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Plinky is in archive mode. Signups and logins have been disabled. — Looking for inspiration? Check out Daily Post on WordPress.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • General

  • What is Plinky?
    Plinky makes it easy for you to create inspired content. Every day we provide a prompt (i.e. a question or challenge) and you answer. We make it simple to add rich media and share your answers on Facebook, Twitter and blogs.
  • Why can't I sign up?
    Plinky will be shutting down, effective September 1st, 2014. As a result, we've closed account signups. Looking for daily inspiration? Head on over to The Daily Post for tips, writing prompts, and more.
  • Can I get my data?
    We want you to be able to find a new home for your creativity before Plinky is shut down. Once you've logged in, go to the Export tool under your settings. From that page, you can download an html or text file that contains all of your responses.
  • How do I use Plinky?
    When you log in, you’ll be directed to our daily prompt. You can write a little or a lot, and add photos, maps or other media to enhance your post depending on the prompt. If you use services like WordPress, you can link them to your Plinky account and share your answers through them, too.
  • Do I need anything special to use Plinky?
    Just an internet connection, a computer and your dashing wit.
  • Is there a mobile site for Plinky?
    Not yet, sorry. We're iPhone and BlackBerry fans ourselves, so we'll be working on a mobile-optimized version of plinky.com soon.
  • Can I suggest a prompt?
    We'd love it. Once logged in, you can find a "Suggest a prompt" tool from the Prompts menu.
  • Services

  • How do I use Plinky with my blog?
    If it's supported, you need to associate it with your Plinky account (see below for list of supported blogging services). You can do this by going to http://www.plinky.com/services and clicking "Add Service." We'll walk you through the process of adding each service there.

    Once they're added, you can share to certain services by default, but you can always change this on a by-answer basis at the time of answering.

    Even if we don't support your blogging platform, you can use the "Embed code" you'll see on the confirmation page after answering a prompt. Just copy and paste the code there into your blog's HTML editor.
  • What services do you support today?
  • How do I share Plinky answers on Twitter or Facebook?
    You can post to Twitter and Facebook from the confirmation page after answering a prompt – you don't need to add them on the Services page..
  • Why isn't the blogging/social network/other service I use supported yet?
    It takes a considerable amount of work to get each service working with our infrastructure. Don't worry – we're actively working on adding more services. In fact, you can tell us what services you want to see by contacting us.
  • Answers

  • Can I edit my answers once they’ve been posted to the web?
    Yes. You can edit and update your answers by going to that answer's page and clicking on "Edit answer." If you link your Plinky account to a blog, like Wordpress or Tumblr, making changes from your Plinky homepage will automatically update your blog post as well. If you make edits from your blog, however, it will not update your entry on Plinky.
  • How do I delete my answer on Plinky?
    Click on the answer you would like to delete from the "Your answers" page. You'll notice there's a trash can icon on the top right corner above the title of your post. Click on the trash can and your answer will be deleted. Keep in mind that deleting your answer on Plinky will not delete it from any services (eg. blogs) you've shared with.
  • Can I tag or label answers?
    Soon! Not yet. But soon.
  • Why is there a star on answers?
    The star is a way for you to indicate you enjoyed the particular post. Once you click on the star, the associated answer will be added to your favorites.
  • Following and profiles

  • What does it mean to follow someone on Plinky?
    When you follow someone on Plinky, you are electing to view their answers on your "followed answers" page. Your followers are people who want to see your content in the same way.
  • How do I know who I’m following?
    From the main menu, hover over "People" and click on "People you follow." You can also find them on your profile page, under "You follow."
  • How do I know who is following me?
    From the main menu, hover over "People" and click on "Your followers." You can also receive email notifications for new followers (you can change your preference on the Settings page under "Email.")
  • Who can view my profile?
    Profiles are public by default, so anyone can see it. At some point, we will introduce privacy settings allowing you to control who sees your profile.
  • Can I block unwanted followers?
    Not yet. We recognize the importance of this and are working on privacy features.
  • How do I add a friend who already has a Plinky account?
    Every person’s profile page has a "follow" button. Click on it to follow your friend.

    You can also find people from your email address book who are on Plinky. Just go click "Find your friends" from the "People" dropdown menu. The "Find your friends" page asks you to enter your email credentials, and if one of your contacts already has a Plinky account, you can follow him or her.

    To search for one user at a time, you can enter either their real or user name in the Plinky search field on most pages on the site.
  • Can I send a private message to someone?
    We don't currently offer messaging on the site.
  • Account and Settings

  • What if I forget my password?
    When you go to log in, click on "forgot your password?" then enter your email address. You receive an email with a link that takes you to password reset page. From there, you can reset your password.
  • How can I change my Plinky password?
    Use the "Change Password" form on the Settings page.
  • How can I delete my Plinky account?
    Click the "Delete my account" link at the bottom of the Settings page.
  • Troubleshooting

  • My answer appears on Plinky but not on my blog.
    Once you post your answer to Plinky, if you've selected other services to send to, we use the login information you provided on the Services page to share that post to these services. If your post didn't go through to your blog, try this:

    1. 1. Visit your post on Plinky (go to http://www.plinky.com/people/USERNAME/answers and click on the answer in question).

    2. 2. To the right, see if the service in question is listed under "Services." If not, click the link to add a service to share.

    3. 3. If it is selected, try updating (especially if it does not say "POSTED" with a time and date).

    4. 4. If that doesn't work, check on the "Services" page (http://www.plinky.com/services) to make sure your login information checks out okay.

    5. 5. If you've done all of that and it still doesn't work, it might be an issue with your blogging service provider. See below for links to their help pages:

    Still have questions? We don't blame you. This stuff can be frustrating. Contact us and we'll do our best to help.
  • Plinky looks weird in my browser.
    At this point, Plinky works best in Mozilla Firefox 2+, Internet Explorer 7+, and Safari 3+. We're actively working to improve the user experience for everyone, but in the mean time, we recommend using one of those.>
  • Why am I having trouble adding my self-hosted WordPress blog?
    You may have to go to http://www.YOURDOMAINNAME.com/wp-admin/options-writing.php and enable Atom and XML-RPC publishing protocols, and try adding it again. If it still doesn't work after that, contact us.

  • Plinky was originally created by Thing Labs, was acquired by Automattic in 2010, and shutdown on September 1st, 2014.