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Washington DC History Resources

Matthew B. Gilmore

A Timeline of Washington DC History

H-DC / DC History
A Timeline of Washington DC History
formerly at: https://web.archive.org/web/20131112193456/http://www.h-net.org/~dclist/timeline1.html
(to 2007)

Piscataway Indians inhabit area
Captain John Smith sails up the Potomac from Jamestown
Henry Fleete, English fur trader, lives in the Washington area
Duddington Manor established.
Alexandria established
May 15, 1751 –Town of George established–commissioners appointed by Maryland Assembly to lay out town (George Gordon and George Beall’s land)
February 27, 1752 Town of George (80 lots) — surveyed and platted
“Federal Town” proposed in Continental Congress
June 21, 1788 — Constitution ratified–exclusive jurisdiction clause: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, gives Congress authority “to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may by cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States….”.
July 16, 1790 – Residency Act of 1790 — empowers the President to choose a site for the capital city on the east bank of the Potomac River between the mouth of the Eastern Branch (Anacostia River) and the Connogocheague Creek (now Conococheague) near Hagerstown, nearly 70 miles upstream.
Library of Congress American Memory Today in History: July 16

January 22, 1791 — Thomas Johnson and Daniel Carroll of Rock Creek, appointed by Washington as commissioners, representing Maryland and Dr. David Stuart, to represent Virginia, as Commissioners
January 24, 1791 — President Washington selects site at confluence of Potomac and Eastern Branch

Peter Charles L’Enfant designs capital city

Presidential proclamation made by George Washington “to survey and limit a part of the territory of ten miles square on both sides of the river Potomac, so as to comprehend Georgetown, in Maryland, and extend to the Eastern Branch.” Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Banneker begin surveying district boundaries

Cornerstone laid for Presidential Palace (now White House)

L’Enfant fired over conflict with Daniel Carroll and others.

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History: October 13

793 Congress House (now Capitol) cornerstone laid
December 1, 1800 Government moves from Philadelphia

DC Population 14,003

President Adams addresses Congress in joint session

National Intelligencer newspaper founded

Library of Congress established
Congress assumes jurisdiction over the District of Columbia

February 27, 1801 – Congress creates the counties of Washington and Alexandria.

Supreme Court arrives

May 3, 1802 — Charter granted creating City of Washington municipal government

Robert Brent — first mayor appointed

Public schools (for whites) open
Public school (for freed blacks) opens in DC
February 8, 1808 Washington Bridge Co. authorized by an Act of Congress to construct the “Long Bridge” as a toll crossing.
Population 24,023
Charter of the City of Washington to provide for an eight-member board of aldermen and a 12-member common council. The aldermen and the common council now elect the mayor.

The first wedding at the White House. Dolley Madison’s widowed sister, Lucy Payne Washington, to Supreme Court Justice Thomas Todd

British burn Capitol, White House and other buildings. First Lady Dolley Madison rescues many of the Executive Mansion’s treasures, including Gilbert Stuart’s portrait of Washington.
Library of Congress American Memory Today in History August 19

Old Brick Capitol houses Congress during rebuilding of Capitol

Congress votes to keep Washington as nation’s capital and votes funds for city’s reconstruction

Personal library of Thomas Jefferson purchased for the Library of Congress to replace that burned by the British in 1814

St. John’s Church Lafayette Square opens
1817 Executive Mansion rebuilt, its charred walls painted white.

President Monroe returns to the Executive Mansion

The Congress moves back into reconstructed Capitol.
Population 33,039

March 15, 1820 – Congress amends the Charter of the City of Washington allowing for the direct election of the mayor by resident voters

1822 Population reaches 33,000
Lafayette Square named after the Marquis de Lafayette during his visit and as he is honored in city-wide ceremonies

Capitol Rotunda is completed.

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal completed
James Smithson leaves money in his will for an Institution for the “increase and diffusion of knowledge.”

First petition to Congress to abolish slavery in Washington

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History June 27

1830 DC population 39,834
Treasury building burns to the ground
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad reaches Washington, initiating the decline of canal traffic through Georgetown and Washington

Attempt on life of President Jackson during a state funeral at the Capitol

Snow Riots

Construction begins on new Treasury Building

Entire patent collection as Patent Office Building burns

1840 DC population 43,712
President William Henry Harrison dies from pneumonia, probably contracted during his inauguration–the shortest presidential term in history
Charles Dickens makes infamous visit to Washington, which he finds to be a foolish and pretentious village, calling it the “city of magnificent intentions”
May 24, 1844 First successful use of Morse code sent from Washington to Baltimore. “What hath God wrought” was the first telegraph message sent by Samuel F.B. Morse from the Supreme Court chambers in the Capitol along wires placed on poles beside the B&O’s Washington branch
Library of Congress American Memory Today in History May 24

Smithsonian founded

July 9, 1846 – Congress passes a law returning the city of Alexandria and Alexandria County to the state of Virginia.

Election on retrocession (763 for, 222 against), September 7, 1846 President Polk issues proclamation retroceding Alexandria

National Era newspaper is attacked by angry mobs

Cornerstone of the Washington Monument is laid

Emancipation debate intensifies when abolitionists free 77 Washington slaves and spirit them away on a boat, The Pearl, only to be stopped and the slaves recaptured.

May 17, 1848 – Congress adopts a new charter for the City of Washington and expands the number of elected offices to include a board of assessors, a surveyor, a collector and a registrar

Congressman Abraham Lincoln offers legislation to emancipate DC slaves
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is finally completed
DC population 51,867

President Taylor dies in office, serves 1 year 227 days. He was the second president to die in office.

Compromise of 1850 abolishes the slave trade in Washington, DC. It also establishes the Texas-New Mexico border and declares Congress cannot interfere in regulating interstate slave trade

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History October 10

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History September 20

April 9,1851 B&O RR Station opens at New Jersey Ave & C St NW

Fire at the Library of Congress destroys 2/3 of its collection. Many of the volumes have since been replaced, but nearly 900 are still missing.

Myrtilla Miner founds Normal School for Colored Girls

Evening Star newspaper founded
Clark Mill’s statue of Andrew Jackson is dedicated in Lafayette Square

Work begins on aqueduct to bring water from Great Falls into Washington

B&O connects their New Jersey Ave station with the north shore of Long Bridge via Maryland Ave. No tracks placed on bridge until the Civil War. Tracks owned jointly by both the Alexandria & Washington RR and the B&O RR

James Renwick’s red castle is completed on the Mall to house the Smithsonian Institution

Washington Monument funds run out, and the construction stops at 55 feet

“Know Nothing” riots in Washington kill six people

House of Representative moves into current home in south wing of the Capitol

The Senate moves into the enlarged north wing of the Capitol; it is the same structure that the Senate resides in today
DC population 75,080

Supreme Court moves from its basement courtroom in the Capitol to the former Old Senate Chamber

Congress institutes strict loyalty oaths for all federal and local government employees
Metropolitan Police created

The US Capitol houses Union soldiers, providing medical attention and a place to sleep. The Capitol grounds served as a popular parade area for troops.

April 16, 1862 – Congress abolishes slavery in the federal district (the City of Washington, Washington County, and Georgetown). This action predates both the Emancipation Proclamation and the adoption of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
July 29,1862 First Horsecar service via rail commences from the Capitol to the State Department

Freedman’s Hospital is founded. Major Alexander Augusta, a black surgeon, is placed in charge. The hospital changed its name to Howard University Hospital 100 years later.

President Lincoln’s son Willie dies of typhoid fever in the White House

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History April 16

“Statue of Freedom” is placed atop the Capitol–sculpted by Thomas Crawford.
Capitol dome completed; Lee surrenders to Grant on April 8; Lincoln assassinated at Ford’s Theatre on April 14.

1865 Fire at Smithsonian castle destroys the Institution’s collection of scientific artifacts

May 23, 1865 Army of the Potomac parades down Pennsylvania Avenue

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History April 14

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History May 23

April 19 African Americans celebrate emancipation
Development of Washington’s park system begins

Howard University is chartered and named after General Howard, who was then the commissioner of the Freedmen’s Bureau

Overriding President Johnson’s veto, Congress grants the male black citizens of DC the right to vote

National Intelligencer shuttered, after 69 years
DC population 131,700
June 1, 1871 – The elected mayor and council of Washington City and Georgetown, and the County Levy Court are abolished by Congress and replaced by a governor and council appointed by the president. An elected House of Delegates and a non-voting delegate to Congress are created. In this act, the jurisdiction and territorial government came to be called the District of Columbia, thus combining the governments of Georgetown, the City of Washington and the County of Washington. A seal and motto, “Justitia Omnibus” (Justice for All), are adopted for the District of Columbia (seal and motto are used to this day)
Alexander Shepherd begins city improvement program as head of the Public Works commission bibliography

September 1873 – Alexander Shepherd appointed governor

June 20, 1874 – The territorial government of the District of Columbia, including the non-voting delegate to Congress, is abolished. Three temporary commissioners and a subordinate military engineer are appointed by the president.
Lucy Hayes sponsors the first Easter egg-rolling contest at the White House

Washington Post founded by Stilson Hutchins

June 11, 1878 – In The Organic Act of 1878, Congress approves the establishment of the District of Columbia government as a municipal corporation governed by three presidentially appointed commissioners _ two civilian commissioners and a commissioner from the Army corps of engineers. This form of government lasted until August 1967.
The Capitol gets electric lighting
DC population 177,624
July 2,1881 President James A. Garfield shot by Charles J. Guiteau, a disappointed office seeker at B&P station. Garfield dies from blood poisoning September 19,1881
Library of Congress American Memory Today in History July 2

First edition of the Washington Bee, a widely read African American newspaper, is published
1883 C&P is formed; services 900 phones
The Washington Monument is completed
Library of Congress American Memory Today in History December 6

Sun Building opens–city’s first skyscraper
Washington Monument is dedicated before a crowd of thousands

Uniontown renamed Anacostia
L’Enfant’s original manuscript of the Plan Of the City of Washington is rediscovered
August 27, 1888 Subdivision law passed

Washington Monument opens to the public

October 17,1888 First experimental electric trolley in Washington 7th & NY Ave NW to 4th & T NE, only months after Frank Sprague’s successful demonstrations in Richmond, Va.

Late May/early June, 1889 Potomac River floods extensively damage C&O Canal. Would be another 2+ years before the canal reopens, now under the control of the paralleling B&O RR. Canal reopened September, 1891 & never ‘made money’ again.
May 12,1890 Cable car operation commences
DC population 230,392

National Zoo moves its animals from the Mall to its new home at Rock Creek Park

White House gets electric lighting

Permanent Systems of Highways, March 2, 1893
Cairo Hotel built, prompting building height limitation regulations by District Commissioners

Congress mandates NO overhead wires or power poles in Washington city proper

Columbia Historical Society established (now Historical Society of Washington, D.C.)

Coxey’s Army arrives in Washington to demand financial aid for unemployed Americans

First section of Highway plan submitted
Public Library established
July 29,1896 First successful electric conduit operation for streetcars in Washington. Only Washington & New York City-Manhattan Island ever adopt this type of operation in the United States. Overhead wires permitted outside city limits

First automobiles drive on city streets
Library of Congress building opens

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History November 1

Last Horsecar operation

Permanent Systems of Highways legislation revised

July 23,1899 Last cable car operation in Washington, D.C.

Prompted by construction of he fourteen-story Cairo apartment building, Congress passes the Height of Buildings Act at the request of the District commissioners

DC population 278,718

Potomac dredging work leads to creation of Potomac Parks and Tidal Basin

Washington celebrates its centennial

McMillan Commission plans development of Mall from Capitol to Lincoln Memorial.

Anna Cooper becomes principal of M Street High School (later renamed Dunbar)

Theodore Roosevelt officially adopts the name White House for the presidential residence

February 28, 1903 President Theodore Roosevelt signs into law a measure “to provide for a Union Station in the District of Columbia.”

October, 1903-1908 Union Station constructed & opened at a cost of $16 million including facilities, Brentwood car shops, etc. 24 at-grade crossings with B&O removed from service by relocation & new construction. Washington Terminal RR created to provide switching services for station owners (B&O and PRR) and tenants from the south (Chesapeake & Ohio, RF&P, Southern, Atlantic Coast Line, and Seaboard). Many at-grade crossings eliminated from the Virginia Ave mainline with new elevated trackage.

Carnegie-funded Washington Public Library opens at Mount Vernon Square

July 4, 1906 – The District Building, on 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, becomes the official City Hall.
December 30,1906 Train wreck at Terra Cotta near present day Fort Totten. 52 killed on train & platform resulting in ICC banning future wooden body passenger car construction

Board of Education appointed by Supreme Court of the District of Columbia

Union Station opens, largest train station in country

October 27,1907 Last B&O train leaves from New Jersey Ave. station (2:52 AM the “Duquesne Limited” for Pittsburgh) & Ist train arrives (6:50 AM from Pittsburgh) into partially completed Union Station. Old B&O station abandoned & quickly demolished.

November 17, 1907 1st PRR train in & out of Union Station. Other rail lines from the south also commence usage. B&P station & adjacent Mall trackage abandoned. Old B&P station demolished after August, 1908

President Roosevelt presides over ground-breaking for the Washington National Cathedral

June 24, 1908 First streetcar service to Union Station, over 8 months after opening

Union Station formally dedicated. Designed by architect Daniel Burnham


Orville Wright’s demonstration flight for the federal government takes him from Fort Myer to Shuter’s Hill and back

DC population 331,069

May 17, 1910 Commission of Fine Arts established

Cherry trees, a gift from Japan, planted in Tidal Basin.
Library of Congress American Memory Today in History March 27

Washington chapter of NAACP opens. This soon became the center of NAACP’s government activities.

1913 Public Utilities Commission established

Suffragist Parade March 13

Construction of the Lincoln Memorial begins
Carter Woodson founds the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in Washington
America enters World War I and Washington’s population swells with war workers. Rows of temporary war buildings are erected around the Mall.
“Red Summer” riots tear city apart, kill thirty people, and leave race relations in tatters
DC population 437,571
Zoning Commission established and first zoning regulations created

Lincoln Memorial completed
Knickerbocker Theater roof caves in, killing 96

Freer Galley of Art opens
Late March (29),1924 C&O Canal finally ceases operating after another of many floods (the 5th) causes excessive damage. The Canal had been owned for many years by the B&O RR, keeping other would-be competitors (the Western Md. Railway.) from the property. B&O keeps the canal serviceable though mostly dry until the 1936 floods and then sells the entire 184.7 mile long canal, Georgetown, DC to Cumberland, Md to the US Park Service in October, 1938 for $2,000,000

Key Bridge is opened

Washington Senators win the world series against the New York Giants 4 games to 3

National Capital Park Commission organized

National Capital Planning Commission (originally National Capital Park Commission, then National Capital Park and Planning Commission) organized
Construction begins on Federal Triangle
DC population 486,869
Hunger marchers come to Washington
Arlington Memorial Bridge is completed

Bonus Army arrives in city, encamping in empty buildings and on banks of Anacostia. President Hoover refuses to meet with the Bonus Army, and Congress turns down the marchers’ demand for bonus pay. General Douglas MacArthur’s troops chase marchers from city in day of bitter violence.

Folger Shakespeare Library opens

Having used borrowed quarters for 143 years, the Supreme Court moves to its own building

Library of Congress American Memory Today in History July 28

December 1, 1933 Capital Transit formed by consolidation of Washington Railway & Electric Co and Capital Traction Co. thereby placing all street railways under one management for the first time

Eugene Meyer buys Washington Post at bankruptcy auction from McLean family

The 20th Amendment changes the date of the President’s inauguration from March 4 to January 20

1935 First Cherry Blossom Festival takes place
Mary McLeod Bethune becomes the first black woman to head a federal agency, the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration
Washington Redskins win the National Football League championship 28-21 against the Chicago Bears

Negro League baseball champions, the Homestead Grays move to Washington. They play at Griffith Stadium, home of the Senators
Frank Capra’s “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” premieres

DAR refuses to let renowned African American opera singer Marian Anderson sing at Constitution Hall because of a long-standing policy of racial segregation. With the help of first Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Anderson is invited to sing from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. About 75,000 people, both black and white, gather to hear Anderson

DC population 663,000

Mary Church Terrell publishes her autobiography A Colored Woman in a White World

First plane lands at National Airport; United States declares war on Japan.

Massive construction takes place in DC to fill wartime need for housing and office space
Jefferson Memorial completed
Pentagon completed

DC population 802,178

President Truman and family move to Blair House as White House renovation begins

September 22, 1950 Old Georgetown Act

July 1, 1952 – The Reorganization Plan of 1952 transfers to the three commissioners the functions of more than 50 boards.

White House renovation completed after a literal gutting and rebuilding

Thursday, January 15,1953 Pennsylvania RR “Federal Express” train wreck injures 43 at Union Station; no fatalities.

Supreme Court rules that Thompson’s Restaurant in DC cannot exclude African Americans because of an 1872 municipal law.

Following the Brown v. Board of Education and Bolling v. Sharpe Supreme Court decisions, Washington becomes the first major city to integrate its schools
Summer,1955 Congress revokes Capital Transit Co franchise following 45-day strike by carmen and passes Public Law #389 which specifies that the new operator will provide an all bus system within 8 years. Takes over I year to find a buyer for franchise.
Population declines for first time to 763,956
23rd Amendment is passed granting DC residents the right to vote for president

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy commences White House redecoration program

Washington Senators move to Minnesota and become the Twins

Woodrow Wilson Bridge dedicated

Sunday, January 28,1962 Navy Yard, 14th & Colorado, Bureau Engraving, Calvert Street Loop, 17th & Penna. Ave SE & Union Station street car lines abandoned. Last street car pulls into Navy Yard carhouse ending 99 1/2 years of street railway service in the Nation’s Capital.

CIA moves to Langley headquarters

More than 200,000 March on Washington, hear Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “I Have a Dream” speech supporting civil rights.

1963 President Kennedy’s preservation push helps save buildings around Lafayette Square

1964 Washingtonians first vote for president (since 1800)
Capital Beltway completed

Marion Barry moves to Washington to open local chapter of SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee).

Watergate East apartment building opens; two-bedroom unit sells for $45,000

February 20, 1967 – The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is created through a compact between the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia

President Johnson appoints Walter E. Washington as mayor-commissioner of DC (and Thomas Fletcher deputy), changing three-commissioner system to a single presidentially appointed commissioner and an appointed nine-member council

April 22, 1968 – District residents receive the right to elect a Board of Education.
First phase of L’Enfant Plaza is finished

Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis setting off riots in Washington that kill several people and destroy areas of the city, including H St NE, Columbia Heights, U St.

3 Sisters Bridge construction in Georgetown commences causing release of funds for Washington Metro subway. 3 Sisters Bridge never built
DC population 756,510
DC gains an elected non-voting delegate to the US House of Representatives

John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts opens

May Day protest in Washington leads to thousands of arrests

Break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate office complex
City loses Senators baseball team for a second time, as the team leaves Washington to become the Texas Rangers

Republic of China gives America a pair of giant pandas, Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling, and they become the stars of the National Zoo

Martin Luther King Library opens, replacing library on Mount Vernon Square

Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC) established

December 24, 1973 – Congress approves the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, P.L. 93-198, establishing an elected mayor and a 13-member council
May 7, 1974 – Voters of the District of Columbia approve by referendum the District Charter and the establishment of advisory neighborhood commissions.
General elections are held for the mayor and councilmembers on November 5, 1974.

January 2, 1975 – The newly-elected Mayor Walter Washington and first elected council take office

Saturday, March 27,1976 First 4.6 miles of Washington Metro subway opens

Bicentennial celebrations draw a million people to the Mall for the city’s greatest fireworks display

February 3, 1976 – The first election for advisory neighborhood commissioners is held

National Air and Space Museum opens on the Mall

August 22, 1978 – Congress approves the District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment, which would give District residents voting representation in the House and the Senate. The proposed constitutional amendment was not ratified by the necessary number of states (38) within the allotted seven years, thus failed.

East Building of the National Gallery of Art opens

1979 January 2, 1979 – The Mayor Marion Barry takes office.
Pope John Paul II delivers a mass on the Mall

DC Historic Preservation Review Board established, replacing Joint Committee on Landmarks (established by the NCPC and CFA)

DC population 638,333

November 4, 1980 – District electors approve the District of Columbia Statehood Constitutional Convention of 1979, which became D.C. Law 3-171 and which called for convening a state constitutional convention

President Reagan shot and nearly killed in assassination attempt outside the Washington Hilton

Washington Star newspaper shuttered

Vietnam Veterans Memorial erected in Constitution Gardens.
January 13,1982 Air Florida flight crashes into 14th Street Bridge, killing almost all on board. The same day, Metro suffers its worst accident, also resulting in several fatalities.

November 2, 1982 – After the constitutional convention, a Constitution for the State of New Columbia is ratified by District voters.

The Washington Convention Center opens, spurring downtown development

October 1, 1984 – The District enters the municipal bond market

The renovated Old Post Office opens, heralding the rebirth of Pennsylvania Avenue

Rhodes Tavern demolished

DC Voting rights Amendment, giving the District voting representation in Congress and approved in 1978, dies after 13 states reject it

October 29, 1986 – Congress approves an amendment to the District of Columbia Stadium Act of 1957, which authorizes the transfer of Robert F. Kennedy Stadium from the federal government to the District of Columbia government.
Willard Hotel reopened

February 20, 1987 – The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is created to acquire Washington National and Washington – Dulles International airports from the federal government, pursuant to P.L. 99-151, The Metropolitan Washington Airports Act of 1986. The authority begins operating the airports on June 7, 1987

October 1, 1987 – Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital is transferred to the District of Columbia government pursuant to P.L. 98-621, The St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and the D.C. Mental Health Services Act of 1984

The Smithsonian Quadrangle opens

Thursday, September 29, 1988 rededication of Union Station after $160 million renovation
DC population 606,900

DC voters elect a “shadow” congressional delegation to lobby congress for statehood

Mayor Marion Barry is caught smoking crack cocaine by surveillance team

Washington National Cathedral completed 83 after groundbreaking


Cinco de Mayo riots in Mount Pleasant and Adams Morgan cause unrest in city for several days

January 2, 1991 – Mayor Sharon Pratt Dixon, the first woman mayor, takes office


The House approves statehood for Washington D.C., but the Senate does not

June 22,1992 Virginia Railway Express (VRE) commuter RR commences service from Northern Virginia

Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly moves government offices to 441 4th St NW (One Judiciary Square)

Alexandria defeats plans by Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke and Governor Douglas Wilder to build a 76,000-seat football stadium at Potomac Yard.


U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum opens near Mall

DC Delegate to congress Eleanor Holmes Norton, supported by other leaders, introduces a measure in the US House of Representatives to grant statehood to the District of Columbia. The measure is defeated

Smithsonian Institution’s National Postal Museum opens


1994 Marion Barry elected to a fourth term as mayor after serving time in prison


January 2, 1995 – Marion Barry takes office for an unprecedented fourth term as Mayor of the District of Columbia.

Pennsylvania Avenue closed to vehicular traffic in front of the White House on security grounds.

April 17, 1995 – President Clinton signed the law creating a presidentially appointed District of Columbia (DC Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority) Control Board and a mayor-appointed Chief Financial Officer

July 13, 1995 – The newly appointed financial control board holds its first public meeting. Composed of Dr. Andrew Brimmer, chair; and members – Joyce A. Ladner, Constance B. Newman, Stephen D. Harlan and Edward A. Singletary. John Hill is the Executive Director and Daniel Rezneck is the General Counsel.

1995 Korean War Veterans Memorial is dedicated


February 14, 1996 – Mayor Barry announces a transformation plan to reduce the size of government and increase its efficiency.
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC) abolished


Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial is dedicated

MCI Center opens

Last District government officials (DC Council) move out of District Building to 441 4th St NW


1998 Ronald Reagan Trade Center dedicated, completing Federal Triangle 60 years since its inception


Mayor Anthony Williams inaugurated

African-American Civil War Memorial opens


National Capital Revitalization Corporation established


September 11, 2001-Terrorist attack destroys part of the Pentagon

District government returns to District (now Wilson) Building

September 30, 2001 Control Board (DC Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority) goes out of business

International Spy Museum opens
New Convention Center opens at Mount Vernon Square

City Museum of Washington, DC opens in old Washington Public Library on Mount Vernon Square

World War II Memorial slated to open
April: City Museum closes
Adrian Fenty becomes mayor of the District of Columbia

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