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Menyertai Jun 2009


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  1. 57 minit lalu

    BREAKING: Nine of the 12 members on the Minneapolis City Council have vowed they will work to end policing as the city currently knows it. Council Member Jeremiah Ellison promised the council would “dismantle” the department.

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  2. 2 jam lalu

    BREAKING: National Hurricane Center says Tropical Storm Cristobal has made landfall on southeast Louisiana coast.

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  3. 2 jam lalu

    “What we’re facing is a real reckoning on a lot of levels.” Black activists believe the police killing of George Floyd and the attending nationwide civil unrest could be the catalyst for overhauling the criminal justice system.

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  4. Mengetweet Semula
    3 jam lalu

    A treasure hunter has found a bronze chest filled with gold and jewels that was hidden a decade ago somewhere in the Rocky Mountain wilderness. The art collector who created the mystery says the winner sent him a photo of the prize as proof.

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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    4 jam lalu

    In an era of social distancing, it will be a different experience for fans once they are allowed back into stadiums and arenas. by >>

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  6. 3 jam lalu

    BREAKING: The New York Times’ editorial page editor has resigned amid outrage over a GOP senator's op-ed column advocating for federal troops to quell protests. The outcry grew when it was revealed the editor had not read the piece before publication.

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  7. 3 jam lalu

    “This is a lesson for every cop in America: If you see something that is wrong, you need to step in," says Joseph Giacalone, a former New York police sergeant who now teaches at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

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  8. 4 jam lalu

    They are the Class of 2020, born in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks and coming of age in another tumultuous time. The AP spoke with and photographed several graduating high school seniors to talk about where they've been and where they're going.

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  9. 4 jam lalu

    "A pandemic within a pandemic." Protesters across the country are urged to take protective measures and get tested for coronavirus amid concerns that vast demonstrations against police brutality could lead to a spike in infections.

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  10. Mengetweet Semula
    5 jam lalu

    Strong winds fed a fast-growing wildfire that threatened about 100 homes and prompted evacuations near the rural Northern California town of Winters. (This tweet corrects the name of the town.)

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  11. Mengetweet Semula
    6 Jun

    Kristen Bell has written her first children's book 'The World Needs More Purple People' about a purple person, who looks for similarities before differences.

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    6 jam lalu

    Missing the French Open? Read the original game story of Michael Chang's comeback win against Ivan Lendl on his way to the championship in 1989.

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    6 jam lalu

    Anti-racism protesters used ropes to pull down a statue of a 17th-century slave trader in the southwestern English city of Bristol before dumping it into the harbor. Police said they have launched an investigation.

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  14. Mengetweet Semula
    6 jam lalu

    A Northern California sheriff’s deputy has been killed and two law enforcement officers wounded when they were ambushed with gunfire and explosives. The U.S. Air Force says the suspect was an active duty sergeant.

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  15. 6 jam lalu

    Lawyers for the two rookie police officers who were on the scene when George Floyd was arrested say they spoke up in the moment but didn’t step in to stop Derek Chauvin, who is charged with second-degree murder in Floyd's death.

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    7 jam lalu

    Jon Batiste () musician and bandleader of the leads a music march through the streets of New York City accompanied by protesters carrying instruments and signs. It was one of many peaceful protests across the nation.

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  17. 8 jam lalu

    • The virus-driven recession is accelerating the decline in struggling industries and causing upheaval across the global workforce. • Sewer clogs from face masks, gloves and wipes are increasing during the pandemic. These and other :

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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    9 jam lalu

    Retail workers are facing insults and even attacks from customers angry over being told to comply with coronavirus restrictions in stores. One store manager who was punched started a Facebook page to show what retail employees are going through.

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  19. 8 jam lalu

    They are the Class of 2020, born in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks and coming of age in another tumultuous time. The AP spoke with and photographed several graduating high school seniors to talk about where they've been and where they're going.

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  20. 9 jam lalu

    Minneapolis was among several major cities in the U.S. that had policies on the books requiring police officers to intervene to stop colleagues from using unreasonable force. But that didn't save George Floyd.

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