G3AAJ Trophy

This is awarded annually, normally at the AMSAT-UK Colloquium, to the individual (or group of individuals) who have given outstanding service to the amateur radio satellite service.

The award is made at the discretion of the AMSAT-UK committee. The Cup was donated to AMSAT-UK by the late Ron Broadbent, G3AAJ, and was first awarded in 1996. Recipients have been

  • 2019 The POTY Team, G0MJW, PA3FYM, and M0EYT.
  • 2018 Peter Goodhall 2M0SQL
  • 2017 Frank H Bauer KA3HDO
  • 2016 The ARISS-UK Team
  • 2015 Trevor M5AKA
  • 2014 The FUNcube Development Team
  • 2013 Peter Guelzow DB2OS
  • 2012 Carlos Eavis G0AKI
  • 2011 Ken Eaton GW1FKY
  • 2010 Ib Christoffersen OZ1MY
  • 2009 Andrew Glasbrenner KO4MA
  • 2008 Gaston Bertells ON4WF
  • 2007 Andrew Sellers G8TZJ
  • 2006 Graham Shirville G3VZV
  • 2005 Dave Johnson G4DPZ
  • 2004 Stacey Mills W4SM
  • 2003 Howard Long G6LVB
  • 2002 Fred and Jenny Southwell G6ZRU G1LIT
  • 2001 Clive Wallis G3CWV
  • 2000 Prof Dr K Meinzer DJ4ZC
  • 1999 Werner Haas DJ5KQ
  • 1998 R.W.L. Limebear G3RWL
  • 1997 John Heath G7HIA
  • 1996 Graham Ratcliff VK5AGR

About Ron Broadbent G3AAJ (Written December 31, 1994)

Amateur Radio has many interesting facets; one of the most challenging concerns amateur radio satellites.  Astonishingly, since 1962 over 30 amateur radio satellites have been built and launched, including the first non-military, non- governmental and non-commercial satellite. Another in 1965 provided the first satellite communications of any sort between the USA and USSR.

Currently, about a dozen of these satellites are operational and are being added to at a rate of about 2 per year.  They are used daily by thousands of radio amateurs.  Many satellites include equipment and facilities that are technically years in advance of commercial practice.

All this is achieved at a price.  While individual radio amateurs will contribute their time and skills free of charge, nevertheless real costs also have to be met, chiefly for electronic and mechanical hardware.  Thus, over the years Amateur Satellite (AMSAT) organisations have evolved to attend to this.

From left to right - Partner of TR8BL, Luciano TR8BL, Gabon Ambassador to the U.K., Ron Broadbent G3AAJ, Secretary of AMSAT-UK.Photo taken in garden of G3AAJ in London.

From left to right – Partner of TR8BL, Luciano TR8BL, Gabon Ambassador to the U.K., Ron Broadbent G3AAJ, Secretary of AMSAT-UK.
Photo taken in garden of G3AAJ in London.

One such is called AMSAT-UK which was born in the early ’70s as an occasional newsletter.  But this modest start created great interest and therefore more and more demand on the time of the handful of volunteers then involved, until in 1978 the whole ad hoc arrangement was swept up into a coherent whole by Ron Broadbent G3AAJ who agreed to take on the job of an Honorary Secretary.

During his first year, it became apparent that AMSAT-UK had been blessed with a real worker. During the next sixteen years (1978 – 1994) he steadily, and virtually single-handedly, built the organisation up into a world respected body dedicated to fund-raising for amateur satellites.  Amateur radio is an international hobby, and a substantial proportion of AMSAT-UK’s several thousand members are also from overseas.

Ron Broadbent’s voluntary activities include:

– Answering thousands of enquiries worldwide about Amateur Satellites
– Organising stand and attendance at several exhibitions per year
– Production of 6 issues per annum of award-winning Oscar News Magazine
(48 – 64 pages)
– Twice weekly on-the-air discussion forum.

Fund Raising
– Recruiting new members and their voluntary subscriptions
– Sale of related electronic hardware, computer software, books and pamphlets
– Badgering experts into producing the above.

– Distributing funds for amateur spacecraft projects.

– Organising annual International Amsat Space Symposium held at the
University of Surrey (9 so far), typically 200 delegates, half from

– Coordinating Amsat-UK steering committee
– Liaison with other AMSAT groups worldwide
– Attending international meetings (such as the World Administrative Radio
Conference WARC) to ensure radio frequencies remain allocated for
radio amateur usage.

All this was done in his spare time from home when the day job was with Trinity House attending to the UK’s lighthouses and lightships.  He retired from Trinity House in 1985, and since then has worked full-time 12 hours/day, 7 days/week, more or less for free, furthering the amateur satellite movement.

At the heart of most worthwhile public endeavours can be found one or two hard-working, unsung personalities.  Ron Broadbent G3AAJ is undoubtedly one of these selfless individuals, and the award of MBE (Member in the Order of the British Empire) in the Prime Minister’s Civil Honours List fittingly recognises these achievements.

(This material is herewith placed in the public domain and may be used freely and without acknowledgement. James Miller, G3RUH, Dec 31, 1994).

Beryl Broadbent, Martha Saragovitz and Ron Broadbent G3AAJ in 1980

Beryl Broadbent, Martha Saragovitz and Ron Broadbent G3AAJ in 1980