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Saturday, April 19, 2014

State of America's Libraries Report 2014: Ebooks and Copyright Issues

Cover photo from "American Libraries"
The American Library Association released the 2014 State of America’s Libraries Report this week, which is National Library Week (April 13– 19). Yesterday I commented on the Academic Libraries section.  Today I want to look at the section on ebooks and copyright, which reminds us of what we already know.  Ebooks are gaining in popularity, yet it is difficult for libraries to acquire and circulate them.  Jeannette Woodward, who has authored books on this topics, suggests that libraries work together to negotiate with publishers, rather than acting like islands unto themselves.

This section of the report also reminds of us copyright news from 2013, such as:
And in November 2013, after eight years of litigation, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York upheld the fair use doctrine when it dismissed Authors Guild v. Google, a case that questioned the legality of Google’s searchable book database. U.S. District Judge Denny Chin’s decision protects the Google database that allows the public to search more than 20 million books.
When this case began in 2005, it garnered a lot of attention including news articles, podcasts, blog posts, and more.  I don't think as many people noticed its conclusion.  Forbes noted that this decision is a big deal because:
  • It adds to the small body of search engine law.
  • The case rejects concerns about analog-to-digital conversion.
  • Google Books is great. 
  • The ruling extends Google’s market leadership.

However, a number of reasons also point to it not be a big deal, including that this decision is likely not going to help anyone except Google.  And...of course, it might be appealed.

This section of the report also notes two victories for those with visual impairments.  First, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) finalized the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled.  Second, the ability of those who are blind, visually impaired, or have a physical disability to be able to download audio and braille books to their mobile devices, if they are registered with the LoC’s National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). Ensuring that people with visual impairments have the same access to books and other materials, as the rest of us, is a big deal. They should be able to access the same information as the rest of us.

Finally, I'm sure that others are looking at this report and writing about it.  My colleague, Paul Signorelli, wrote these two posts, which you may find of interest:
If you find other blog posts, that are delving into the sections of this report, please let me know.

Friday, April 18, 2014

State of America's Libraries Report 2014: Academic Libraries & Jobs

Cover photo of "American Libraries"
The American Library Association released the 2014 State of America’s Libraries Report this week, which is National Library Week (April 13– 19). This 81-page report contains sections on:
Reading the section on academic libraries, this stood out to me: (text bolded by me)
Data curation, digital resource management and preservation, assessment, scholarly communication, and improved services for graduate students are growth areas for academic libraries. New technologies and digital materials are creating more new jobs in academic libraries including digital content management, electronic resources, emerging technology specialists, scholarly communication, user experience designer, and web services librarians.
Graduate students in library and information science programs need to take notice of the job areas listed.  These are all areas that require an understanding of technology and may require skills in areas such as data science, databases, information creation, publishing, or digital presence.  These are areas where people with the correct skills will be valued and sought after.  Eventually all colleges and universities will have professional staff in these areas, however, you might look at research universities or those with large academic libraries as the ones that will develop these positions first.  (And in reality, a growing number of institutions already have these jobs.)

For MSLIS students, I encourage you to use your electives to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities that will allow you to work with new technologies and with digital materials.  Consider taking classes related to data science, where you will learn to acquire, analyze, archive, and curate data, which is something that research institutions need, as well as many other organizations.  If that isn't of interest, then look at other areas - e.g., web or emerging technologies - which not only will be needed in academic libraries, but again in other institutions. And if that isn't of interest, look at the list above and figure out what IS of interest.

These are real areas of need.  If you don't help meet these needs, who will?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

#CILDC : Index of all Digitization 101 blog posts on the 2014 Computers in Libraries Conference

So that you can find all of the blog posts I've written for the 2014 Computers in Libraries Conference, here is a quick index:

Brainstorming session
Day 1:
Dorotea Szkolar
Day 2:

Chances of Success
Day 3:
Several people remarked about the abundance of good content in this conference. It could be that the conference theme sparked threads and presentations that were quite timely.

Thinking quickly, the themes/ideas that stood out to me were:
  • Be tactical
  • Take big risks
  • Work with your community and keep them first in your mind
  • Brainstorming can be fun and useful
  • Hack your library and your career
  • Global and local policies matter
  • Being awesome doesn't always require a lot of money
  • Introducing new tech is important, but building community is more important
I was amazed at the number of people that commented positively on my brainstorming session (Enabling Innovation), including a woman in the Dupont Circle Metro elevator on Wednesday afternoon.  I hope that people take the results of that session and use it, as well as use my slides. (If anyone wants me to reprise that presentation, let me know.)

The 2015 Computers in Libraries Conference will be March 23-25, 2015 at the Washington Hilton. This will be CIL's 30th anniversary, so I expect that the atmosphere will be special, as we look back in some ways, as well as keeping our eyes on the future. I look forward to see you there!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

#CILDC : Community Impact: Tactics & Recognition

Description: Sweeney teaches attendees about some of the latest tools and techniques that SuperPACs use across the country to influence elections and advocate for their agendas. He shares how to use these tools and techniques to advocate for libraries, build a coalition of library supporters, market library services, and better inform the general populace about the importance of the library. Then hear from winners of the IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service for excellent service to their communities about ways they use technology to engage their communities, as well as some of their leading-edge practices. From AfterSchool Edge stations to help reduce summer learning loss in math to internet safety lessons for students, these libraries share perspectives on channeling technology to further their work as community anchors.

Session Notes

PC Sweeney - EveryLibrary - a superPAC.  They can talk directly to voters.
Successes - Santa Clara and others.  Great return on every dollar donated to a campaign.
34% would definitely vote for libraries
34% might vote for libraries
The remainder would vote no (26%)
Party affiliation doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter how many people in your community have a library card.
Library use doesn't matter.  What does matter?  The library's relationship to you/people/community.
The library is its staff....and the community thinks that everyone who works in a library is seen as a librarians.
The librarian IS the candidate.
Your library IS the campaign.

The library cannot tell people to vote yes or no.  That is illegal.

People do things for you because they perceive that you like them.

Tell stories that matter.  People don't care about statistics.  Talk about impact.
Develop your message. Control your message.  Your mission statement is your message to the public.
Build a coalition of supporters.

Keep your community engaged online.
Consider Facebook ads.  They are cost effective.
"Give me an email list long enough and a program from which to send it and I can move the world." - Archimedes (not!)

Get out of the library.  You need to be seen.

Do a door to door library card campaign.  This is a great way of teaching staff how to do canvassing (not as part of their work).

Host house parties - could be book clubs.  Again...make persona contact.
Host letter writing parties.
Develop an editorial calendar.
Do paid advertising.  Radio, TV, newspapers, movie theaters
Show up at community meetings.
Attend / create networking events (Network after work(tm))

Michele Farrell - IMLS
National Medal for Museum and Library Services
Can your library be a winner?  One of the things you get is a media campaign. You also get a StoryCorps visit.
You can leverage the National Medal.  It can help you get grants and more funding.
Anyone can nominate.  Deadline is October 15.  Application is available at IMLS.gov

Are you working at an award winning library?  The answer may be"yes"!

Kim Fender - Received the National Medal, May 2013, Hamilton County, Ohio
We don't collect data on our users, do we?
Zip code
Branch visited
...and more

During their strategic plan, created 10 cardholder clusters.  Focused their services on three clusters.
Have a dashboard for each branch that displays who is coming in based on the clusters.
Also use the ILS to identify hot authors.  You can designate who you want to follow.  Can automatically  put a hold on your favorite authors.
They also push out information on new arrivals.
Have weekly newsletters.
They do a lot of push marketing, because they have a lot of data.  Beta library for the Savannah software.

Their data shows that people, who receive email blasts, are more active with the library.

Rethink your policies.  Are they appropriate and friendly?
New branches will not have a service desk, but will use tablets with a mobile app.

Candace Rush, Park View High School, another IMLS winner
Diversity is their strength.  52% Hispanic. 24% white.  59% eligible for federally subsidized  lunch programs.

They model the use of technology.
White technology through promethean suite.
ActiveInspire (flipcharts)
activotes and activexpressions

Use software and web-based presentation tools - video, movie, text, etc.
Use data collation software - for big question research.

Alexandria: your PVHS Information Portal
Access to the online catalogue, databases, ebooks, and more

"Mission Possible" library orientation - five missions
9th graders are divided into teams.  They learn group work.  Once a team is finished, they put together presentations on what they have found.

Digital Learning Day @ PVHS Library - setup 11 learning stations.  Done during Teen Tech Week.
Teen Tech Week Maker Spaces

#CILDC : Hacking the Librarian: Evolving Personal & Career Development - Jennifer Koerber

Description: It's old news that librarianship is changing as a profession, and we understand that library professionals need to change with it. But how? How do you learn to see yourself 5, 10, or 20 years down the line when we have no idea what's coming next spring? Learn from someone who has bootstrapped herself from a tech-nervous newbie to a code-savvy web librarian over the last 20 years, and brainstorm ways to evolve all your strengths, skills and interests into your next big thing.

Session Notes

Jennifer started with a quick overview of her career and interests.  She's not geek, but is surrounded by geeks. Osmosis is awesome.  She's a web services librarian, who is mostly self taught.

In 2006, when she looked at current MSLIS graduates, she panicked because - on paper - they were better.  Later that year, attended Internet Librarian, which reactivated her learning and jumped into the technologies of the day.

She began to advocate for a position of web services librarian and it was created in 2010, and she was awarded the position.

Jennifer -
Self taught, entirely
Need to know basis
Building on what you know
Play - push the buttons
Become comfortable with discomfort

We need to expect change.  The days of staying in the same job forever are gone.

She found the "Accidental..." Series was very helpful.  Also "What's the Alternative"

Stay informed:
Social media - friends and colleagues
Popular magazines and web sites
Gizmodo, CNet,Lifehacker, etc.
Major news sources

Technical conferences
Gaming conventions
TheNextWeb.com - must attend conferences 2014

You need to try to conquer your fears,whether you're afraid of technology, public speaking,etc.

You need to hack yourself as much as you need to.

You do need to be realistic:
Start with your current strengths and skills - find directions in which to grow
Do the job,push yourself - don't force yourself to be what you're not
Focus on your strengths, most passionate interests - stay aware of what else is out there

Engage all of your interests - that expanded knowledge will be useful as you do your job.  You will be more aware of the world.

"Life isn't about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself."

What is your current role at work?
What do you enjoy most about it.
What are your current interests, inside and outside of work?
What skills have these interests fostered.
List at least 5 things that you've discovered during the conference.

Based on your lists, what possibilities do you see?
Pick one and list what you need to follow up on it?
Is it doable?  If not now, then in the next few years?

#CILDC : Library Hackathons: How, Why, & Impact! - Justin Grimes & Nate Hill

Description: Last year IMLS issued a challenge around its Public Library Survey data as part of the inaugural National Day of Civic Hacking, June 1–2, 2013. With 11,000 participants nationwide, the event resulted in the creation of several IMLS-related projects, as well as greater awareness of library hackathon involvement throughout the country. Whether through hosted events or participation in local challenges, a number of libraries engaged in this nationwide open data event. Presenters share lessons learned from their involvement as well as practical tips for hosting your own library hackathon. Learn how libraries can add value to these events and reach new users for transformative results.

Session Notes

What is a hackathon? Event that lasts 1-2 days to do software development.  More broadly...a tool for community organizing.

The National Day of Civic Hacking - 95 events nationwide in June 2013. IMLS made data available and asked people to come up with new ways of using that data.  People did maps, data cleaning, mobile apps, analysis.  The best thing is that IMLS got engagement with a larger community.  They got to hear what people wanted in terms of data and access.  Raised awareness of what IMLS does.

Dozens of libraries and museums participated in this day as hosts, etc.  Chattanooga participate in this.

Hackathons have intentional themes.

Chattanooga -
DPLA appfest, Nov, 2012 - ~100 people.  What tools do people need in order to do a hackathon? What does the environment need to have in it?  People need the space to self organize.
Not just your house! Be a part of the community.
You may want to participate in one first, before you host one.  It is a way of building community.  You also know better how one works and what it needs.

48 hour Launch, March 2014 - not just writing code.  Some left the event with business plans.  Others create visual designs of their ideas.

DevDev, 2013, Developing Developers for kids...like a summer camp.  50 kids. Will be done in 2014 again.

They are wonderful momentum builders.

People often make crappy apps at these events.  The true benefit is the community and what can come next.

Mozilla and NSF are investing in Chattanooga.  The Gigabit Community Fund.  Started off with something that was charette-like.

National Day of Hacking - result...are going to serve open data from the library.  Have written a grant. People can build using this data.  For example, the Chatt Crimes app.  This means that they have regular hackathons around this.

Hackathon fatigue is a real thing. Don't overdo it.  You should coordinate efforts. Build a greater community that way.

How does the library deal with people in the library after hours?  Chattanooga sees this as a priority. The staff works a lot to provide coverage.  One "problem" is that you can't regularly have beer in the library. Thankfully there is a dive bar across the street.

And things that are dangerous about Hackathons?  No. Be aware that the people who do hackathons are activists.  The biggest danger is not planning well enough.

Hackathons are 99% planning.  Establish rules and a framework.  Create a safe place, so that you will get a diverse group participating.  You need to do lots of outreach.  There are resources online that you can use to help create a safe place from other hackathons.

Libraries need staff that "get" hackathons and coding.  If you're outsourcing your software/web development, you're on the outside on this community.

Hackathons can create space for intergenerational learning.  Don't prevent that.  Staff/volunteers need to be present to ensure a safe space and good interaction.

If people have concerns with the work "hack", then call it something else.  The important thing is what you do and not what you call it.

Infrastructure needs - don't start with that, start with what the community is all about.  Find the sweet spot between their needs and what the library can offer.  You may need to use a different building.

Grimes will make slides available that contains some of the minimal needs for a hackathon.  (I suspect that the information is online somewhere.)

Addendum (4/14/2014):

Hackathon in a box, http://hackathon-in-a-box.org/
How to run a hackathon, http://www.socrata.com/open-data-field-guide/how-to-run-a-hackathon/

#CILDC : Technologies: Marketplace Report - Marshall Breeding

Description: Libraries worldwide spend almost $2 billion/year on technology products and services and are constantly considering prudent strategic technology investments. Author of the “Automation Marketplace Industry Report” (Library Journal) since 2002, Breeding has the incredible ability to explain the current state of the industry and what we need to watch for in the future and factor into our technology decisions today.

Session Notes

Library IT industry is $1.8 billion (USD)
$790 million from companies involved in the U.S.
U.S. Revenues from libraries $495 million

Ex Libris is the largest company in the industry (number of employees).  ~4000 libraries.
innovative is growing.  1600 libraries.  Many have multiple facilities.
SirsiDynix - nearly 4000 libraries.

Including some companies is tricky, because of their breadth of services, e.g., OCLC.  The same thing is true for EBSCO.

Size of library customers can skew revenues.
There are both big and small companies in the space.
Keystone Library Systems builds systems for spoke with sight disabilities.
Open source software factors in this. Generally those companies are small.  A lot of development happens outside of those companies.

Interesting year...in terms of M&A.  Lots more companies in this space, since it began in the 1960s. Recently, a smaller number of companies.

Consolidation is both good and bad. Libraries have fewer choices. You end upwind a company that you didn't choose.  Libraries have issues to work through.

Large development shops can create modern automation systems. There is the potential for our systems to get lots better.  We hope that software developers will the software that libraries want or need.

Personnel growth / loss among these companies. Some companies have grown since 2006.  Not all are growing.

Polaris has been the same size for  a long time.  Hard to do better things without growing.  Now acquired by Innovative.

Last year Innovative went through a transformation.  Owned by private equity firms. The CEO is a professional in the tech sphere. The workforce is growing and they are going internationally. Off-shoring some software development.  On March31, they acquired Polaris.  Polaris was a good solid company and a model for customer support that others envied. They want to scale some Polaris systems to their own products.  Polaris was already investor owned.  Both companies have products that need important improvements.  They are already talking about a next generation system.

SirsiDynix acquired EOS International.  EOS was smaller than Polaris.  Both specialize in software as a service.  (SAAS).

EBSCO - major internal consolidation. Publishing + Information Services.

ProQuest has also done internal consolidation.  Serials Solution brand has been retired.

Follett Library Systems has consolidated around K-12 schools.

Luddea - Sydney plus, inmagic (and I lost the third)

2013 was a good sales year.  New library services platforms are being adopted. This transition will take 5-10 years.  Some are available, while some are still in development.  The new genre of automation systems.

ILS products will continue to evolve and may be appropriate for some public libraries that are focused on physical collections.

Breeding's slides contain much more details.

#CILDC : Hacking Library Spaces: Lessons From Tactical Urbanism - Mike Lydon

Description: With the changes in publishing, communities and campuses, as well as society in general, libraries are challenged with their spaces more than ever. How can libraries act in a timely manner and gather support for change in their communities? Hear from the author of Tactical Urbanism and see how many communities are “just doing it,” rendering possibilities in real time with little in the way of resources. Fantastic examples stretch your imagination and provide lots of ideas to take home to your library!

Session Notes

Mike Lydon, @mikelydon @streetplans

They do a lot of bike and pedestrian planning, design, education and training, advocacy.  They advocate for more livable places.  Their publications are online.  For example "Mercado", lessons for South American markets.

Public participation in urban planning has traditionally been very limited.  However, people don't understand ideas in that form.  It is a difficult process to access.

Miami - Open Streets - temporarily repurpose a street for other activities.  Did in to Miami for bikers and walkers.  Thousands of people were impacted by it and got a different feel of the city.  Around the same time, NYC was hacking its own streets.  NYC took space away from cars and gave it back to people.

Download from their web site: "Tactical Urbanism" (contains 12 case studies) and "Tactical Urbanism 2". Volume 3 focuses on Central and South America.

Tactical urbanism is intended to improve the lives of everyone.  It is the convergence of many ideas.  DIY, guerrilla, pop-up, open source.....

...using short-term, low-cost and scalable interventions intended to catalyze long-term change,  it is about neighborhoods.

Range of people that get involved.  Actions can unsanctioned and sanctioned.

Why? the great recessions, shifting demographics, the internet as a tool for building the civic economy.

"The great inversion" (book) is about people moving back to the city from the suburbs.

How we plan cities is often based on laws and ideas from the 1940s. The tension between what we want and what w're allowed to have.

The riverside booksellers in Paris (Seine) started in the 1500s and were originally illegal.  In 1992 they were declared UNESCO World Heritage site.

These have been guerrilla activities in different eras.

Strategy without tactics will fail, so...for example...

NYC Broadway pedestrian plaza:
Step 1 - disrupt the status quo
Step 2 - iterate
Step 3 - measure and learn
Step 4 - integrate findings, move toward permanence

Build. Measure. Learn.  (From lean startups) works with making changes to cities.

"...about disturbing the order of things in the interest of change." - N. Hamdi

Three common applications
1. Citizens - unsanctioned citizen action, e.g., DIY crosswalks.  Most of our open space are streets.  Walk [your city] - signage that helps people understand how walkable a neighborhood is (Raleigh, NC).  Walkyourcity.org
2. Municipalities/organizations - for example, pop-up Rockwell done by students in Cleveland.  Sometimes you take plans off the shelf and trying the idea.  A rendering in real time.
3. Municipality/developer - phase 0 implementation.  Get the idea in the ground quickly to see how it will be used.  BTW once you give people a place to hangout an linger, retail sales go up.   The temporary allows you to build political will and support.

1. Working from the outside in - Hamilton, Ontario.  Tactical urbanism workshop. Part of "Doors open Hamilton".
2. Enhancing public involvement - Somerville, MA. Davis Square - too much surface parking.  Created a three day pop up plaza to test an idea.  Living plaza. Bring planning ideas to the people.  Create incremental changes.
3. Phase 0 implementation - Penrith, Australia. Implemented a people space in year one to test the idea.  Sketch to scale in/on the space.  Involves people in a more physical, tangible way.

What does this have to do with libraries?  This notion of what libraries are. Images of libraries on Google demonstrate that people don't see all that libraries can be. Lots of images of books. We're more than books.  Our photos need to show that.

Little free libraries are a way that books get out and to people where they are.  Movement of how people share information.

Also Dead Drops!  (And library boxes)

Cities are the original internet - Paul Goldberger, 2001

"If the city is the original internet, then the library is its server."

Finally...five steps...
Embed tactical urbanism into information deliver processes
Pilot test
Focus on place making, improve the interface between the library and the city
Use existing initiatives and find multipliers
Scale down to scale up

Addendum, 4/17/2014:  Paul Signorelli did an excellent blog post on this topic, which can be read at http://buildingcreativebridges.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/tactical-urbanism-community-collaboration-innovation-and-learning/

#CILDC : Index of Day 2 blog posts

First of all, here is a link to the index of my blog posts for day 1, http://hurstassociates.blogspot.com/2014/04/cildc-index-of-day-1-blog-posts.html And here is a list of my blog posts from day 2 , in reverse order of publication:

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

#CILDC : Embracing the Innovative & Nontraditional - Dorotea Szkolar, Hannah Sommers & Robert Goldstein

Dorotea (Teya) Szkolar

Description: Big Data is presenting all industries with challenges but also opportunities to successfully process and organize all this information into something meaningful and comprehensible. Hear how Szkolar’s involvement in information repository building and management provides a successful, competitive advantage. As the DigiTech database manager, she oversees the creation, management, and content curating for an internal repository of digital advertising technologies. She discusses expanding how we define librarianship as a profession (not just saying it) in order to recognize innovation and encourage contribution to data repositories and data projects outside the traditional library framework. Sommers and Goldstein discuss leaving behind everything you know (and are good at, and recognized for!) to create a new identity in the library. Technology is changing work in the NPR Library. Those who have been around the longest are also doing the most to hack new identities that include very few of the activities that defined their earlier careers. Hear how they are surviving and thriving! Hear about the process of leaving reference and cataloging to develop a new product for NPR and how an earlier career in a rock band has helped ease a late career transition. Learn how new product managers are coached to imagine, create, and succeed in new roles. Speakers touch on culture-changing techniques; innovative libraries, practices, and services; alignment with strategic priorities of their organization; creative management practices; making tough choices; and more.

Session Notes

I need to note that in this time slot, two of the session have SU iSchool alumni speaking and another has one of our current data science student.  Selecting a session was a tough choice.

Teya Szkolar - GroupM
GroupM has 400 offices worldwide
NA DigiTech - a very fancy digital library!
Want to have it on a global scale by the end of the year.

We live in an increasingly information powered world.
Not only do we create a lot of data each year, we're also expected to share information...and we so constantly.  Just check the twitter hashtag for this conference.

Lots of information & stuff does not translate into knowledge.
Communication and sharing does not translate into productivity.
Content needs to be ordered.

Cartoon - "Get all of the information you can, we'll think of a use for it later."

We have the skills to organize, curate, etc. information to help with knowledge creation and productivity.  And most of us are great researchers.

Digital libraries are vey different than databases.  A digital library encourages discovery and learning.

Promote controlled vocabulary and standards
Promote discoverability through hierarchy and classification
Collection development
Outreach and engagement

Foundations for having information overload
Provide information foundation to hack corporate information.

Job titles
Digital universe manager
Global knowledge manager
Big data information designers
Senior knowledge management specialist

People seeking non-traditional librarians do not use the terms or job titles that we would use.  The job titles are not useful.

Bureau of Labor Statistics does not catch non-traditional librarians.

Need to eliminate the hard line where librarianship ends and other fields begin.

Teya mention a blog post by Mia Breitkopf on non-traditional library careers,

Hannah Sommers - NPR
"I never expected to have to redesign my career over and over and over again." - Danielle Probst

Is your career is ladder or a jungle jump?

The five regrets of the dying.  What do you want your obituary to say?  Should it say that you were great at answering email? http://www.inspirationandchai.com/Regrets-of-the-Dying.html

Robert Goldstein - NPR
Trivia - many years ago, he was in this same ballroom listening to Jimi Hendrix.

He is not a trained librarian, but the skill se the had developed was important to the work he has done at NPR.  He was in a band before NPR, where project management, etc., were important.

He started as a part-timer, then was offered the full time position as music librarian. About 6-7 years ago, he transitioned again.  The databases, etc., - the current music library - didn't meet NPR's vision.  There was more to do. They needed to automate access, include more content, etc.?  That led to two years of unfounded research to find a solution.  The finally came up with a product that they have named Orpheus.

Creating this new product, there was fear that it wouldn't work. He was also crafting his own demise, which causes fear.  Fear also of being the elder among many younger colleagues. During the period, Goldstein became a product owner at NPR of something that helps support NPR's creations.  (A production support library. Smaller audience.  Incorporated how people want to use it.  Different than Pandora, because different audiences.)

He has reinvented himself...with the support of his management.

The map is not the territory.  It is important to have a map, but it may not represent your reality.

Do you have a career compass?  Which way is it pointing?  Is it pointing in the direction that you think?  If not, what do you need to do?

Advice from the panel:
Take advantage of MSLIS school and the speaker that come to classes.
Take advantage of social media.  Teya was recruited through LinkedIn.
Know what you want to do, the work backward.
Learn how to code.
Don't be afraid to wing it!

#CILDC : sheetsee.js - a tool for visualizing data

"Sheetsee.js is a client-side library for connecting Google Spreadsheets to a website and visualizing the information in tables, maps and charts.

"Google Spreadsheets can be used as simple and collaborative databases, they make getting a data driven site going much easier than traditional databases. Read more about using spreadsheets for databases here."

And the cool part...SheetSee was created by a woman (Jessica)!  Yes, women and technology are an awesome combination!

#CILDC: Library Data Mashups - Samantha Becker, Michael Crandall, and Rebecca Blakewood

Dewcription: The public library field is a bounty of data—the annual Public Library Survey (IMLS), Impact Survey (UW), Public Library Funding and Technology and Access Study (ALA/UMD), Edge Initiative, and other initiatives routinely collect data about what libraries provide for their communities and how patrons benefit from their resources and services. Mashed up with community data from the U.S. Census and other sources, the possibilities for playing with data are endless! Come see how researchers at the University of Washington Information School have been mashing up these data and looking for relationships between resources, patron outcomes, and community characteristics. They provide ideas about how you can do library data mashups of your own using community data together with data you are already collecting or can easily gather. The UW team unveils the beta version of GloPlug, their online data analysis tool built on the powerful new Shiny for R application. GloPlug lets librarians play with library data through a friendly interactive app and instantly produce easy- to-understand graphs and charts. See how your library stacks up against other libraries in communities like yours, how libraries divvy up their budgets, or just explore the data and get a new perspective on what libraries do.

For me the most insightful part was from Samantha, who talked about the "conceptual mash." A conceptual mashup:

  • Guides decision making
  • Gives roughly right idea of the community  
  • Reveals areas for further research
  • Raises questions that need to be validated

With a conceptual mashup doesn't mean that you're actually combining systems.  Instead your analyzing data in one system and using the result to query another system.  For example, how does your community compare to other communities or the state/nation?  You might take Census data, and compare specific data points with another source (e.g., Pew Internet), and decide what that tells you. Not only do you look for what it says, but also decide what questions you have now.  You then will look to answer those questions in whatever way makes sense.

I think we do this more than we know...but I also know that there are more times that this type of "mashup" would help us make more intelligent decisions and ask more intelligent questions.

#CILDC : Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Stephen Abram mentioned this agreement in his remarks yesterday and here is additional information.

The United States joined into the negotiations on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement in 2009.  There are now 12 countries involved in this: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam.  (One colleague pointed out that China is not part of this, which may be significant.) Delegations are contains to meet as they work towards an agreement, hopfully in 2014.  These types of negotiations are not totally transparent until an agreement has been reached.  If this results in a treaty, the U.S. Senate would need to approve a resolution for ratification (two-third present must vote for it).  Prior to that vote, all of the details would be known and additional parties (us!) could lobby for or against it.

In the agreement's outline, it says:
Intellectual Property. TPP countries have agreed to reinforce and develop existing World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) rights and obligations to ensure an effective and balanced approach to intellectual property rights among the TPP countries. Proposals are under discussion on many forms of intellectual property, including trademarks, geographical indications, copyright and related rights, patents, trade secrets, data required for the approval of certain regulated products, as well as intellectual property enforcement and genetic resources and traditional knowledge. TPP countries have agreed to reflect in the text a shared commitment to the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health.
Earlier this year, Ambassador Michael Froman said:
“And, for the first time in any trade agreement, we are asking our trading partners to secure robust balance in their copyright systems – an unprecedented move that draws directly on U.S. copyright exceptions and limitations, including fair use for important purposes such as scholarship, criticism, news commentary, teaching, and research. 
“The balance we are seeking also includes ensures that safe harbors for Internet service providers, or ISPs, are available so that legitimate providers of cloud computing, user-generated content sites and a host of other Internet-related services who act responsibly can thrive online. 
“I have heard some of our critics suggest that TPP is in some way related to SOPA.  Don’t believe it. 
“This just isn’t true. 
“Our touchstone in TPP is our strong and balanced domestic legal framework. 
“The United States will agree to nothing in TPP that goes beyond existing U.S. intellectual property law. 
“And we will continue to press our partners to allow digital information to cross borders unimpeded.  We are working to preserve a single, global Internet, not a Balkanized Internet defined by barriers that would have the effect of limiting the free flow of information and create new opportunities for censorship. 
“Indeed, fundamental to TPP is the priority of ensuring freedom of the Internet and an open digital environment that will benefit consumers around the world. 
“Cross-border information flows are important to spurring innovation, incorporating small and medium-sized businesses into the global economy and laying the foundation for the next generation of economic drivers. 
The question is, of course, will this treaty be bad for copyright? The EFF has done analysis on what it has been able to discern about the agreement.  I suggest that you read what is available from the USTR, the EFF others on this, before you react.  Then keep your eyes open for news of an agreement being reached and the Senate being asked to act on it.

#CILDC : Stop Being Generic: On Demand & On Target - Chad Boeninger & Julian Aiken

DescriptionAs our users become increasingly accustomed to rapid response services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, they’ll expect similar service speed and flexibility from us. Yale Law Library’s response is the suite of on-demand services to improve user experiences and improve collections and access processes. Some on-demand services have built on work underway at other academic libraries, while others are entirely original in concept and practice. Boeninger recognized that students have trouble using the general or generic guides so common in academic libraries to address their specific research questions. So he creates topic-specific blog posts and videos that students use in the context of their specific assignment or study needs. Because these posts and videos are topic-specific, they are easily found using Google, and Boeninger distributes them to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and iTunes. Learn the tools Boeninger and Aiken are using as they rethink traditional services.

Session Notes

Julian Aiken
Library suite of on-demand services
Become more like Amazon Prime / Netflix...but for free

Three services:
1) Scan on demand - People have had to visit the library in order to read print collections. Felt that this was an opportunity. Used existing ILL staff and software to create a rapid turn around service.  Delivery in 24 hours, save for holidays. Most scans are done in 4-6 hours.

The need for remote service was glaring.  The service (2011) wasn't really new, because of the work they were already doing in an ad hoc way.   This is also not an original concept, since other libraries were already doing this, including Harvard (a competitor of Yale).

Using the ILLIAD software to facilitate this.  Integrated into the ILS.

2) Deliver on demand - Accessing other libraries isn't always straightforward, so how do you ensure that students have access to the materials that they need, when they are not near campus?  How do you deliver books to these remote users?

Did place some geographic limitations on where they would mail books - only the U.S. and Canada, and only five books per year per student.  Again used ILLIAD to create a form and connect with the catalogue record.  Work is done by ILL staff.  Cost averages $9.00 per shipment.  Loan period is a bit longer than normal.

3) Collect on demand - ILL requests trigger a review and a decision is made about whether the book should be purchased.  There is no precise formally for how decisions are made for student requests.  Faculty requests are treated differently.

This program uses existing budgets.  Creates a more relevant collection.

Important to note that the best things in life aren't really free.  They have done this work without new funding or staffing.  They have made sacrifices in order to do this and done some restructuring.

Chad Boeninger
Offering genuine search help on the web

Seth Godin, "The librarian isn't a clerk who happens to work at a library. A librarian is a data hound, a guide, a sherpa and a teacher. The librarian is the interface between reams of data and the untrained but motivated user."

"Trust Agents"
When you answer an email, also put the answer on the open web.

He creates guides for specific student projects, as well as videos.  The videos are about how to uses databases for specific projects.  The videos rank well in Google. His blog is in Wordpress.  He pushes content automatically to various social media.

Uses screencast-o-matic.com for his videos. Free or $15/year.  Uses a headset and camera.  Also uses Windows Live Movie Maker.

Just because your video editor can do cute things, don't do it!

Libraryvoice.com/videos - this is a video on how to make videos

Hosts on his personal YouTube channel and tag like crazy.

Check out your YouTube statistics. What can you from them?

Have fun and be human!

#CILDC : Ready for Change? 8 Steps! - Myles Miller

Description: Change is part of any evolution especially in library culture with technology. To transition successfully from one’s current state to a better state takes many steps in planning. Together we explore the eight steps that are needed to get from the beginning of any change to it’s achieved!

Session Notes

Myles Miller, @mylesofsuccess
John Kotter's 8 Step Change Process

"Change is the only constant." - Heraclitus, Greek philosopher
Business a a usual IS change.

Try crossing your arms in a different way. That uncomfortable feeling is due to change.

The 8 steps must be done in order. This also works for resolutions.

1) Create urgency.  This is the only reason change will take place.  Sometimes you need to create a sense of urgency.  Could be due to threats or opportunities.
For change to be successful, 75% of an organization's management needs to "buy into" the change.  You need to spend a lot of time on step 1 to ensure buy-in.

2) Form a powerful coalition. This often takes strong leadership and visible support from key people within your organization.  There are people at all levels, who have power.  These are people who can influence others.  Managing change isn't enough...you must lead it.  Create a "change coalition".  Need an emotional commitment from key people.  Get everyone involved that truly need to be involved.

3) Create a vision for change. Create a vision that people can grasp and remember. A clear vision can help everyone understand why you're asking them to do something.  Gets them interested in where we're going. Answer the questions of who, what, where, when, why and how - which give your vision focus.  Create a vision that can be shared quickly (in less that 30 seconds). Everyone should talk the same talk.

4) Communicate the vision.  You need to communicate your vision daily.  Keep it fresh on everyone's minds.  Keep them focused on the future. Discuss it with everyone.  You also need to demonstrate the kind of behavior that you want from others.  You must "walk the talk".

5) Remove obstacles. Are there processes and structures that are getting in the way? Is anyone resistant to change?  Continue to check for barriers. Empower your coalition to help people work through the change.  Let people talk about what bothers them about the change.  Someone says, "I don't like it." (Take a pause.) respond, "Tell me what you don't like and why." Often people will then say, "I don't know." "Okay, so tell me one thing you don't like."  You need to pull out of them what they fear about the change.  It may take more than one conversation.  Give them a voice and listen to their concerns.  Show interest in their concerns.  Make sure that you truly understand it.

6) Create short-term wins. Nothing motivates more than success.  Give an early taste of victory. Have results that staff can see.  Celebrate.  Without this, critics and negative thinkers might hurt your process.

7) Build on the change. Don't declared victory too early.  Make sure that the change is going to last.  Real change runs deep.  Look at what went right, and where you need to improve.  Keep your ideas fresh.

8) Anchor the changes in corporate culture.  The values behind your vision must show in day-to-day work.  Make sure that the leadership continues to support the change.  Get new staff to buy into the change. Acknowledge the people that got you there.

If you are too impatient, and if you expect too many results too soon, the change will not occur or last.

#CILDC : Hacking Strategies for Library Innovation - Mary Lee Kennedy

Description: In a world filled with turbulent change, are libraries keeping pace? Are they innovating and engaging their communities with all the opportunities available? Are they choosing the right focus and priorities? Hear from an innovative library practitioner with experience in special, academic, and public libraries and a reputation for hacking and creating new environments and experiences for community audiences. Get insights, ideas, tips. and challenges for hacking and transforming your library!

Session Notes

Mary Lee Kennedy has been an academic and special librarian, and is now at New York Public Library.

She is covering four areas in her talk:

1) What do we uniquely bringing to our organizations?
2) Identify the target areas and opportunities. The opportunity is a job that needs to be done. (Focus)
3) We need to make changes.  Need to pilot.  Need to do assessments.
4) We need to have fun.  Playing allows us to learn without inhibitions.

What is unique about the NYPL?

Well, it's New York!
Unique user base
7.4 million people
Diverse users
Diverse in terms of language and culture.
Part of a global community.
Existing use base + A global community

Free for all to use - a PUBLIC library
People use libraries because they want to
Free for all to use + hack/build/improve

It is a library
Books, archives, images, documents
Sacred placed where people come to learn together
Libraries deliver ideas
The ability to bring communities together

The have 47000 data points on the users.

Strategies for Innovation

NYPL today = Access+Reading+Learning+Creativity
People want more access
27% of the NYC households do not have access to the internet because they can't afford it or don't want access.
26% of students in grades 3-8 meet their languages arts standard last year.
NYPL helps people learn English, technology, learn how to learn, coding skills.
20000 kids come to NYPL after school programs.
Library of Performing Arts

Need to move from being passive to being active.  Need to move to talking to people that the library knows and talk to those that the library doesn't know.  Need to do more in reading, learning, and creativity.

1) Make knowledge accessible - knowledge requires a conversation.

NYPL Map Warper, http://maps.nypl.org
This is an interactive tool. Brings maps and information to life.  What stories does it tell?  Need crowdsourcing to help ensure that the land boundaries were correct.

Children's books: 100 titles for reading and sharing 2013, http://labs.nypl.org/children-books-2013

NYPL Archives & Manuscripts, http://archives.nypl.org
7000+ archival collections

2) Turn the library inside out - or take the library out

Where should the library be going?
Wikipedia edit-a-thon - how can the library help to improve Wikpedia? Public institutions helps to improve a public encyclopedia.
Zooninverse (citizen science) - working to create a transcription engine.
Hackathons - the number of hackathons is growing. How can we help make sense of local knowledge?
The library branches have deep roots in their neighborhoods.

Schomburg  Junior Scholars

As important when libraries are invited in...when other people seek the library out.
Http://bitty bit.brown.columbia.edu

3) Spark Connections

We connect people, institutions, ideas
Libraries are also part of a network.
We are not the heart of every network.

Need to focus on what others will do better with us:
Local communities
Cultural institutions
Schools and universities
Entrepreneurs and businesses
Government partners

292 library systems in the U.S.
It should be easy for every public library user to read an ebook.
Collaboration with publishers, vendors, libraries.
Can download "Guide to Library Ebook Vendors" from their web site.

Broadband lending through their after school program using mifi devices.  Other libraries in the U.S. are doing this.

MyLibraryNYC.org collaboration with the NYC Department of Education.  Creating teacher sets (for student research).  Will soon be working with all NYC schools.  Hope to make this more broadly available.

Hacking really starts with creating a culture of innovation.

#CILDC : Method for the three-dimensional digitization of books using terahertz radiation (patent)

Stephen Abram mentioned this during his session yesterday at CIL and I've located the patent,which is available at http://www.google.com/patents/US8564855

A process for digitizing closed books without having to open them, of printed documents or manuscripts, bound or in batches, without having to separate them, using an imaging system of a three-dimensional object by Terahertz waves including acquiring by an THz acquisition subsystem a set of three-dimensional low-resolution images representative of this object and obtained by application of shifts orthogonal three-dimensional in translation according to which the object and the THz acquisition subsystem are relatively shifted relative to each other, a process in which, during these three-dimensional shifts, the amplitude of the relative shift in each of these three dimensions is less than the spatial resolution of the THz acquisition subsystem in each of these three dimensions and a three-dimensional super-resolution processing step is provided, capable of generating a super-resolved 3D image from a linear combination of 3D low-resolution images and an image-restoration step capable of generating a restored super-resolved 3D image from deconvolution by the point spread function calculated from the 3D super-resolution image.

Monday, April 07, 2014

#CILDC : Index of Day 1 blog posts

So that you can find all of the blog posts I've written from the first day of the Computers in Libraries Conference, here is a quick index:

#CILDC : Ideas from the "Enabling Innovation" brainstorming session

Photo by @imallmadhere
During my session this morning, I had approximately 200 people do a brainstorming exercise.  If you look at my slides, you can see the topics and brainstorming techniques that they were to use.  I'm impressed that people did decide to use new-to-them brainstorming techniques AND that the interaction seemed fruitful.  Tables were encouraged to share with me their lists, so the could be posted and shared. This is the intent of this blog post...which may be long. Did a mention that there were 200 people?! So this may be a bit messy...and I'll add more as they become available.

First, these people posted their lists online!
Now for the notes I received in email...(I've included the emailer's name.  If that is a problem, please let me know.)  Apologies for the different fonts, etc., but I'm not going to try to edit fonts or do massive spellchecking. 

Tom Horan wrote:
My group and I decided to do the “brandstorming” rule and used Ikea as our brand. I jotted down our ideas and this is what we came up with:
-Various small, open spaces in the way of Ikea’s walkthrough displays. The genius of Ikea’s design is that you have to walk past every display before getting to the end. You may go into Ikea only looking for a bookshelf, but being that you walk along one path, one may wind up leaving with a lot more than what they had intended to buy. Imagine this concept applied to a library.
-Rather than the pencil and paper Ikea provides, we thought about having a swipe card for each resource/display area. The customer can swipe as they go and then collect their resources at the end!
-Instead of having a heavy reliance on just text we also want to incorporate visuals/aesthetics. Although we would be providing books and NOT hard to assemble furniture, we all like the idea behind Ikea’s image only instructions; that anyone globally (in theory!) regardless of literacy level can follow their instructions.
I think we all loved the idea of people being able to enjoy nice aesthetics but also being able to handpick and craft their own experience based upon their individual needs. 
Robert Goodman wrote:
Role Storming - technique (roles and ideas)

Beatrix Potter

comfy library
No sharp edges, window seats, low bookcases, teashops & scones, vegetable garden. rabbits, tea cozies
Gardening and keeping animals
Art gallery


Temperance Brennan (Bones) -

laboratory for dissecting the rabbits
fridge to keep the deceased rabbits
science books
coroner's lab for how rabbits died
computing technology
sterile environment
soft rock and jazz music
learning for young minds - dissecting the rabbits


Henry - 10 year old boy

Place to bring people together - large family intergenerational meeting rooms
Projects to make intergenerational rooms
Accessibility for all in need (ADA compliant)
Fantasy - all kinds of fantasy


Captain Kirk

As many cultures involved as possible
Technology to explore
Language labs
Captain Kirk would need a nice chair - for his information section
And he would need a Spock
Imagination zone
Klingon Theater

Brody Selleck wrote:

We did a Brand Storming based on Disney. Here is our list:
- Seamless, perfect user interface
- Catchy theme song
-Family friendly, inclusive
-Very intuitive interface, easy to use.
-Fun, colorful
-Premium services
-Interactive games, Lots of playing
-Consistently focused ideas
- Mascots
- A tablet-device could contain a lot of our Disney-branded content
- Things to do while you’re waiting for your content
- Use the computers in the library for things they weren’t designed for.
- More than just research.. Games, movies, etc.
- Wayfinding would be super important, undetectable
Molly Bitters wrote:
Amazon designed library

drone delivery
better catalog
personal recommendations important
all things, not just traditional materials
robotic retrieval
allowing purchase and rental from the same place
warehouse predicting for stock- nobody should have to wait for things
not returning items to home libraries, where ever it's returned that's where it stays
kiosks/lockers for pickup everywhere
Own proprietary products for using our services
massive data/usage tracking and assessment
self publishing - print on demand - marketplace for patron created content as part of the   
ability to make and share lists- reader's advisory, patrons are their own experts
wedding registries
brand driven content creation - tv shows, patrons can vote for the stuff they want to continue
 Heather Morgan wrote:
Colors..orange & white
Facilitators for additional vendors/services
Open market place
Library as a distributor
Amazon's mission fits perfectly with libraries...user centric
Keep more info on libraries
Recommendations on what a user has read/borrowed
Streamline customer service
24/7 support
Squash local business
Drone delivery system
Hierarchy of users (prime vs Joe Schmo)
Greater access to additional media
Reorganization by categories
Localized community directory
Exclusivity of certain resources ( ex. Author only read
Self publishing
Reviews by users
Cloud storage
Eric Cohen wrote:
Our group used opposites:

For opposite library services here's what we came up with:

outdoor spaces
physical activities
tool collections
crowd-sourced reference
tv clubs
anti-book club
audio-book club
No cataloging - random
wikipedia categories
alternate cataloging
highlight people assets
Erica Bess wrote:

Opposite of technology classes
- technology house calls
- discovering ancient art

Opposite of borrowing items from library
- borrowing from others
- taking on the honor system

Opposite of librarians do storytimes
- what if kids do storytimes

Opposite of ibrary card
- finger print

Opposite of cafe provided by established restaurants
- Cooking classes where customers can supply the food from techniques they've learned

Quiet rooms
- Loud rooms

Information Desk
- Roving staff
Jim DeArmey wrote:
Here are our role storming ideas. We did technology in libraries as it would be done at Ikea:
Here's what we came up with...
Arrows on the floor
Tour through all departments
Big huge screen/monitor at the entrance with highlights, directions
Cutesy names for everything.
Difficult to follow instruction sheets
Talk to a gadget, get navigational tips
Gaming room for kids while parents are on computers - ball room to keep kids busy
Google glass
Augmented reality where you can look at photos of your place and see how the item will appear in your house.
Virtual Skype style library staff available at all spots.
Create spaces where people feel at home using technology - comfortable, welcoming maker spaces, computer instruction and labs.
Easy download from anywhere, scan and send to self
Lots of self service
Electronic shopping cart to collect your materials and information
Clear simple branding - blue/yellow example.
Family friendly. Place hops with families.
Place to eat, use tech, relax.
Lots of variety - big stuff, little stuff, trinkets.
[Place] where you can use lots of different types of technology.
Allison Parker wrote:
Brandstorming: Cambell’s Soup,New Ways of Using Tech in the Library
  • Very visual
  • Uniformity
  • Comfort in consistency. Battling against different approaches of service at different locations
  • Comfort food – comfortable space. Homey environment – digital and physical space
  • Easy navigation. Keep it simple!
  • Anticipating problems
  • Adapting recipes // adapting tech resources for personal use. One product can be used in many ways 
  • Digital signage – keep the brand consistent
  • Online contests – valuing all cooks in “kitchen
Matt Beckstrom wrote:
Design a new library with Lady GaGa -
Special collections on makeup, costumes, images, erotica, wigs
Lots of programs - performances
Physical layout of library would non-linear - abstract
Video archives of live performances
Haunted House
Musical instruments
Consortium with the Muppet's library
Human rights/diversity focused library
Alexander McQeen/Jean Paul Goutier design
Very tactile experience in the library
Interactive fashion for children and teens
Mike Campagna - Brandstorming as Nike


Fuelband to track most used areas.

Custom Maps within the library - Map out the library.

Service Points

Librarians are referees.

Nike ID
Customize your collection
Personal tech trainer

Market - Just Read It

Reading Logs
Summer Reading 
Getting Badges 
Personalized recommendation.

Music connects to music

Globalization of book clubs
Crowdsourcing book club picks

Kirsten Zelenky wrote:

Role Storming - Design of a new library
Phileas Fog
1.     Wits table….with others who understand the game (Wits)
2.     If I win bets, something special
3.     Space for only winners…special place where you can play to be
4.     Space for alone time
5.     Garden should be inside (not comfortable outside)
6.     All fines/fees must be donated to charity
7.     If you can’t read, you can get it in audio form (preferred language)
Michelle Obama
1.     Garden (seed packets, books, gardening tools)
2.     Lots of computers around to give everyone opportunities
3.     Dog park (dog run in garden)
4.     Composting facilities (would be outside)
5.     Good law collection
My grandson
1.     Projects for kids
2.     Live animals (perhaps in our garden area)
3.     Animals should be allowed in library
Thomas Jefferson
1.     Quiet space, dim light, books around me
2.     Conversation places
3.     Civil discourse (and explain how this should happen)
4.     Horse stable or trough
 Stacey Wicksall wrote:

Story based tutorials
Use tech from Ursala’s point of view
Bring the story outside of the book (screens)
Patrons have more access to do the creating with multi-media
Gamify everything
Virtual library with neighborhoods
Have a kids’ area that is a space related to a particular book/character and integrates tech
Hand held concierge devices to lead thru library
Characters do book reviews
Librarians become characters tied to specific technology services
Make checking out more seemless-no need for a library card
Use technology to be entertaining inside the library and pique curiosity about something within the library
Have a tech event that would be multi-media and motivates library use
Jim DelRosso wrote:

build it yourself
boxes of computer parts
coding modules for websites
putting together personal displays, collections
identify superusers who get specialized services, and get to build specific things and then build brand new stuff for everyone by mixing services
outreach to groups who don't get as much attention
build on existing intellectual properties or communities 
build things that are captivating and eyecatching
user reshelving program! (RFID could make it not an issue in terms of findability)
books that could be stuck together, virtual (subject terms, etc.)
bundling different types of books together a la Amazon
adjust looks/names of librarians to make them more approachable
build/design your own libraries with LEGOs; rebuild and design every year
modular library design, both furniture and web site
marketing: generate excitement to fanatical levels
 Marcia Kochel wrote:
Homer Simpson
Michelle Obama
Steve Jobs
Jane Goodall
Gordon Ramsey (chef)

Designing a New Library
beer fridge (corrected 4/11/2014)
dark, security control, unidentified location
VIP section
outdoor space with trees
exercise space
really simple, everything should make sense
lots of sparkly signs
nature sounds
free food
very clean and in perfect condition
sports on TV
highly dedicated, well-performing staff
resources for military families
should be pretty
resources for environmentalists, space for them to meet
a stage and a good sound system
space for security detail to relax and recharge
easy to charge Apple devices (and only Apple devices)
excellence should be the hallmark
have a special music collections room
free mp3s
great cookbook collection and food demonstrations by local vendors with lots of free samples
concierge service, delivery of materials
free cars
highly attractive and visually appealing
everything with rounded edges, no corners
needs a really big grand opening
no technology at all
someone to do everything you want for you
no dress code
highly starched uniforms
attention to presentation
Fair Trade coffee
Emily wrote: (added 4/8/2014)
Roles: Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, Steve Jobs, Ray Crock (McDonalds), Frank Gary (architect), Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz
Question #1
Drive-thru for checkout
As wild on design outside as it is on the inside
Own servers
Strong WiFi
Comfortable couches--like home, baskets for carrying items
Banned books, darker materials, good witch/bad witch
Food: some sort of cafe --> special orders --> food for Toto (pets) --> feed kids/food programs
Put the kids in the basement! Seriously, own space for teens to make noise.
Colorful, like Oz
Swordfighting--incorporating mental and physical stimulation
Holo deck to allow for creativity
Multiple portals for gathering information/accessing the space

MaryAnn Keeling wrote: (added 4/10/2014)
Sookie of TruBlood (telepath, waitress, Southerner, friend of supernaturals) -
b/c she "hears" people's thoughts--sound proof rooms with windows
piped sound from the ceiling--a super Boze audio experience
inspired by her good service at Merlotte's--serves material, information, assists with internet to end-users
Food Bar; Beverage Bar
Urban Fantasy "Corner"
Lots of e-books, hardcopies, tablets to loan
Cinderella -
special corner in library---quiet area to read, etc.
good venue for story-telling
glass slippers
reading program area--shape of pumpkin
beautiful fantastical setting
Batman/alter ego Bruce Wayne -
unlimited budget
lot of IT (technology)
must have an "in group"
"maker lab"--3D printer, laser, IT toys
Extensive databases to do a lot of different research
posters of comic characters
Cathy Wortman wrote: (added 4/15/2014)

Our table's Long List on STEAM ideas.

* Art displays
* Local artist for programs
* Art classes
* Makerspaces
* Local band night
* Worm displays for summer reading
* Legos
* Manipulatives for math
* Innovation festival
* Gardening program
* Ant farms
* Aquariums
* Inscetartiums
* Astronomy night
* Business incubator space
* Career discussions
* Resume workshops
* Pi Day
* Cooking/baking with science involved.
* Math baseball
* App design
* Programming courses
* Traveling kits - raspberry pie
* STEM kits to checkout
* Tutoring
* Science & Tech for girls
* Vehicle program
* Sailing lessons
* Car care
* Recording technology
* Video production
* Play
* Pilot visits