode 9 of Have You Heard George's Podcast? on BBC Sounds 🎧

  9. Retweetet
    1. jul.

    this was the last time i felt happiness

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  10. 3. jul.

    For a while, I thought my best lockdown purchase was a microphone and pop shield. But then I got my white dungarees and I WIN EVERYTHING NOW

  11. Retweetet
    2. jul.

    Have just appeared on the latest episode of / Laura Kidd’s new Attention Engineer podcast. You can hear it by searching “Attention Engineer” on your favourite podcasting platform or heading direct to for the episode page…

  12. 2. jul.

    The pubs are opening on Saturday. This is going to get worse

  13. Retweetet
    1. jul.

    Modern historians actually cite two main reasons Ireland didn't have an empire - yes, our passion for weird n' wacky names - a base level disinterest in bloodily subjugating half of planet earth

  14. Retweetet
    1. jul.

    We're opening for drinks from noon on Sat 4 July.

  15. Retweetet
    1. jul.

    Do you need a person? One who knows their TikTok from their Twitter, can write a witty tweet in under five minutes *and* happens to write a really good social media newsletter? Well, I (still) have loads of availability and would love to work with you!

    Vis denne tråden
  16. 1. jul.

    This weekend! Urban Art would usually be taking up Josephine Avenue in Brixton, but it will be online instead. There's some amazing art available to buy, and if you buy at the weekend, then a percentage goes to charity

  17. 30. jun.
  18. 30. jun.

    It is kind of astonishing

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  19. 30. jun.

    Is anyone else listening to John Pienaar's interview with Bernie Ecclestone on Times Radio?

    Vis denne tråden
  20. Retweetet
    30. jun.

    Women don’t need a 1930s style investment plan. New data from shows a care-led recovery from is the best way to create , promote & protect the planet. please care about care & invest in everyone

  21. Retweetet
    29. jun.

    South London football people! This is my son’s football club, he’s been with the head coach since he was 6. It is a brilliant family club, every child welcome. We love


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