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Thousands mourn George Floyd in Texas amid calls for reform

June 8
The last chance for the public to say goodbye to George Floyd drew thousands of mourners Monday to a church in Houston where he grew up, as his death two weeks ago continues to stoke protests in America and beyond over racial injustice, and spurred France to abruptly halt the use of police choke holds.

Judge issues order halting Lee statue removal for 10 days

June 8
A judge in Richmond has issued an injunction preventing Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's administration from removing an iconic statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee for 10 days.
4 minutes ago

Black store owner reports robbery, gets punched by officer

An armed black business owner who called to report a robbery in his store in Alabama was punched in the face by a responding police officer who mistook him for a suspect, police said.
44 minutes ago

The Latest: New Delhi lifts order that limited hospital beds

New Delhi has reversed orders that limited the scope of coronavirus testing and reserved hospital beds for city residents as the Indian capital's caseload continues to surge.

The Latest: George Floyd to be buried in Houston

TOP OF THE HOUR:— George Floyd, whose death energized a movement, to be buried in Houston.— Protesters heartened by swift reform, but vow broader change.—…

Protesters heartened by swift reform, but vow broader change

In the two weeks since George Floyd's killing, police departments have banned chokeholds, Confederate monuments have fallen and officers have been arrested and charged amid large global protests against violence by police and racism.

Bond hearing scheduled for man accused in Uber rider's death

The man accused of killing a South Carolina woman who got into his car thinking it was her Uber ride is seeking to get out of jail while he awaits trial.

The Latest: George Floyd to be buried Tuesday in Houston

TOP OF THE HOUR:— George Floyd to be buried Tuesday in Houston.— Protesters heartened by swift reform, but vow broader change.— Protesters in Portland walk…
Adam Rapoport speaks onstage during the Ellie Awards 2019 at Brooklyn Steel on March 14, 2019 in New York City. Rapoport will step down as editor in c

Bon Appetit's top editor resigns after offensive photo

The editor-in-chief of Bon Appetit, Adam Rapoport, resigned after a photo of him dressed in a stereotypical Puerto Rican costume surfaced on social media.

'Save me': Texas man's in-custody death raises key questions

Police video and documents released more than a year after the in-custody death of a black man in Texas show that sheriff's deputies repeatedly used a stun gun on him despite multiple pleas that he couldn't breathe following a chase after he failed to dim his headlights.

Georgia Democrats face off in Senate primary after delay

The Democratic candidates vying to take on Republican Sen. David Perdue of Georgia in November face off in a primary election Tuesday after weeks of delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

South Carolina's Graham taking on 3 Republican challengers

In the next step of a race already on pace to become the most expensive in South Carolina history, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham is taking on three little-known GOP challengers in Tuesday's primary election, the last marker ahead of an expected general election face-off with Democrat Jaime Harrison.

Portland police chief resigns amid George Floyd protests

Portland's police chief resigned on Monday, just six months into her job, amid criticism of her department's handling of protests in Oregon's largest city. An African American lieutenant on the force replaced her.

George Floyd, whose death energized a movement, to be buried

The black man whose death has inspired a worldwide reckoning over racial injustice will be buried in Houston Tuesday, carried home in a horse-drawn carriage.

Lives Lost: Family of doctors loses 2 shining lights

Priya Khanna may have been destined to practice medicine all along, and not necessarily because she grew up in a family of doctors.
Today's Video
June 8

Seattle council members protest after tear gas used on crowd

Just days after Seattle's mayor and police chief promised a month-long moratorium on using a type of tear gas to disperse protesters, the department used it again during an overnight demonstration, bringing severe criticism Monday from City Council members, vows to overhaul the department and calls for the mayor to consider resigning.
June 8

Georgia primary: Will protest energy shift to voting booth?

President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, won't face each other directly in Tuesday's presidential primaries, but voting in Georgia and West Virginia gives both campaigns an opportunity to prove they can assemble coalitions strong enough to win in November.
June 8

Key Democrats spurn push to defund police amid Trump attacks

President Donald Trump and his allies have seized on calls to "defund the police" as a dangerous example of Democratic overreach as the Republican president fights for momentum amid crises that threaten his reelection.
June 8

Volunteers reopening some federal offices closed in pandemic

New regional surges in coronavirus cases forced the Environmental Protection Agency to put on hold some of the earliest planned returns of federal employees to…
June 8
Thousands of protesters marched to Mayor Jacob Frey's house in northeast Minneapolis on Saturday, June 6, to demand the city defund the Police Departm

Movement to defund police sees Minneapolis as proving ground

They may differ on what it means to dismantle or defund the police. But the idea has gained momentum across the country, with activists asking people to redefine public safety without armed, uniformed officers of the law.
June 8

Violence gives way to street fair vibe outside White House

That massive fence erected around Lafayette Park has become a do-it-yourself gallery of protest art. Messages, posters and portraits, ranging from loving to enraged, almost blot out the view of the White House across the way.
June 8

The Latest: Pakistan sees more than 100 virus deaths in day

Pakistan recorded more than 100 deaths in a single day from COVID-19 for the first time since keeping statistics in mid-March, when the country first imposed a lock down that has never been total.