Annotated solutions for Genius 202

Follow the methodology behind Genius 202

*blanks in the clues had to be filled with a word (or a two-word phrase) that enabled the clue to be solved (these words being also themselves the solution to a clue)


1 baseless [CITY] BASEL/(c)E(n)S(u)S

5 wasted [SEIZE] W<A(s)S(e)T(s)>E’D

10 animation [ECLIPSES] AN<I(odine)/MAT>ION

11 china [BRANCH] branCH IN Amazon (hidden)

12 city [SCI-FI] C(irca)/(sci-f)/I/(ghos)T/(stor)Y

13 Montenegro [HERB] M(i/O)NT/GREEN(anag)/O

15 almost [MONTENEGRO] A/L(arge)<M(ontenegr)O>ST(reet)

16 drained [DIAMONDS] D(iamonds)/RAINED

19 chaotic [TRENDY] CH<A(merican)/O(old)T(estament)>IC

21 Oscars [SPIN OUT] S(tar)/R(esents)/A(gent)/C(hurning)/S(pin)/O(ut)

23 institutes [THING] IN/S(ociety)/IT(rev)/TUTE(e)S

25 hear [SCINTILLA] H(orseradish)/EAR

27 sci-fi [INSTITUTES] S(cholasti)C/I(nstitute)<F(rance)>I(institute)

28 chameleon [CHAMELEON] ME (ie Chameleon) in CLONE(d) HA (anag)

29 sleigh [ALMOST] S(anta)/L(eaving)/EIGH(t)

30 verbally [LEAP] LAB/REV (rev) + L(eap)/Y(ears)


1 branch [DRAINED] BRA + N(ordi)C/H(-bomb)

2 scintilla [CHAOTIC] ILL in ANTICS (anag)

3 leap [CHINA] PA<E(astern)>L (rev)

4 spin-out [UNITED] U(nited) in POINTS (anag)

6 ascendancy [NERVE CELL] A(ctive/N(erve)/C(ell) in SYNCED (anag)

7 thing [BASELESS] THIN(k)/(do)G(ma)

8 diamonds [ASCENDANCY] MAID(rev)/ON/(b)DS(m)

9 united [VERBALLY] you knighted (hom)

14 containing [WASTED] GIN AN(d) TONIC (anag)

17 nerve cell [CHURCH] C(of)E/LL under NERVE

18 eclipses [ANIMATION] LESS EPIC (anag)

20 church [SLEIGH] CHU(m)/RC/(sleig)H

21 operate [CONTAINING] OP(i)<E(cstasy)/R(ight)>ATE

22 trendy [OSCARS] T(oo) NERDY (anag)

24 seize [HEAR] C(rypti)C (hom)

26 herb [OPERATE] (lit)H(ium)/(conv)E(rter)/(ope)R(ate)/(ur)B(an)