
NIH Calendar of Events (Yellow Sheet)

A comprehensive calendar of NIH institute-sponsored or related events held at or near the NIH’s Bethesda, Maryland, campus.

The NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series (WALS)

The goal of the WALS is to keep NIH researchers abreast of the latest and most important research in the United States and beyond.

Director’s Seminar Series

Features outstanding late tenure-track or recently tenured investigators whose work is of broad interest at NIH. Speakers are approved by the NIH director, and talks are held monthly from September through June.

OBSSR Director’s Webinar Series

This Webinar Series features a variety of behavioral and social sciences research topics that highlights the research of investigators supported by the NIH.

Clinical Center Grand Rounds

The weekly Clinical Center Grand Rounds provide a mechanism for presentations on state-of-the-art discoveries.

Deputy Director for Management (DDM) Seminar Series NIH only

Offers the NIH community engaging presentations that provide meaningful insights into leadership and management concepts, challenges, and solutions.

Demystifying Medicine Lecture

Includes the presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research.

Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series

Overviews of the current state of research and practice involving complementary health approaches and explores perspectives on the emerging discipline of integrative medicine.


Methods: Mind the Gap Webinar Series

This webinar series bridges the gap between evidence and practice. Topics cover research design, measurement, intervention, data analysis, and other methods in prevention science.

NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series

The NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series features lectures and discussions with leading neuroscientists.

NCI at Frederick Series

Includes the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series, Frederick Faculty Seminar Series, and Staff Scientist/Staff Clinician Seminar Series.

This page last reviewed on April 16, 2020